Sashidhar Ganta

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 83 ratings

Sashidhar Ganta Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

8 yr Experience

8 yr in Bariatrics

12 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

8 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

98% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is no min age

Max Age of Patient is no maximum

Adjustable Gastric Band

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch



and 4 more...

83 Reviews for Sashidhar Ganta
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Dr. Ganta is a very caring Doctor. He makes sure that you understand all the risk with this surgery. I was very impressed with him through the whole consult and the pre-testing before surgery. I have work with his partner Dr. Seegers at the hospital that I work at. I have known Dr. Seegers for a long time and feel at ease known that he will assist Dr. Ganta with my surgery. Dr. Ganta has a great aftercare program that he makes you follow. So far I would rate him and his staff excellent. I will let you know how everything went with the surgery! The only negative problem that I had was the waiting for some of the test that I had.


Dr. Ganta takes his job very seriously but is very nice. He has a very strick program he expects his patients to follow. I felt that my health was well looked after. The aftercare program is excellent. His staff and the staff that take care of you in the hospital are all great. The risk of the surgery is explain in detail more than once. Dr. Ganta leaves no stone unturned when it comes to making sure you understand the surgery and what could happen and thats before during and after. He is very cautious in every way when it comes to letting you go home from the hospital. He whats to be sure you are doing well. All in all I felt I got excellent care from the start. As far as his surgical competence and bedside manner, Dr. Ganta and Dr. Vinces are great.


Dr. Ganta is a superior surgeon. He was very honest in describing that this is tool and not a fix. He didn't hide the risks involved, but also made sure that I wasn't afraid and remained calm. From the first time I met him he has always been caring and interested in ME. After my surgery, I contacted his office with questions and concerns and he never made me feel like I was "wasting" his time. He is very concerned with aftercare and stresses this during consultation, pre-op and post-op. His bedside manner was not only great to me, as the patient, but also my family. He is one of the finest doctors I have ever met and I would not hesitate to recommend. His staff is superior also. His assistant and nurses are so caring and friendly. They always returned calls, not always in the time frame I wanted, but they did return them. (**as I learned---please remember they return calls in the order of urgency**). I also learned that sometimes my post-op appt's were running late, but discovered that they do because Dr. G and his staff are intent on making sure all their patients questions are answered and/or he is attending to a patient with urgent needs. Dr. G and Harvard Hospital are truly wonderful! My only complaint is per my family and friends -- the chairs in the waiting room/patient room were uncomfortable to have to sit in for hours.


Dr. Ganta is wonderful. He is extremely thorough and well-prepared before he will take anyone into surgery.It's my opinion that he wants to prepare for any possible problems before they can occur--that way, his patients will do as well as possible and have fewer negative side effects. He is very quiet and soft-spoken. His office staff is wonderful as well. In my opinion, it can take some time to hear back from them when you call, though, so make sure that you are persistent and they will eventually get back to you. Many of the nurses and techs who work in the program have had the surgery and are willing to be very open and honest about their experiences and answer any questions that a pre-op may have. I even had a radiology tech "flash" me to show me his scars.:)


That he's a doc who knows alot about people and the help that this surgery will be to them. I have grown to admire him even more as the months have passed and my weight has come down. He has a great office staff and they will help in any way they can. There is nothing bad to say about Dr.G. He's just perfect in my eyes. You couldn't get a better doc any where in the world. Yes, Dr. G. and his staff talk alot about aftercare and how important it is to fellow the aftercare program to stay healthly. He pulls no punchs about the risks involved in this type of surgery. He lays it all out on the table. This is a very serious operation, not to be taken as a quick fix as some people will want to believe. He is an A+++ in my book. I have trusted him with my life one time and would not think twice about doing it again. You are putting yourself in very good hands with Dr.Ganta. He great!


I liked dr. ganta at the consult. I just wonder about really skinny people if they really understand.

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Excellent, couldn't be happier. Good aftercare program.


Right off the bat I knew I liked Dr. Ganta. He is personable, doesn't mind a little joking and is genuinly interested in his patients. He and his staff seemed to have all the question answered before asked and their info. packet is soooo well thought out and put together. They are right on top of things and are all so kind and friendly. I don't think I could have found a better surgeon. If you are looking into wls, check out Dr. Ganta and Harvard Regional Bariatric Hospital.


My name is Debbie Salman. I first met Dr. Ganta and a introductory seminar held at the Harvard Bariatric center. Of course his a thin man and soft spoken, but when it comes to talking surgery his concern and confidence comes thru. He is direct in a caring way. Makes sure you know the risks involved. He asked my two or three times (in different ways) if I understood the risks and was I willing to proceed knowing those risks. When I told him yes, he then went on to the benefits. He is right to the point. The said that if YOU don't follow the plan to the letter, the tool will not work. I feel he is sincere and is willing to help anyone who comes to him with the sincere attitude of wanting to lose wt. He is also handsome with a great smile and married to the most beautiful women I have ever seen. If you are searching for someone who will be there thru it all, Dr. Ganta would be my first choice for you.

Debbie Salman

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Dr. Ganta was very quiet (and skinny!!) He was very knowledgable and took time to answer questions. He turned out to be very patient and concerned. He even had a sense of humor the more I got to know him. He was and still is very thorough and concerned. I really liked everything about him! The hospital staff were all very wonderful. The only person that was snotty and not very personable, was the pre-cert. nurse. She w I was so scared at first, but they were all so friendly and reassuring. The main things that I would like his future patients to know about him is that he is very strict about WHO he will perform the proceedure on (Lap RNY), and he is very honest with you. The other cool thing about him is that he studied with Dr. Whitgrove (the surgeon who performed Carnie Wilson's gastric bypass).

Dr. Ganta has a structured follow up program. Two weeks post-op, one month post-op,three months, six months, then once a year. But they HIGHLY encourage attending their monthly support groups.

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