Sashidhar Ganta

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 83 ratings

Sashidhar Ganta Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

8 yr Experience

8 yr in Bariatrics

12 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

8 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

98% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is no min age

Max Age of Patient is no maximum

Adjustable Gastric Band

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch



and 4 more...

83 Reviews for Sashidhar Ganta
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Dr.Ganta knows what he is doing! Super easy to work with. His staff was accomodating and prompt. I would recommend Dr. Ganta to anyone.

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Bariatric Surgeon Austin Texas

Sashidhar V. Ganta, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Dr. Ganta, one of the most experienced Bariatric Surgeons in Austin, Texas has been performing bariatric surgery since 2001 and has extensive experience in Advanced Laparoscopic surgery. He has performed RNY Gastric Bypass, Lap-band, Gastric Sleeve, Duodenal switch, BPD, Stomaphyx and Revisions and with the laparoscopic approach.

On his path to becoming a leading Austin bariatric surgeon, Dr. Ganta completed his education including medical school in India. An outstanding performer throughout his career, was awarded the "Best student of the class" in Medical school and won seven Gold medals including Biochemistry, Physiology and Pathology.

He underwent extensive surgical training in India, England, Scotland and United States. He was awarded "Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of England" and "Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland"at a very young age. Subsequently Dr. Ganta completed his surgical residency in New York at New York Medical College one year early because of previous experience and superior performance. He did a fellowship at "Yale University" in advanced laparoscopic Surgery. At Yale he has considerable experience teaching other surgeons advanced laparoscopy and Laparoscopic suturing, a skill that is difficult to master.

Dr. Ganta completed several Bariatric surgery fellowships and was trained at some of the best hospitals and surgeons in the country such as Dr. Alan Wittgrove, Dr Wesley Clark (Carnie Wilson Surgeons) and Vivek Prachand at the University of Chicago.

He won "TOPGUN" in laparoscopic suturing at the American College of Surgeons Meeting in Chicago in the year 2000.

He then moved to Illinois to start and develop a Bariatric Surgery Program and was there till 2005. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, Member of the American Society of Bariatric Surgery, Member of the Texas Medical Association and a Member of the Travis County Medical Association.

Dr. Ganta has moved to Austin and founded AIBL to continue his dream of developing a center for comprehensive bariatric care.

In his leisure time, he loves to spend time with his loving wife and adorable daughters.

2 of 3 people found this helpful


I first contacted my surgeon in May of 2006 after attending a conference at St. David's in Austin, TX. I was very happy at being able to get an appointment in only 2 days! Dr. Ganta was new to the area at that time but I was able to find him on the internet and read reviews about him and I was happy and felt very informed on my choice. His office is well established now and even though I do not have to follow up with him anymore I still have a little contact with the office due to the fact that he has also done surgery on my mother and sister. Dr. Ganta's aftercare diet was very strict but very effective. I know several people who have had bariatric surgery at another major hospital in central Texas. Their diet was very different and guess what....they did not lose the weight and keep it off the way I did by following Dr. Ganta's "rules".

I am a registered nurse and I "investigated" the gastric bypass surgery thoroughly before deciding to have it. I am EXTREMELY glad that I chose Dr. Ganta. To me, he is a life saver and I will remember him always. If in the future I ever need any kind of surgery that he is qualified to do I will definitely return to his care. On a scale of 1-10? He is a 20!!!!

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My first impression of Dr. Ganta was that he was serious and somber. I've come to realize that he has a wicked sense of humor even if you don't see it all the time.

I don't think that Dr. Ganta is a "touchy-feely" doctor. He is straight-forward, honest and respectful. He doesn't seem liked he'd put up with much bull. I respect that in him a great deal. It makes me feel like he expects me to be totally honest to myself and him. As expected, this reserved demeanor is evident in his bedside manner as well.

If you are looking for doctor who is going to gush or hover over you, Dr. Ganta is not a good fit. If you are looking for a doctor who is calm, meticulous and thoughtful then Dr. Ganta may be your man. He answered all of my questions, really took the time to make sure that I understood the risks in my surgery options. I waffled on my choice of surgery types. He pressed me to be sure of my choice since I'd changed my mind several times. He was satisified when I was able to clearly articulate the reasons behind my choice, the risks involved and my perceived benefits.

His staff are a perfect complement to his personality, enriching his practice. They express all the vibrancy, enthusiasm and emotion that he he does not. They definitely show his 'softer' side. Their exuberance for your commitment and journey are regularly shared. They never fail to cheer you on and help you find the positives. All are very professional in their manner and performance - just with a bright smile.

I would also like to add that the patient support group has good and diverse topics. The members drive the choices of topics. It is coordinated by a combination of patients and office staff. The membership is quite diverse which leads to insightful discussions. They have also expanded the support group by creating walking and running groups.

