Nestor De La Cruz - Munoz

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 116 ratings

Nestor De La Cruz - Munoz Bariatric Surgeon MD

7 yr Experience

10 yr in Bariatrics

13 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 16

Max Age of Patient is 75

116 Reviews for Nestor De La Cruz - Munoz
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The doctor of my choice is Dr. Nestor De La Cruz-Munoz. My first impression of the doctor was.. Wow.. he's a cutie.. but back to business.. He was very informative, and able to answer all the questions I had. He was very personable and very knowledgeable. In fact the entire staff there was great. They are really working with me to make sure that I do everything necessary to make sure that the last thing on my mind will be the worries of insurance approval and paperwork..

The facility that I have chosen has a very extensive beforecare and aftercare program. From the staff to the group meetings to the personal one on one questions they are really making me feel like this is the best decision that I have made to turn my life around. Dr De la Cruz-Munoz made sure that I as made aware of the risks and have assured me that they will take the best of care they can possible provide to me.. Besides I have a few friends that have used his office to have the same procedure with-in the last 5 Years.. They are terrific without a doubt I recommend them..


Outstanding Surgeon.
Procedure, complications, prices and other were explained to my entire satisfaction.
He did emphisize the post surgical excercise program as one of the most important points.

Very nice Office with lovely staff.
my surgery was organized in 2 weeks, they took care of everything, in less than a month I had everything done.

I was in and out of the hospital in 12 hours.
6 am to 6 pm. Went home to sleep in my own bed. what else can I ask for ?
Great bedside manners.

His PA is very nice and knwolegable.
On the Negative side I would have appreciated a follow up phone call next day, but that is just me.


A required information session was my first introduction to Dr de lA Cruz. He covered both the Good and the not so good pointes regarding the surgery. His office staff are helpful. My appt. with him went well. He ans. all my questions, and I did not feel rushed. My surgery date was set before ins.
approval. I wonder how that will go?? I rate the doc an 8.5 at this point in the journey.


He is highly compentant, professional, approachable and I would recommend him to anyone thinking about weight loss surgery.
His office staff is top notch. Caring, patient, helpful, and supportive.
Aftercare is emphasized and as a healthcare professional myself the patients that I have known do so much better if follow up is part of there aftercare.


My first impression of Dr. De La Cruz and the first question I asked him was how old was he. He looked very young too young to be a surgon. but when he told me that he was in his early 30 's which I am too I kind of felt good beacuse he was someone that I could relate to. Someone that knew how I was dealing with my weight mentally. He was easy to talk to and made me feel comfortable. And he explained in great detail what to expect. My impression hasn't changed of him even after the surgery and even after my new insurace did not cover him I could call them to ask question. His staff is great they really got the ball rolling with getting me covered. This was a decision that I had been kicking around for a year then I had a baby and gain more weight. Not only from the baby but also depression. Then in Nov 2003 my company decided to change insurances. The new insurance was not going to cover the surgery. So I called that same day to Dr. De La Cruz and adv that I need to see him as soon as possible. I was adv that I need to attend the seminar first. They were having on that same night. Then they asked if I had talked to my primery doctor first. Which I had because we would discuss the surgery everytime I would see here. They advise member that I would need a upper GI, sleep study, phyco exam and to see nutrision. Then they put for me to see him two day later. That night at the meeting he explained in detail what the process was as well as what to expect afterward. That same night I went to my sleep study.(Thanks to his office and my Dr. for working so fast.)Two days later I had already had everything done but the phyc exam when I went see him. I was really impressed with his office staff and him. They were able to get me approved within 7 days after the first day I called. I had the surgery on Dec 17th 2003 at Ceders Hospital in Miami. They were horrible. But he was still great he came to see me 5 times out of my three day stay.The first thing he addressed was if I was in any pain. ( Which there was alot of)And he had it taken care of immediately. His aftercare is also good. I had only one appointment with him (because of the insurance)but that also went smoothly. He has support groups and he even goes walking with his pait. For me he was what I needed in a surgeon. But, please do not make your desions on the basis of my statement and personal experience alone. I strongly recommend that you research this surgery and the surgeon to the fullest before having the surgery.


Went to his seminar. Very impressive. Gets straight to the point and knows his stuff. Does not sugar coat the risks and rewards. Is very young and intelligent, and apparently a brilliant surgeon.
His ARNP, Martha, does all his post op checks and manages care after surgery. She is a real treat! Funny, smart, and understanding.
Very easy to reach him and his staff for issues.
His office staff is very sweet. Relentless with getting insurance approval.


He is very nice and professional.


<p align="left">My first impression of him, he seemed 12 yrs old....butt he was confident, down to earth and told you exactly what u had to hear and never beat around the bush.

No never did it change, only i still think hes 12.

His office staff is great never once did i have to call and ask hows it going they would always call me. and terry lets just say my ins approved me within one week.

He empasizes after care in a sense that he is going to check up on and wants to see u in his office as scheduled, and u better be there....

No he does not, i dont believe he feels we need one. and i think the same thing. all u have to do is follow directions. Besides who wants to listen to someone telling u what to do all day !

Yes, he explained everything, and he answered every question everyone had in a 2 hour presentation for those people who want to do the surgery.

I rate him out of a 1-10 an 9

Both is great !


My first impression of Dr. de La Cruz is that he is so young, AND CUTE, and loaded with personality. He made his mandatory WLS seminar fun and it was after his seminar that I finally made the decision to go forward with the surgery. His office staff is personable, always comes to the phone, always return calls, and even when you try their patience (as I can), they remain professional, calm, cool, and collected. His staff handled all of the insurance workup, prepared the application, and called me immediately upon approval. They know what it takes to get the insurance approved and tell you right from the beginning what they will need.


Good Doctor, nice staff friendly and funny very well informed. Added thanks to Terri who is capable of the impossible. She has patience and incredible persistance. That is my experience so far.

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