D. Blaine Nease

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 152 ratings

D. Blaine Nease Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

16 yr Experience

14 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

13 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 65

Sheila Tuttle Profile Pic
Sheila Tuttle
Program Manager
Marsha Copley Profile Pic
Marsha Copley
Jackie Stanley Profile Pic
Jackie Stanley
Bariatric Insurance Coordinator
Charlotte King Profile Pic
Charlotte King
Bariatric Patient Intake Coordinator
Crystal Pauley Profile Pic
Crystal Pauley
Bariatric Insurance Coordinator

152 Reviews for D. Blaine Nease
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Thought he was very sincere and related to me very well. Left no questions unanswered. I was very comfortable with him and confident in his abilities. Everyone in the office worked well together and I was pleased with my experience. Dr. Nease keeps you in the loop; tells you the good and bad about what can happen. I felt very good about the education I received prior to making my decision. On a scale of 1 to 10, definitely a 10!


Very impressed. He had a good bedside manner. Office staff was very friendly, helpful and went above and beyond the call of duty. I thought Dr. Nease was very knowledgable about this surgery and I liked that he had a personal reason for being in this field. He covered all the basis on the importance of aftercare. Very thorough about the risks and benefits. EXCELLENT! We want him to come back to Ohio!


I love him. He's very personable, friendly and concerned since the very first day I met him for my consultation. The staff was very happy to help and so genuine. Future patients should know that you can count on Dr. Nease. He makes himself available 24/7. The aftercare is stressed 100% because it is so imperative to your success. Dr. Nease is impeccable and I personally consider him the best at what he does. He came in regularly to visit me at the hospital and took time to explain what to expect each step of the way. The support groups are also a tremendous help. I encourage anyone who is considering surgery to attend one of the support groups to see how much information you can learn from other patients and to see how much we've become a family. It's wonderful!


Dr. Nease was very caring throughout the whole process. He was always good about calling me and following up even though I am in New Mexico. I felt a kinship with him because he had a father that was in the military like I was and struggled with his weight thoughout his life. Dr. Nease's staff was excellent and always answered questions before and after the surgery. They even helped coordinate my travel arrangements. The doctor came to visit me every day even over the holiday week-end during my recovery before going home. He was excellent and not aloof like many doctors but very personable. I would absolutely recommend Dr. Nease to anyone looking for a quality doc.


He's Amazing!! I am the pickiest person you will ever meet and I am totally estatic about my surgeon. I was a self pay patient and looked for good prices but was not going to compromise quality. I checked Dr. Nease's medical background and credentials as well as talked to past patients. I left nothing to chance. Everyone I talked to had nothing but excellents remarks. After meeting with Dr. Nease both my husband and I were really impressed with his knowledge. We felt that I was in good hands. He took the time to really explain how serious this is and the risks involved. Now after surgery I can personally say that he's 100% on surgical competence and you can see that he really cares about you. I even got a house call afterwards(can you imagine?) Would highly, highly, highly recommend him.


Dr. Nease is a very personable and talented doctor. My first impression of him from the seminar was that he was very committed to bariatric surgery, weight loss and improving the health of his patients. Having a morbidly obese father, Dr. Nease brings a personal note to his choice of specialty.

The office staff is wonderful. I called several surgical offices and was told to attend the seminar. Sheila talked to me for at least an hour, answering questions about surgery, finances and aftercare. Of course Kim, the program director is great. She is thorough and professional, yet very upbeat and encouraging. The staff always seems so proud of your accomplishments and sincere when you have concerns. The aftercare is great. They really want to help and stay connected with patients. In addition to regularly scheduled appointments and education meetings, there is a monthly support group.

Dr. Nease was very clear and professional about his description of surgery and its risks. He did not underplay the risks and was very clear about the expectations for the post surgery course.

I have absolutely nothing negative to say about Dr. Nease or his staff. I feel I had the best care possible and I love going in for appointments and support group meetings. This is a very positive and supportive group of health professionals, They really care about helping you live a healthier life.


He was very nice and friendly. He worked with me to help me through this journey. I liked all of his office staff. Very helpful. Dr. Nease is one that really cares for you. He stresses the dietary changes and exercise program for after surgery. I would rate Dr. Nease very high in surgical competence as well as bedside manner.


I thought Dr. Nease was very blunt and very honest which was greatly appreciated. I liked the fact he knew what he was talking about. He had a game plan in mind and we followed it right down the line. Office staff was friendly and professional. Dr. Nease will do an outstanding job and will stay right with you whether you have problems or no problems. I was fortunate not to have any problems. Overall, I think Dr. Nease is an exceptional Doctor and would highly recommend him.


Dr. Nease is so confident in what he is doing and is so comfortable with his patients. I asked very personal and detailed questions about his medical experience and was pleased with his candor and honesty. Everyone was very supportive and was always happy to see me. Absolutely every individual in the office is so caring. The program and staff there really are a complete package. I chose the Duodenal Switch procedure and was lucky enough to have been the first to have it laparoscopically. Even with a minor complication, the entire team's medical competence and direct approach to managing it was amazing. It was all about my health and recovery. I felt like there were no other patients around but me. This is how much personal attention I received at Dr. Nease's program.


Dr. Nease is always smiling and friendly. He made me feel very comfortable and this impression held true even after surgery. The staff was great in guiding me throughout the whole process. Dr. Nease was very concerned that I understood the importance of aftercare with my diet, exercise and support meetings which I attend regularly. I had an uneventful surgery and would definitely recommend Dr. Nease.

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