Has anyone had excessive vaginal cysts since their surgery>

I had my VBG March 27,2001. Starting in May I developed several cysts on my vulva. I had to be hospitalized the first time this happened and put on IV antibiotics. Since then I have had them on 4 more separate occasions. They are very painful and can be up to the size of a golf ball. I usually have to go and have them incised and drained and then be put on antibiotics and pain meds. My ob/gyn thinks it is from the rapid weight loss (70lbs in 4 months). She also thinks it is a form of folliculitis. I can't seem to get any more information about it, and I don't think she is really sure either. I have been out of work so much as the cysts are so painful that I cannot bear walking or sitting down this point I am afraid I might get fired. I would love to hear from anyone else with this dilemma or anything similar.    — Kristi J. (posted on July 30, 2001)

July 29, 2001
Please don't take this wrong. Could it come from an STD? A lot of people get vaginal cysts from STD. Please get check for that. I am not suggesting that you are lose.
   — [Anonymous]

July 29, 2001
Honestly it sounds like Herpes to me. I had my first outbreak 7 months ago and it was cyst that turned to blisters. I didnt' know what it was. I'm not loose either. I got it from my daughter's dad. I can't use Valtrex I have to use Famvir. You might want them to take a biopsy of one and see if it contains the herpes simplex type 2 virus. Please dont' take offense. It isn't bad just annoying. Not curable, but treatable.
   — [Anonymous]

July 30, 2001
Hi, i haven't had the surgery yet (about to though). I just want to say that get these to alot. I mostely get them in between my legs, near the vagina. This is NOT Herpes...i have been to many doctors, and all it is are ingrown hairs. Alot of people get these. If this was herpes, your doctor would have let you know. If you need to e-mail anyone, you can e-mail me. [email protected]
   — Renee P.

July 30, 2001
I have had them all of my life. I read in my PCOS; The Hidden Epidemic Book by Samuel Thatcher that they are in part a condition of my PCOS. They are painful, and bothersome. I've had them all around my pubic area, crotch, vulva and once or twice even on my clitorus (talk about HURT). I had them before I was ever sexually active, so I really don't think they are any STD. I have also tried loose clothing vs. tight and cotton undies vs. cotton blend, nothing works. They seem to have a pattern, and it may be in conjunction with my periods, the amount of hair I have because of PCOS or clogged pores; there usually is some cause - ingrown hair etc.- who knows all of the individual factors! Usually they are like a big huge pimple/cyst, that is under the skin. Sometimes I try and just let them go away, but I have found that once relieved (popped), that brings immediate relief. I just expirienced my first one in my armpit, oh JOY, is mine! I thought I was the only one with the dark cloud over my head.
   — Karen R.

July 30, 2001
I think this a part of the toxins leaving your body as you lose weight, whenever I have lost in the past I get these, they are awful!
   — [Anonymous]

July 30, 2001
I have these too,every once in a while,they are a pain in the butt big time.They are mostly caused by ingrown hairs,as another poster said. I also had folliculitis and Mine was like a rash that itched something terrible and I caught it from a virus or something in my hottub,The Dr said to shock the nwater and keep it very clean and it would go away. The cyst will feel better if it comes to a head and you pop it. Good luck and stay away from tight jeans they can cause it too,by rubbing against your skin.
   — Brandy P.

July 30, 2001
I was told these are Bartholin Gland Cysts... here is a website that explains more about it. Hope this helps!
   — kristinevok

July 30, 2001
Check with an endocrinologist.
   — Donna M.

August 8, 2001
Just cruising back through the question and I went and read the Bartholin Gland Cysts web site. I think we are discussing two different things. My cysts are ramdom- The Bartholin Gland makes it seem that just certain areas are repeatedly affected, and triggered sometimes by a STD. Where I have had them on my face, pubic area, armpit etc. Anywhere I have hair and I don't have any any STD's. My cysts have never been the size of a golf ball, maybe a good sized big marble- but sometimes as small as a pea (they just feel huge)... and they all involve a ingrown hair. So perhaps we are all expiriencing different stuff?????
   — Karen R.

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