Center for Obesity Surgery in Gainsville

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 109 ratings

Center for Obesity Surgery in Gainsville Bariatric Center

Eric Thoburn Profile Pic
Eric Thoburn
M.D., F.A.C.S.
Bruce Brient Profile Pic
Bruce Brient
M.D., F.A.C.S.

109 Reviews for Center for Obesity Surgery in Gainsville
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Well.. I met Dr. Butler at a S.O.S. meeting and he really seemed very nice and caring.I like the way he talked about the surgery and the after care.He seemed to really know what (fat) people go though. And as he talked about the hosp.and the staff and how they are trained to care for over weight people that really hit home with me! Iv been to hosp. where they bring you this wheel-chair made for a child I think and what you to somehow sit in it !! I havnt had my appt. with him yet but I cant wait

Well I havnt posted in a ins. is giving me a hard time..I just wanted to say that I think Dr. butler is very nice and all....But Iv changed my mind for several reasons
and I now have a apt. on Dec.6 with Dr.THOBURN in Gainesville I met him a couple of yrs ago, and was VERY inpressed with him
he knows what he's doing and has a very good bed-side manor.Wish me luck on the 6th!
WELL..Its Dec. 7 and I"v had my first visit with Dr Thornburn..he was just as nice and committed to his patients as he was 2 yrs ago
His dietary staff was great !!! thier there for you before and after. They not only want you to be thin they want you to be healthy.


I liked Dr Thoburn from the begining....still do.
He has an office staff that is very friendly.
David takes care of nutrition issues post-op,
and I feel as if he knows what he's talking about.
The office has a list of dates for the support group which is very helpful. I just went to my first meeting and I plan to continue going. Not only are the questions that you have answered but you make new friends along the way.
Dr Thoburn is very direct about risks of surgery. He stated like with any surgery there are risks...and then he stated them.
I would rate Dr Thoburn with a 9 out of 10. I would have given him a 10 if my incision was half the size. I have a co-worker with a much smaller incision and I wonder if she had the same type of
I have nothing but good to say about my experience. Healing took a little longer than I thought it would, I guess I'm just getting older.
I'm new to Gainesville and North Florida Medical Center was the first hospital visit for me. I think I will call this my new hospital, they were outstanding.
I have only one thing to say for people thinking about getting this done......if there is any other way to loose the weight do it that way first. This is a drastic change and not the easiest to get used to. Eat slowly and chew chew chew. Remember that you are full in a few bites. Good luck.


10/4/02 I met with Dr. Eric Thoburn in Gainesville today. I was extremely impressed with this young surgeon. (I can say that as he is obviously younger than I!) He was professional. He answered all of my questions - and I had many. I was very impressed with the staff as well. I met with the dietician and received informatin on how follow-up care would be handled. I have researched both surgeons I have met with and have decided on Dr. Thoburn. For me I feel this is the best choice. Follow-up care with a dietician was very important to me. I am making a life change here and being able to maintain my weight loss over the remainder of my life is my goal. I know I will need more help than just surgery alone.


My first impression of Dr. Thoburn was that he was to the point. He had confidence in his knowledge and that is what I was looking for. He was a wonderful doctor and a good surgeon. His staff is well qualified although I think the girls at the front desk could be a little friendlier. Shirley (she does the insurance authorizations) is an angel. She never got cross with me as I called her so many times. She was always sweet and helpful as if she knew how hard it was to wait to hear from them. I really don't have anything negative to say about the good doctor or his staff. He has a nutritionist on staff and he is also helpful. This clinic is very geared to aftercare and nutrition.On every follow up exam you meet with the doctor and the nutritionist and you are given a new diet outline each time. Dr Thoburn explained the risks of the surgery and even answered my questions. Over all, I would rate my surgeon as one of the best. He is not much of a conversationalist but his skills are amazing. I have been told by many that my scar looks great compared to others they have seen. Dr. Thoburn is both pleasant and competent. I feel that the hospital stay would not have been so well if I had not had such a support group with me.The staff was somewhat understaffed, but the nurses that were there did a pretty good job. I had friends and family with me around the clock soI really didn't need too much from them. I didn't care for the radiology department as I found them to be cold and uncaring. I had a problem and had to be taken down to radiology to get a shunt put in my artery in my arm. Not one person spoke to me or reassured me even though I cried through the whole ordeal. It would have been nice if someone would have given a damn that I was scared. Oh well....that part is history. Hopefully I won't have to deal with them again.


My first impression like many others is wow he looks young. Dr T got right to the point in letting me know what a serious drastic step this is. So, far I have no complaints alittle scared I see him again for pre-op on Sept 23rd I am looking forward to getting some last minute questions answered.. Overall rating at this point is a 10 I just pray it stays that way..


09/13/02 - I LOVE Dr. Thoburn, I feel that he saved my life. He is a Wonderful surgeon and I am so grateful to him. I tell anyone who is looking for a surgeon about him.

Very knowledgable,he was very upfront and held nothing back. I didn't mind, He did not tell me anything I didn't already know. I have heard that he is an excellent surgeon and that is all that matters. Office staff was great. I tried not to bug them to much. They called me the same day the insurance gave them the aproval and then scheduled my surgery for May 13,2002.


Very nice and very caring. Very experianced.


I originally met with Dr Thoburn, but there was a problem with my insurance and his practice. So, now I have an appointment for August 20th with Dr Overcash. **UPDATE***LORDY,.. honestly, I dont know who my surgeon is gonna be.... Looks like my insurance will pay for Dr T afterall. I feel like I am on Mr Toads Wild Ride. Patrick in the office has assured me BCBS has agreed to pay them if I am approved. When I met with Dr T back in May he was great, he answered my questions and told me what procedure he does and gave me realistic goals. Now, I am basically just waiting for apporoval.


May 15/02 Dr. Thoburn was a very nice, to the point younger man. He didn't beat around the bush or candy coat anything. He told me like it is. I'm that kind of person also, so I appreciated that in him. He has very knowledgable, friendly office staff, but they move a bit slower than I would like. Just from my own personal research and speaking with patients in his office, I feel he is very competent and one of the best in the biz. The lady from my insurance medical review board said Thoburn is the best in Florida. I will update after my next pre-op visit. July 16/02 Had last pre-op appointment to go over test results. It's a go! The more I see of Dr. Thoburn, the more I like him. He did explain the surgery isn't a cure all, I have to do my part and there are risks with this surgery. But, I feel very confident being in his care. FYI - When I was at the hospital doing the pre-op tests, ALL the nurses ranted and raved over how great Dr. Thoburn is. That really made me feel good about being under his care. I also think his aftercare program is wonderful. I will be following up with them for 18 months.


My first impression of him was that he is very professional and upfront on the entire surgery and held nothing back.
His office staff was very helpful except for one problem but that was taken care of.
I just think that Dr. Thoburn is totally knowledgable about this surgery and goes into extreme detail in explaining the pros and cons to let you know what to expect.
In closing, He is my hero!!!!

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