Nestor De La Cruz - Munoz

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 116 ratings

Nestor De La Cruz - Munoz Bariatric Surgeon MD

7 yr Experience

10 yr in Bariatrics

13 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 16

Max Age of Patient is 75

116 Reviews for Nestor De La Cruz - Munoz
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My first impression was the same as everyone else that has EVER gone to talk to him..." HE LOOKS REALLY YOUNG!" I personally love that fact. I love the idea that he has up-to-date information on technology and surgical advantages! Unlike other people, I don;t believe he spent too much time explainig or going over the surgery and what-not, but that is okay. He answered the questions I had at the moment, so that was okay. His staff is great it is made up of his mother, his aunt, a receptionist and his nurse. I loved his nurse! She makes you feel very comfortable, explains EVERYTHING VERY WELL! She was extremely precise adn informative and did not hesistate to tell me the truth about everything! It has been great experience so far! Let's see how it ends?


I first met Dr De La Cruz Munoz at his siminar. I was impressed, liked him from the first and thought he would be good choice to do my surgery. I had my consult with him and was impressed because he seemed to care about the choices I was making.
His ins. girl Terry was very helpful..she told you what you needed for your ins. and if you had it you would get approved. I was denied the first time...Terry called me telling me what they wanted and I got it and was passed...Terry called me and told me I was approved.
Dr. De la Cruz is young (to me) good looking too.. but a very good surgeon and great family man. I had my surgery on dec 9 2003 and came home from the hospital, Ceders Medical, the next day. I had Lap RNY. I was not in pain really didnt need the pain pills. Healed quickly with no complications.
Dr De la Cruz does his job. On the follow up I see Martha in the ofc. All went well so no need for Dr. to be there...but if he is in the ofc. He does pop in to see you.
Dr. De la Cruz does require both Phycological and Nutritional consults and 4 months of going to see nutritionist. Also manatory 12 months of going to support group every month.The support group is held in a room at Ceders on the 1st wed of the month.
I liked Dr. De la Cruz very much he is a great surgeon. He did his its up to me!


Dr. de la Cuz-Munoz is the best. He is devoted to his patients. He has a wonderfull staff. Between all of them they make a great team and give their patients 100%. From my first visit to now that I am 10 months out he has always taken his time to explain everything and answer all questions and concerns. I love our support group. It's great to know that if you can not make the monthly meeting we have the 24hr support on the website. I thank God everyday that I went with my gut instincts and stuck with Dr. de la Cruz despite family & friends recommendations. My recovery has been faster & smoother then all of them. I trust my wonderfull doc 100% with my eyes closed. I pray that God always blesses him & his wonderfull hands!!!!










My first impression of the medical staff was good. Very friendly and helpful with me. The doctors medical assistant, Martha, is wonderful. She updated the RNY information and asked if I had any questions. When I met the doctor I was shocked, he is very young. The minute he started speaking, he put me at ease and he again reviewed my dicision with me. I felt good since he knows all the latest medical procedures and has a great % of surgery outcome. The doctor gave me the date that I could have surgery the same day. Dr. De La Cruz and staff have been very helpful and caring. The doctor visited with me prior to the surgery and after. I feel that I made the right decision with the my choice of doctors. I feel so strong about my decision that I have recommended two individuals to the doctor. They both have surgery dates as well. Dr. De La Cruz has a support group set up once a month, he also has a forum for his patients. I feel that I gain a lot by going to the monthly meetings, we also speak to new patients that are considering surgery, I feel that I can contribute to the great change that the doctor has provided me and my family by attending these meetings. I rate the doctor with a 10, his staff deserves a 10 as well. They actually remember my name and thats a great feeling.


Wow!! He is the best and nicest doctor I have ever had. I saw the posting about him and yes everyone was right. At first I thought he was young to be an experienced dr. but boy was I wrong, he knows what he is talking about and he makes people feel at ease. I would definitely advise any of you who plan on having this surgery in Miami to check him out first and I am 100% sure that you won't regret having him as a surgeon. I will post more after my WLS. Thanks


My first impression with Dr. De La Cruz-Munoz was that he was young, whch was great for me. He was a great listener, answered all of my questions fully. He was very informative. I did not feel rushed in the consultaion, he was very thorough. Every one in the office is very polite and eager to answer any question, and like I said Terri rocks. I also feel that he his after care program is disciplened, he wants you to attend monthly support group meeting as well along with your first month, third month, sixth month and annual consultations. I have also learned from other patient in the support group that Dr. De La Cruz-Munoz is available at the drop of a hat, which is awesome. He was upfront with all the risk associated with the two different procedures he performs. I feel that he is a very competent surgeon.

Dr. Nestor De La Cruz-Munoz, M.D., FACS
3659 S. Miami Ave #5002
Miami, Fl 33133


Well I was denied from my Insurance Company and my surgeon never call me to see what can i do now, or something, I know he's very busy, but I would like to see he care abot me, because to the end I'm is patiente, right? Any way already changed my PCP Doctor and he will help me on this situation.


Wonderful office staff. Very busy practice, but finds time to help and answer questions. Very knowledgeable and compassionate, from the receptionist to the surgeon, himself.
I was highly impressed with the level of organization. His practice specializes in weight loss surgery and it shows in every detail. The seating in the waiting room is comfortable, the scales are digital, even the blood pressure cuffs are comfortable!
Dr. De La Cruz is a very personable surgeon. He and his physician assistant take the time to thoroughly examine, both physically and emotionally, and determine which option of surgery is best. They surpass their reputation in quality medical care. I would send my family and friends to this office in a heartbeat.


I went to see Dr. de la Cruz in December '02.
He is very nice. What I liked about him is that he conducted the entire visit himself. And when you go to the seminar that is required, he also conducts it himself. I noticed that all the other surgeons seem to be running a butcher shop. You never see the surgeon except for 1 minute to tell if you will be Lapro or cut. In Dr. de la Cruz's office there is a more personal touch. The staff was very friendly along w/ Dr. de la Cruz. Despite him being so young and rather new compared to others. I still felt 100% condifent in him. He is extremely knowledged in his field. He takes his time in answering all your questions. He was very honest when asked about prior complications. He just gives me very positive vibes and I feel I can trust him 100%. My husband went w/me to both the office visit and seminar and he felt the same way. Neither of us got that vibe w/ the 3 other offices we went to.
I just need my insurance appeal approval.
5/6/03 Today I am 2weeks post-op. Everything has turned out great. I am sooo glad I stuck w/ my instincts and chose Dr. de la Cruz. Tomorrow is my 1st support group meeting can not wait. I highly recommend him he is an A+ doctor.

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