Audencio Alanis

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.42857142857 out of 5 with 88 ratings

Audencio Alanis Bariatric Surgeon M.D., Diplomat A.B.A.S.

20 yr Experience

12 yr in Bariatrics

20 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

98% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 60

88 Reviews for Audencio Alanis
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He's very nice. He is very thourough in his explanations. He explained the surgery and all the risks, and differances between surgerys. And he's very funny. I've only met with him once so far. But I talk to the people at Neweigh almost everyday and they'er all great. On my first visit I received a folder of info on pre and post op care. It's all very structured and you do have to sign a promisary note that you will attend aftercare programs. The only bad things are the wait at the office(but even then you get to talk to all the other patients that are in various stages of pre and post). And the other is the fact that he has a weight cap of 365#s so I have lose weight before I can have surgery to lose weight.


Dr. Alanis is awesome! I really liked everything about Nuweigh and the doctors. Eveytime I go see him, he answers all my questions and wants to know how I am doing.
One time I called him because I did not feel well, and he called back within two minutes.


I am betwen Dr Alanis and Dr Jay here in Houston, I heard great things about both, but I am not sure jet. If someone had either one of them, please call me or email me and let me know what do you think about them so I can make the right desition. Hey, my life will be in their hands.......281-646-0826.Today is March/07/03,Yesterday was my first visit with Dr Alanis, he is going to be my surgeon, I was very impressed with the little sisters in Neweigh, they were really nice, the place was full of people, and everything had to be really fast.They explain about the surgery, very superficial, they ask you if you have any questions, but hoping that you say no, because of the time frame. They put you in a room, where the surgeon is going to see you in private, He took a second to tell me that my surgery had to be open, because of the bad work that others made, with my c sections and the removal of my ovaries. Well I kind of knew that I couldn't have a lap... I think that Dr. Alanis is one of the best surgeons for this kind of surgery, and also he looks like a very nice and caring person. My next step is to look for my psychiatric evaluation, so they can send the paperwork to my insurance. I was approved by humana in only three weeks, my surgery was going to be on June 16th. I went to the hospital with a lot of dreams, and very optimistic expectations about the outcome, but something happened. When they open my abdomen the doctor discovered too much scar tissue, so he didn't want to deal with it and close me up. When I woke up my daughter and husband were there, my girl was crying because she knew how much I wanted the surgery, and my husband looked very sad too. All my dreams about been thiner and healthier dissappeared, now everything is going to be difficult, because I have to do it on my own, again, and again, and again.,I am sure now that all this could it be prevented with an endoscopy, but my doctor never ordered me one, so now I have thousands of bills, a big scar in my tummy, and nothing to show for, anyway, I do feel sad and a little depressed, but life goes on........


Dr. Alanis without a doubt is one of the most wonderful people I have ever met. I do not mind waiting when I go to the office to see him because he is so caring about his patients. He lays everything out on the line up front. The good and the bad. I was scared when I went in but was totally at ease when I left. I would definitely recommend him to anyone who is looking for a surgeon.


My first impression of Dr. Alanis was great. He was very nice, very understanding and explained everythig very well. To this day, he is still great and I would recommend him to anyone.


I thought Dr. Alanis was very sweet, compassionate man. He could have been a little more urgent, as he has SO many people waiting a very long time, but at least he is thorough.

All of the staff I met were very, very nice.

Expect to wait when visiting this office!!!
During my hospital stay, my opinion changed just slightly....I sort of felt like I was "cheated" out of his attention. What I mean is, because he rooms his patients together, it was very hard to get him to sit and talk to ME and listen to what I had to say, or answer questions I had. He wanted to do these sort of "team" meetings with me and my roommate and generalize all the info he gave us. While that may be using time more effciently, he isn't giving us any sort of "two for one" discount, so we deserve to not be treated that way. We should all have been treated individually. Oh well...just thought I would comment on that.


I met with Dr Alanis for the first time on Tuesday 2/18/03. He seemed very nice. The office staff at Neweigh was great. The only bad thing was I was at the office for almost 3 hours, but it was ok. The Neweigh program seems really good. I look forward to my surgery and going to the aftercare support groups they have. Overall I would give Neweigh and Dr. Alanis a 10.


The first time I saw him, I was sitting in my car waiting for my wife to join me for my meeting with him. He was outside & one of his former patients saw him & she immediately gave him a hug. My first thought was "he helped her change her life!" I went into our meeting with a very positive & warm attitude. He was very professional & very courteous. I left the meeting thinking, that I could change my life too!


met with Dr. Alanis over a year ago. Have spent the past year trying to get insurance approval. My impression of Dr. Alanis is very positive. Very knowledgeable, great at explaining things. Seems to genuinely care about his patients.


Dr Alanis had a good first impression on me. He drawed the type of surgery I will have and what are the benefits of RNY instead of the Rubber band.

His office staff is real nice there knowledgrable about the surgery and most have had it.

I did have a problem with the wait time to see him I had to wait over 2hours.

Dr Alanis explained to me about all the aftercare programs he have and encourgaged me to attend one before my surgery.

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