How many 30 something patients have had to get a tummy tuck?

I was wondering how many of you post ops in the 30 year old bracket have had to get a tummy tuck after the weight loss???Just curious if youth helps or not???    — lovemonterey (posted on July 24, 2002)

July 24, 2002
I am in the (30) bracket. I had to get a tummy tuck because my tummy was stretch for being over weight and for having children. I am very please with the results. When you are older you don't have much skin elasticity.
   — Sharon T.

July 24, 2002
I don't know that it has as much to do with age as it does with the position and amount of fat. I know of a woman my age who had to lose 200+ pounds and definitely needed a tuck. I am a pear shape and my stomach is "pudgy" after losing 142 pounds. I'd like to lose 20 more and it would be nice to have the flat stomach that a tuck could provide (I'm 33). But it doesn't really look that bad. My legs are fairly flabby as well as my arms though. I don't know...I guess I'd go for whatever insurance will cover then worry about the rest later. Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

July 24, 2002
I'm 39 and having my tummy tuck 2 weeks from today. I never had a huge stomach but with the weight loss, it looks like the biggest part of my body now.
   — Patty H.

July 24, 2002
I am 33 years old and one month and 12 days post op tummy tuck. I went in for the TT at a size 8 and came out a size 5/6 and that's with some swelling. I can't imagine what it'll be when I stop swelling. Woo-Hoo!! Good Luck!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

July 24, 2002
I was 38 when I had my LAP RNY in Dec. 2000. Now at 19 months post-op, unfortunately I will have to have the extra skin removed. Also, since I have a hernia, they will repair the hernia and do a tummy tuck at the same time. I'm hoping to have it done this December.
   — Maria H.

July 25, 2002
I haven't had surgery yet (8/6/02 open rny), but I look at it this way: If you have a balloon and blow it up with air, then release the air after 10 minutes: it has lost some of it's shape. But take the same balloon and blow it up and leave the air in it for a day or two: it now has completely lost it's shape. Depending on how long one has been overweight, how much overweight and how fast it's lost varies with each person. I hope I will not need a TT, but most likely will have to have it done. Good luck to you!
   — Dana B.

July 28, 2002
Hi, I am 36 and was only 122 lbs. overweight when I had my RNY. I was overweight about 10 yrs. However, I am fair skinned and had 2 LARGE babies while I was overweight. I also carried most of my weight around the middle. So, I have a HUGE apron now which causes me all kinds of pain. I am 10 lbs. from goal and having my abdominoplasty on Aug. 6th. My insurance approved right away. My doctor says the skin probably weighs between 8-10 lbs., so I will be at or close to goal post-op. I am scared and nervous and hope he does a good job and that I have no complications. Skin elasticity or lack thereof is caused by MANY being good genes! Others are complexion, water consumption and if you smoke or not. Good luck to you. As you get closer to goal, you will be able to tell if you will need one or not.
   — Karen B.

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