Ara Keshishian

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.96428571429 out of 5 with 183 ratings

Ara Keshishian Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS, FASMBS

25 yr Experience

25 yr in Bariatrics

25 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

25 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 13

Max Age of Patient is 75

183 Reviews for Ara Keshishian
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5-2-01 I met Dr. Keshishian yesterday on my first visit to his office. I first met with Dee Tinkle who went over the very complete patient information binder. We covered surgery types, expectations, pre and post surgery, and many other things. I got to see some great before and after pictures too. After our visit, I met with Dr. Keshishian. He was soft spoken and friendly. He asked me what my goals for WLS were and made sure that I knew why I wanted this particular surgery (DS). He insists that I attend at least one support group meeting prior to surgery and expects this to be a regular part of my after care. He is going to make sure that my PCP is well informed about my post surgical care as I live 5 1/2 hours away from Delano. When I began my search for a Dr. I read profiles that told how their doctor had great surgical skill but their bedside manner was poor, or how a physician was great but the office staff was lousey. I refuse to receive that kind of care! I expect the office staff to be respectful and qualified. I expect the Dr. to be both competent and well mannered. For these reasons I chose to drive 5 1/2 hours to receive care. I was not dissapointed.
I wanted to add a little here since my surgery has been completed. I found Dr. K, his staff, and the staff of DRMC to be very competent and caring. Since I am a nurse and have worked in different hospitals I know that when you are a patient your caregivers can be a blessing or a curse. To a person, I had wonderful care. When I was walking in the halls of the hospital after surgery anyone that walked by would smile and tell me that I was doing well. The encouragement went a long way to helping me feel better. Dr. K is an extremely busy man, but I never felt rushed or that I was keeping him from something. When he was with me his focus was on me. I appreciate all of his dedication to his patients and his committment to making sure that all of the staff he works with is just as committed.


My first thoughts when I saw Dr. "K" was that he was young. A few minutes after meeting him you realize that he knows his stuff. He is a truely kind and caring man. His bedside manner proves that he regards his patients with respect. In this day and time doctors seem to be to busy to listen. No true of Dr. K. His staff is efficient and caring also. He has remained the same caring man through these last 11 months.

I go to meeting once a month that are required 2 months before surgery and 1 year after. They are informed meetings with the doctor and his staff there. I have never had a question that he or his staff did not answer cheerfully.

The risks of the surgery were explained and gone over up until the minute before surgery. I felt that I was made aware of all the risks of having the surgery and the problems that could happen if I should not choose to have the surgery.


I have only met Dr. Keshishian once at one of the local meetings in Red Bluff. I have had the privalege of speeking with his staff and a personal friend who has already had their surgery by him. I feel very strongly after researching the different options for surgery that Dr. K is offering me an oportunity to save my life, along with the opoortinity to have a quality of life with the safest option of surgeries.

Dr. K and his staff emphasize strongly about keeping in contact with the Doctor after surgery and have even gone out of their way to make sure there are opportuniities for meetings in various parts of California, where you can meet with them and other post op patients.


Dr Keshishian, known to his patients as Dr. K
Is a well disciplined and caring surgeon. His
detail to the operating procedure redarding grds is second to none. His bedside manner and his follow up sessions (FOR LIFE)is way beyond the call of duty. This Dr. has a monthly meeting where all those interested in the grds operation, along with all pre-ops and post-ops meet at the Delano Hospital on th 2nd Tuesday of each month at six PM.
His staff is very helpful and Efficient. Olga will take care of all your insurance needs, Dee the Drs. nurse (Who had the operation herself) will answere all your questions from pre-op to post-op. Dawn the Drs wife will interview you and provide the necessary materials you will need to get started. The hospital has a new wing for the patients of Dr. K. As a plus the motel Shilo Inn has a floor deedicated to Dr. K patients for their recovery period. The manager of the Hotel also had Bariatric surgery. If you are asking yourself about this surgery, please check out the Delano program you will not go wrong.


The portion of my post below was written in mid September of 2001. I have since had my surgery with Dr. Ara Keshishian at Delano Regional Medical Center in Delano.
I continue to attend Dr. Rabkin's support group meetings in addition to going to Delano every other month.
My surgical experience I will explain at another time, however, I can, without reservation, recommend Dr. Keshishian. He is a very caring and involved Surgeon, who is dedicated to a great outcome for patients and provides comprehensive after care.
I am four months post op and have lost 65 pounds. I weighed 260 on the day of surgery. My goal weight is 148. I am 47 pounds from goal at this point.

Posted 9/01
Dr. Rabkin is a busy surgeon. He appears personally at the Support Group meetings on the first wednesday evening of the month in Ventura, which means he flies from the bay area to be with his southern patients once a month. He currently practices and resides in San Francisco.
His office staff is VERY busy and high volume. The best place to get detailed answers to your questions is at the support group meeting.
Dr. Rabkin does not emphasis after care in the way that I think it is important. He relies on the patient to establish a relationship with a local Primary Care Doctor who will do the follow up.
Dr. Rabkin does not have a structured follow up program for out of area patients. Those in San Francisco of course are the exception to that.
Doctor Rabkin explains that the risk of dying during WLS is the same as the National Average for Morbidly Obese people undergoing any type of major surgery, that is about 1 in 200. He has performed over 800 Distal Gastric Bypass / Duodenal Switch procedures. He has performed 185 of those lap, including a 600 pound patient. He has had some minimal number of complications and no deaths in his patients. Refer to for more stats.
I know that Dr. Rabkin is the most experienced Surgeon around in the field of laproscopic DS procedures. He is an EXCELLENT surgeon....the anesthesia time for a lap patient is nearly the same as for most other surgeons doing the procedure open.
I think that Dr. Rabkin's surgical competence is his best asset. It is difficult to get questions answered or phone calls returned by his staff.
In stark contrast, I spent nearly one hour on the phone today with a Surgeon's office who is much closer to my home, and also performs the Duodenal Switch. His name is Ara Keshishian and he has been doing the DS since October of 2000. Prior to that he did the RNY. His nurse, Dee Tinkle is just the absolute best. She gave candid answers to all my questions. I liked her very much. Patient input on his site, show a very warm and caring Doctor with an excellent bed side manner. He does not have the experience of Dr. Rabkin, but he has a structured after care program which he stressed pre operatively. I am seriously considering having my surgery with Dr. Keshishian in Delano, California. I will update you when I decide. Either way my surgery is nearly here.


