Paul E. Macik

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.81818181818 out of 5 with 167 ratings

Paul E. Macik Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

8 yr in Bariatrics

8 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 75

167 Reviews for Paul E. Macik
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Dr. Macik is great. Kinda quiet. But if you talk to him he will talk to you. Great Dr. He performed my surgery 05/11/2011. to date I have loss 29.5 lbs. Thanks Dr. Macik. It took me 12 years to get this surgery done and you made it happen in 1 year! This surgery I belive has extended my life!


I had my first appt with him earlier this week. He was not very talkative at all. Robyn the nurse is wonderful. So far Tiffany has been able to answer all of my questions regarding insurance and pricing. I think skill is WAY more important than how talkative he is. I hope to get everything into insurace next week. Hope things go smoothly.


Just want to say that Dr Macik is a genius! I am so thankful that I am on my journey to a new me, that i have a chance at life that was passing me by. Dr Macik is a man of few words, but the words that he speaks are important ones! I will never forget what he has done for me! Today is day 5, I have had minimal pain. I will update my review later, but for now i wanted to let everyone know that he is the best!!! I would encourage anyone looking for a surgeon to make an appointment with him! You will not regret it!!
Thank you Dr. Macik for helping me on my journey to my new life!

Elizabeth Kelly


I had the lapband surgery in July 2010 and have only lost 30 lbs. Dr. Macik is a great surgeon and my lack of weight loss is not a reflection on him or his professional skills. However, I'm extremely disappointed in my progress. My advice is to have the RNY for better results. I wish I did.


I had planned to have surgery in Savh, Ga. When I changed my mind and went to Dr. Macik, I already was completely ready for surgery and had very few 'questions'. I'd already done research and found that Dr. Macik was much more qualified than my previous potential surgeon. That is to say, Dr. Macik was 'quiet', as many already stated, but had I HAD questions, I am confident he would have answered them thoroughly and completely. He saw me daily in the hospital, I was told by my fabulous nurses at Northside that they felt assured they could call him at any time of the day or night (not all Doctors welcome nurses to call them, I know for a fact having worked in a hospital). He has vast experience, is extremely confident, and genuinely cares about his patients. His staff ROCKS. For those who've said he is 'a man of few words', that may be true, but he does open up and is very talkative at his SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS, which are an important part of this journey. If you are taking part in those, you likely won't have many questions.

1 person found this helpful


I had my surgery in Sept 2009. My weight was 272 the day of surgery. I started seeing Dr Macik in March 2009. He is not a touchy feely guy, very professional. On my first visit he told me I would have the Roux-n-Y procedure laparocopic surgery, and this time next year I would weigh 100 pounds less. Very matter of fact, very self assured. He knows his stuff. I felt very confident that I was in good hands. Tiffany helped me with all of the insurance stuff (a lot of hoops to jump through)and it ended up going very well. They even accommodated me in my surgery day because of my son's school schedule. Fast forward to today, Jan 2011. I weigh 125 pounds. I do have a problem with twisted mesentric veins that popped up in October which is causing me severe pain. This is a hereditary condition, very rare and has nothing to do with my surgery. I think that since I am skinny for the first time in my life that there is less room for my intestines and that is why it is showing up now. Dr Macik will do the surgery to correct this, and I feel at peace about it. Dr Macik saved my life. I will be forever grateful to him and Tiffany.

2 people found this helpful


GREAT!!! The staff was slow with getting the paperwork to the insurance company, but Dr. Macik was GREAT!!!!


I made a phone call to Dr Macik's office from a referral from my neurosurgeon, Dr Tomaras. I had just had a huge surgery for my back which included pins and rods. This helped me to be able to walk again because I had lost the feeling in my feet. I remember telling Dr Tomaras NOT to write the word Obese in my file. He wrote additional girth...well it was his suggestion for me to call Dr Macik. I did in 2005 several times and on one of those calls, Dr Macik answered himself. It was after hours but he took the time to answer my questions. I remained fearful and lived with this weight another 5 years, figuring I can do it...I am not stupid...But - I kept gaining.
My impression of Dr Macik is that he is ready when YOU are. I was. He does not provide a lot of the information, because I am certain he wants to know if YOU have prepared yourself with all of the information from the support groups and your own research.
His staff is always receptive and very helpful.
As a patient, you must know that he is extremely professional and very much to the point and about the business of making the surgery the best for you. Some have said that he does not talk much, but I have not had that as an issues. I can say that he is a man of detail pre op, during the op and post op with high expectations of following the plan that he has prescribed. I would rate him as an outstanding doctor with a superior surgical competence and a good bedside manner. Please know that my only negatives were just a difference in the paperwork and the dates of appointments leading up to the surgery. These were easily fixed by calling Tiffany, who seems to be the person who keeps the operations of the office floating smoothly.

I am very pleased with my experience with Dr.Paul Macik and his staff.

2 people found this helpful


Fantastic. That's all I could say about Dr. Paul Macik. Before surgery he answered any and every question that we had ... and not just a one-word answer neither. Each answer was extremely extensive and in depth. He never made us feel scared and walked us through it all.

The day of surgery he asked if I was ready and I remember saying, "Let's do this" and that was the last thing I remember saying. I woke up in very little pain and he made sure I was well taken care of from the floor nurses. He came by to see me after the surgery and again, made sure I was ok.

On the day I was scheduled to to leave, I was surprised to see Dr. Macik at 7:30am! He told me he wanted to make sure I was doing well before I went home.

I am in next to no pain whatsoever. All together, I am more then pleased about Dr. Macik and his abilities. Contact his office and speak to the just-as-wonderful Tiffany, who will be more then happy to help you out in anyway she can.

Thank you Dr. Macik for giving me and my wife many years more together! I will forever be in your debt!

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What was your first impression of him/her?
my first impression of Dr. Macik was he's very quiet & friendly

How did your impression change over time?
my impression didnt change he is very quiet

How would you describe his/her office staff?
staff is very professional, caring and extremely friendly!

What did you like least about him/her?
Nothing NOT to like...Dr. Macik addressed all my concerns was very thorough, I didn't ask much due to the fact that i'd researched all there was to research & was ready to GO LOL

What should future patients know about him/her?
Dr. Macik is VERY THOROUGH, meaning follow his plan exactly as he instructs & if you have any questions feel free to ask

How much does he/she emphasize aftercare?
Aftercare is a MUST!!!

How did he/she address the risks of surgery?
Dr. Macik is very open and honest about the risks, also do your own research!!!

How would you rate him/her overall?
I'd rate Dr. Macik a 10

Which is better, surgical competence, bedside manner, or are both great?
I'd say surgical competence is his strength, his bediside manner was fine w/ me however some ppl may prefer more bedside time, i just wanted a competent doc i didn't care much about his "bedside manner" To each his own

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