Bariatric Center
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ALO BARIATRICS Bariatric Center

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51 Reviews for ALO BARIATRICS
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There might be a hiccup or two along the way, in my case just a bit miscommunication over the phone but be sure Dr. Ramirez and his staff will be more than accommodating, understanding and kind. Dr. Ramirez is very thorough, he made sure I understand the entire process from the lab work until I was cleared to go home after recovery.
Thank you for helping me on this path to a healthier version of myself.
PS: All my best to the nurses and staff.


My husband insisted I had WLS for quite some time now, he’d say it help me lowering my cholesterol and alleviate my knee pain I’d just make excuses and put it off out of fear and when my body couldn’t handle it anymore thankfully Dr. Lopez was able to save me and masterfully perform my high risk high-bmi surgery. Word to the wise: If your health is deteriorating don’t wait to make a change and get healthier.


You can tell right away when you’re consulting with an expert. This happen to me the first time I talked to Dr. Lopez, he laid down all my options, explore them thoroughly and offered his professional advice like no other surgeon I’ve consulted before.

I went to Mexico (and happy I did) because I needed to improve my health and couldn’t wait longer for my health plan to schedule my surgery. All the weight related health problems I was experiencing were taking my best years away from me and my family.

Dr. Lopez performed my bypass; even though I might struggle I know the rest is on me!


My experience got much better once I arrived in Tijuana, I was very nervous traveling to another country by myself for the first time. I was cranky because of a lengthy layover; however, everybody was so nice and understanding, total pros. Dr. Ramirez is so sweet and skillful, my procedure went well, uneventful, I must say waking up from anesthesia was rough, I did experience a bit of nausea post-op; but I felt reassured that a nurse was always around caring for me. The hospital is very swanky, I felt on a spa holiday! Dr. Ramirez was very adamant I stick to all his post op directions, it’s been hard but I can see the results now. My latest weight related issue is going through smaller size clothes so quickly!

I wanted to turn my life around, became healthier and better my appearance. Having Dr. Ramirez perform my sleeve was a great decision on my part! Good luck on your journey.


Doctor Alejandro Lopez is simply the best doctor I’ve had, saying thank you is not enough. I have struggled with weight almost my entire adult life, a few years ago I had Weight Loss Surgery in my hometown I had very high hopes of getting rid of my excess weight permanently only to gain all the weight back again.

About six months ago I decided I needed to once again take action and get help to manage my weight; I researched the internet and found that sometimes you may be in need of a revision surgery, turns out I was one of those people! I talked and emailed many clinics and once I spoke to Dr. Lopez’s Dietitian and Patient Coordinator I experienced a different kind of care, I could tell they are committed professionals; not to mention all the consults to Doctor Lopez, he has been so patient and thorough, he explained to me that my first procedure was not performed quite right and that me bouncing back to my original weight was consequence of it.

I’m now Four and a half months post op, I’ve lost the expected weight so far, however I did not expect to gain this much energy and drive to reach my weight loss goals!


Dr. Ramirez was outstanding in every sense of the word! Even thou the trip was long all the way from Scranton PA to Tijuana, Mexico, the entire experience was truly life changing, at first I feared language would be a big issue, I was gladly surprised the Hospital staff was very knowledgeable and fluent in English. I felt as I was surrounded by friends and family who took care of me and pampered me especially Dr. Ramirez. He has the best bedside manners anyone could hope for. I'm happy and grateful to have him as my surgeon, he answered all of my questions and put my fears to rest regarding anesthesia and post-op recovery process. It's almost 6 moths after the surgery and I feel awesome, I have new, healthier eating habits and I keep losing weight, so far 28lbs down!!!
My sleeve surgery has changed the way I feel about myself and my body. I'm so looking forward to achieving my desired weight!


At first I didn't have a great experience with one of the coordinators but as I've worked with ALO they have been super nice and helpful in handling the situation. Thank you to the staff who has been emailing me since my last post. Everything has been resolved.

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Dr. Alejandro Lopez, I want to publicly express my gratitude for the new life the surgery you performed helped me accomplish. I’m almost 9 months post op and I’m still losing weight. I’ve become a very active woman, whereas before the surgery I struggled just cleaning my house or climbing the stairs at work. Please say hi to all your staff on my behalf, they were just wonderful to me!
I’m so happy I decided to have my surgery done in Tijuana, Mexico. It’s outrageous the same procedure can set you back as much as five times here in the states. Keep up the great work! XOXO


Dr. Alejandro Lopez-Ortega is an Amazing doctor. In my experience the best I've had the privilege of knowing, even more so than in my hometown Toronto.
Best bedside manners you can hope for, kind and funny! He came to greet me almost as soon as I got to the hospital. We talked for quite a bit; he was very understanding of my concerns, his words gave me calm and his vast knowledge and experience reassured me I had made the right decision. At first it was overwhelming to go abroad alone, just imagine how I felt about have surgery, all that went away when I started talking to the staff, everyone was very friendly and attentive. I met other Dr. Lopez's patients we started talking and turns out we all share the same impressions and opinions of him, so I knew I was in excellent hands.
I did struggled a bit after surgery, I felt very tired and woozy it lasted for the better part of the day; after than that things have been great! I have no more cravings I changed my life completely and I have come to enjoy making healthy life choices which I never did before. I had rarely any pain; I went through what's expected after WLS however no other complications, Dr. Lopez did an outstanding job! I'm a bit past 6 months post-op and I'm feeling so good about myself I didn't knew this version of myself in the mirror and I still have a long way to go and pounds to shed. Best of luck in your journey!

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Dr. Alejandro Lopez is by far the best doctor I’ve had, he made me feel very comfortable and safe at all times, he encouraged me to ask questions about my surgery and whatever it came after; he was very patient with me and also very thorough. I was told my surgery went as planned and so far I haven’t had any complication; sometimes a little discomfort. It’s been a bit tough for me to balance my life and physical activity as well as diets but it’s all been worth it especially now that I step into the scale and see my weight drop also, whenever I climb a flight of stairs or go shopping for clothes. My life has radically changed; all for the better I might add; I have nothing but praises for Dr. Lopez’s skill and professionalism. I’m forever in your debt.

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