My first impression of Dr. K was one of total surprise. I had this picture of him in my head and he didn't match that picture at all. Dr. K is very tall and trim and young. My picture of him was that he would be short, stocky and old. Boy was I surprised. I thought that he wouldn't be very approachable, I was very wrong.

I called his office one day prior to my surgery to ask a question and was surprised that he took the call. I didn't ask for him because I thought he would be too busy to answer my question. I thought that my question was a dumb one, but he assured me that no question is dumb and he made me feel at ease.

His office staff is wonderful, they are easy to talk to and they don't talk down to you. They make you feel like your special. I credit his office staffs attitudes to the way he treats them. I noticed that he treats his patients and office staff with respect and kindness.

Aftercare is very big to Dr. K, he stresses that the aftercare is what will make you a success with your wls. He has several groups around California. We just started one here in Red Bluff Ca. which is where I live.

Dr. K is very straight forward and tells you the risks of the surgery and he stresses that there are other options. He doesn't try to pressure anyone into having the surgery. He advises them that this surgery should be used as a last choice and should not be taken lightly.

In my opinion Dr. K is a saint and the most wonderful doctor in the world. His staff on a scale from 1-10 is a 100+. They're all wonderful.

Dr. K was at the hospital with me several times a day. The day after I got out of the hospital I thought I had pulled out my drain and I went back to the hospital and he came in and checked me out without complaint. When I developed dehydration he or his wife Dawn called me everyday to check on me. I think that shows what kind of people they are. They actually care about you. To Dr. K were not just another dollar in his pocket, all his patients are special to him and he shows us that by his bedside manner and the way he treats us all.

He also does not beat around the bush. If you're doing something wrong, or not exercising enough etc. he tells you and then discusses with you how to correct the problem.

Dr. K is soooooo awesome, I would recommend him to anyone and everyone. As a matter of fact I have recommended him to several people.


I met with Dr. K and his staff on 2/19/02. They were really great. I am most likely a self pay and I could have gone anywhere in the country. I really researched my surgeon and I will share the highlights with you. The only negative I have about Dr. K is that he is still learning to do the DS laporscopically and when I started this adventure... I figured that is what I would like. But I have decided to go and have the open with Dr. K at Delano Regional Medical Center.

I researched the JACHO records of the hospital and they have done well.

I called the hospital on 2 seperate occasions and spoke with OR & Recovery room nurses who have worked with DR. K. Both had only good things to say about him. (It was hard to get them to open up!)

I checked Dr. K's credentials with the CA Medical Board.

I spoke on the phone and in email to 10+ of his patients. All which raved about him.

Dr. K is one of only a handful of surgeons in the country who has done this procedure over 400 times!

His support staff is the *best*. Dee Tinkle is who I have worked with the most and she has had the surgery herself, her daughter has had the surgery and she is very practical, down to earth, and an excellent teacher.

They have an excellent out of town program that includes a negotiated rate at local hotel that has a microwave, fridge and bariatric recliner for post op patients.

The hospital has a new Bariatric "wing". (which means you don't have to worry about them "finding a gown to fit you", etc)

All rooms are private and your support person can stay with you in the hospital in their own bed in your room. They will also get complimentary meals three times a day. (Hospital food: but still very nice to know its there)

I personally liked how detail oriented Dr. K is. I was impressed by his attention to detail. This came across in our consult visit. I WANT someone like that.

Ok..thats all I can think of off the top of my head. I highly encourage people who are considering WLS to look into the DS procedure. It's incredible. And if you are going to travel for the surgery...consider Dr. K!

His website is:


I liked Dr. Keshishian right away. I've heard lots of great things about him from his patients and this site, and I was glad to finally meet him. I had to drive several hundred miles to reach his office. He's very professional and personal too. His office staff seem very efficient and pleasant. I have spoken to Dee several times and she's always been very DEElightful and helpful. Dr. Keshishian did not seem to be in a rush to get to his next patient. So many doctors are always rushing and you get the feeling that they can't spend much time with you. Not so with Dr. K. He has many patients, but he takes the time necessary to talk to you without rushing you. I met two of his long term patients (one year post op) while there and they looked healthy and happy (and lean).

Update: I also previously consulted with Dr. Mary Murphy in San Diego. However, I decided that I would much prefer the type of surgery that Dr. Keshishian performs.


I very much liked Dr K. and all his staff. they were all very helpful and answered all my husbands questions along with mine.Dr K does have an after care program. After care is a very important to Dr K. and his staff, they make sure that the patient understands how important it is. I am very excited and greatful to be able to have Dr K. as my Doctor and I am thankful to be able to work with him and his staff, to have better health, in which I need to take care of my four children, one who has many special needs from having Spina Bifida. Plus the benifit of not being so over weight.


Dr. Keshishian and his staff are very friendly and are terrific with supplying all the information one needs for this surgery.

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