Richard Tillquist

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 157 ratings

Richard Tillquist Bariatric Surgeon MD

21 yr Experience

22 yr in Bariatrics

13 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

14 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

80% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 21

Max Age of Patient is 70

157 Reviews for Richard Tillquist
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~~02/12/02~~I had my appointment with Dr. Tilquist today and REALLY liked him a lot. He was very personable, easy to talk to and answered all my questions. I did ask him for an update on how many Lap-RNY he's done and he estimates over 100 with a ZERO mortality rate. I'm impressed!! I also liked the fact that he said I could call him anytime, if I had any other questions - he seems very accessible, not like most doctors. I feel very confident that he is the right surgeon for my Lap-RNY. If anyone has any questions about him I can answer, feel free to e-mail me.

~~04/11/02~~It's now 1 week after my surgery (04/03/02) and I can't tell you how pleased I am with Dr. Tillquist. He was so upbeat, wanted to make sure I was being taken care of in the hospital, my incisions are very small and I'm just amazed how good I feel after just one week. I really have total confidence in him as a surgeon, he really knows what he's doing. I feel that's what help me feel so good so fast, I am extremely grateful! Thanks Dr. Tillquist!!


Dr. Tillquist was very professional. He spent a great deal of time with me and answered all of my questions. I have found his staff (especially Eilene) extremely helpful. I had done a great deal of research before my consultation so I was pretty focused. However, Dr. Tillquist brought up things I hadn't really thought about. He didn't speak down to me but really walked me through the surgey and after-care. I can't speak to his after-care yet, but if it is anywhere near the level of the pre-op care, I'll be very impressed.

I attended the post-op nutrition classes that Dr. Tillquist requires. I am so glad that he had me go to this. I really learned a great deal. I am really looking forward to the next part of this incredible journey.


On first impression he was very quiet. Let me do all of the talking. Didn't have a lot to say that I hadn't already researched. I have only met with him once and it was quick. His staff and office are great and very knowledgable.

What I least liked was that he was not very personable. He did not come out and say stuff.... just asked if I had questions.

Aftercare is enphasized by mandatory nutrition classes before surgery date.

Dr. Tillquist is like most doctors I know. Quiet and medically oriented. But that is fine because during surgery I would much rather he being thinking medically than talking to me about how I was feeling.

POST-OP: After surgery I must say that Dr. Tillquist must be some sort of magician. I had little pain when I woke up and even less in the week that has past. Little nausea and no complications. I am healing faster than I thought I would. He is a remarkable surgeon. He never had a doubt that he could do the surgery laproscopically and that's how it ended up.


Dr. Tillquist is fantastic. I have read and heard so many positive things about him and his practice. When I met him at the consultation, I instantly liked him. He is a caring man and gave me confidence in his abilities and assured me that I would be okay. Staff is great. He requires nutritional counseling classes which have been very informative and a great way to meet others in my situation. More on Dr. T and his staff as I continue through this process.


I have change surgeons because of the long wait for Dr. Synder. I have meet Dr. Tillquist and I found him to be a very intelligent man with a sence of humor. Well at least he chuckled when I asked him if he has ever killed anyone off. Luckly his answer was no. I will have more to tell after my next apt. on March 12th.


I met Dr. Tillquist a few weeks ago and I was
very comfortable with both him and his office
staff. He allowed me to ask all the questions
I had written down and was happy to talk
about all the concerns I had without making
me feel rushed.

He does not run a nutritional program or
support group directly through his office,
but he does require all of his patients to
go through a 4-session pre-op nutritional
class held by a nutritionist that
specializes in gastric bypass education. She
also runs a post-op support group used by
many patients.

I would rate Dr. Tillquist a 10 after having
had surgery. I've had no problems of any
kind and am very happy with him.


When I met with Dr. Tillquist, my first impression was that he was excited to meet me and saw that I had questions prepared, which I'm sure he's used to. He answered all of my questions and we had a few good laughs along the way! I then met with Gini and was scheduled for surgery...I am happy so far with Dr. Tillquist. I will update after surgery!


Dr. Tillquist is a righteously cool dude!!! This man perfomed an all out miracle on me, and is so humble about it. I could kiss him, but I won't haha!! He has been nothing but caring, polite, and professional at all my pre op appointments, was very nice to myself and my mother the day of surgery, he really put her at ease, and his assistant, I think her name is Winnie, is a sweetheart. He visited me everyday while I was in the hospital, and let me pace my discharge. He made sure I was comfortable, and got me neccessary meds asap. All my post op appointments have been great, and he has been just as concerned and attentive to me as before the surgery. Some surgeons get paid and your just another number to them, not Dr. T. If your looking for a competent, concerned surgeon in the CO area, this is the man..Also his staff has been great. I must have harrassed Eileen a dozen time before my approval, and she was never rude, or just plain sick of me, or at least she didn't let on that she was. Cool folks!! I couldn't ask for better!!!!


I think we put Dr. Tillquist through the ringer. :) I brought my parents as well as my husband along to the consultation. We asked him MANY questions. He was EXTREMELY competent as well as conversational. I felt completely at ease with him right away and so did my family. I am looking forward to starting this journey in his hands!


We met with Dr. Tillguist on 2/14/02.
My husband and I had many questions for him.
He seems to be very knowledgable in this area. He has an excellent history. He seems to really care and understand your concerns.
We spent about an hour with him. Then he took us to meet with Gini, she sets the surgery date. Then we met with Eileen. She will process the ppwk to the Insurance company.
We were very happy with Dr. Tillquist and all of his staff.

2/15/02 - Gini called me to let me know that the surgery date has been set for 4/11/02.
She said that I should be hearing from Eileen sometime next week. So far so good.

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