Exactly how much water should I be able to drink right now?

Hey all, I'm a little over two weeks out of an open rny, and am wondering how much water you were able to drink when you were at the two week mark? Thanks so much! :)    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 26, 2002)

February 26, 2002
I had a revision surgery on Feb 7, so that makes me three weeks post op, and I am drinking my 60+ oz water daily with no problems.. My surgery was open RNY.. the revision was to correct a mechanical problem, and my pouch is much smaller than before..
   — Gina Landers

February 26, 2002
I am 8 months post op now and when I first had my open RNY, I couldn't get in my water, I found it really difficult. I started to drink out of sports bottles, or containers with straws to finally get in at least 64 oz a day. Now I have no problems at all, but I still drink from a bottle. It seems to go quicker!
   — Lacey M.

February 27, 2002
I had a very difficult time with water at first. In fact I had some fainting spells because I was dehydrated. If I took too big of a swallow I could teel the water pass through the pouch and it hurt. I agree that using a straw would make it go faster, however, my surgeon says absolutely no drinking through straws as you swallow air when you use a straw, and could cause painful gas. All surgeons have different recommendations though, so ask what yours recommends.
   — Danielle M.

February 27, 2002
I am 2.5 mos out and I had a really hard time getting 64 oz of water a day at first, but you can count ALL your liquid toward that goal. Soups, yogurt, popsicles, broth etc all count...even ice cream SF FF is considered a liquid. To get my liquid in now, I add a splash of Juicy Juice to my ice water...It makes it much easier to keep drinking. I never was a water drinker pre-op either. It is important to get as much as you can each day. Don't beat yourself up if you fail to make the 64 oz. goal. I just started reaching that goal consistently at 2 mos. post op. I am exercising more and it makes me thirstier.
   — Karen B.

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