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I have considered doing surgery for years. I have even talked to several different doctors about different options and backed out at the last minute. I finally took the plunge last week on 7/14/10. Dr. Ganta was my surgeon and I have to say that he is nothing less than amazing! I have several co-workers that had their lap band done by Dr. Ganta and highly recommended him. I am so glad that I took their advice! One of my many concerns was recovery, in the past I have not done well with healing from surgeries. I have to say this was the easiest surgery I have ever had done in my life and the down time was nothing at all. The best advice that I received from Dr. Ganta was to get up and get moving IMMEDIATELY. Me being a literal person I took it literally, the afternoon after surgery I walked the hall in the hospitals. I was released the next day and that night my husband and I walked the block. I have not stopped moving since! Friends that had the same surgery said "how the heck are you doing that?". Bottom line, getting up and getting moving is the quickest way to recovery. Take it slow and don't over do it... but get moving! I had several health concerns that ultimately helped me to decide to go forward with the surgery, high blood pressure, thyroid problems, bad knees, bad back, fibromyalga etc. Bottom line my weight was the factor for all of these. So far I have lost 21lbs and I feel great. My husband asked "where is my wife and what have you done with her". He was so used to me coming home from work and just laying around because I felt so terrible. I feel like I owe Dr. Ganta everything, I honestly believe that he gave me a new lease on life! If you are considering doing surgery go see him, his team is amazing! There is not one person in his office that does not treat you like you are family, they genuinely care. If you are like me and work full time, sometimes crazy hours... well they even work on Saturdays. I have no doubt that with the help of his team I will not only meet but exceed the goals I have set for myself. Thank you Dr. Ganta and team!

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Dr. Ganta was the first doctor I met with (Aug 2009), after several attempts to get a consult in one of the large bariatric practices in town. To get a consult required 2+ hr commitment up front, which did not fit with my expectations of my relationship with the doctor, practice, or my own time allowance.

Dr. Ganta is reserved, wanting patients to make their own informed choices. For me, he placed all of the procedures side by side, as he was aware I had done research, though one of the research choices was still causing me anxiety. He asked why, laid out the facts, and asked me to read more, now that I understood better.

That choice was for the DS (Dec 2009). He did not push me to the choice at all, but when I came back after a couple of weeks and had selected the DS, he was glad I had made such a choice, and confirmed that he thought I would be an excellent candidate, considering my BMI, general good health, mental attitude, and primary stated desire to remove myself from insulin.

The 3 mos program was fairly pedestrian, and could use some more work to clearly distinguish the expectations, requirements, anticipated diets, and anecdotal experiences between different procedures. The staff, while polite and nice, seemed overwhelmed, and there was no support group. When I asked post-op to talk to someone, the staff certainly responded. All calls were taken, even if there was not much recommendation forthcoming on how to deal well with my lactose intolerance and general lack of diet I could keep down.

However, with the changes in staff, there is certainly more focus on post-op care, including the return of the support group. Even having pre-ops in the support meeting is of key help. Kudos to Dr. Ganta, Emily, and Pam for listening to the patient base and recognizing the need - and following up with active changes. Hopefully the staff's paperwork for pre- and post- op dietary needs expands as well. It is a conservative post-op regimen, so be prepared.

The staff is always ready to assist, and Dr. Ganta is a more than competent surgeon - he's quite brilliant. He also listens well in meetings, never seeming to rush the patient. With the new additions to staff, the care will cease being reactive and become far more proactive, and match the quality of the surgeon at the center of it.

I would highly recommend this surgeon, the growing practice, ask the patient to be very educated and dedicated to their WLS care plans, and always tell Dr. Ganta his/her concerns or your own proactive care planning.

Continued good wishes to the AIBL team.

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Dr. Ganta is quiet and reserved, but competent. He has warmed over time.I would rate him as a great surgeon, his surgical competence is better than his bedside manner. His staff are all great.


I had my RNY 9-8-2009. To date, I have lost 113 pounds from my peak!

Dr. Ganta was the second surgeon I visited. The first was with a large surgical group here in Austin, and I just didn't feel "the fit." After meeting with Dr. Ganta, and thoroughly exploring my surgical options, I decided he was the right man for the job.

Very quiet and unassuming, he is an excellent technical surgeon. He is also very to the point, and was helpful in providing enough information that I could make an informed decision on which procedure I wanted.

The office staff is very helpful, even though there has been a changeover in a couple of positions.

I would like to commend Emily and Pam for actively resurrecting the AIBL support group, and strongly advise anyone considering bariatric surgery to visit the support group before surgery to visit with existing patients, and to continue as a member of the group as you progress in your new life! I think the support group was the one thing that was really lacking in my pre-surgery care. But there is definitely a move to correct that!

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Loved Him.rnStill dornon a 1-10 I would give him a 9 I like him and his hospital.


Dr Ganta is quite, he likes for you to make your own decissions (what procedure) but does discuss the reasons you made your decission. This way you have ownership in your decission. His staff is very friendly and personable, they would do anything for you. At no time did I question if I was doing the right thing. They all made me feel like I could do this and they would be there to help. Thanks.

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