Why does sugar cause diarrhea?

(deactivated member)
on 2/2/11 8:19 am - Minneapolis area, MN
Can someone please tell me why I get diarrhea from eating sugar?  And is it always permanent or does the effect fade for most people after a while?  I am nine months out.
(deactivated member)
on 2/2/11 8:25 am
Sounds like you are one of the lucky ones!!!

I'm not affected that way by sugar, YMMV.

Hopefully it will change for you.
(deactivated member)
on 2/2/11 8:35 am
Sugar is my greatest enemy. It's my downfall. I crave it like a smoker craves cigarettes.

I haven't had the DS surgery, I had RNY five years ago and I still struggle with sugar. I am hoping, hoping, hoping that having the DS will control these awful cravings. Does it? Does the DS procedure help with sugar cravings? It levels out the insulin, right? I think that's my problem. I have too many spikes and drops in my blood sugar. Too many bad dumping and reactive hypoglycemia episodes.

(deactivated member)
on 2/2/11 8:57 am, edited 2/3/11 10:23 pm - Minneapolis area, MN
I was able to get my sugar cravings under control before DS, by taking chromium picolinate supplements. It took a few weeks of taking it, but my sugar cravings reduced by about 90%. I hope it works for you!

I think that DS does reduce sugar cravings at least partly because you'll have less grehlin in your system due to having 70% of your stomach removed, but maybe some others will share their experiences with this as well.
Jersey Girl
on 2/2/11 9:02 am
I've never heard of chromiul picolinate.  How long did you take them?
A l y s i a  (pronounced like A l i c i a)
Total weight loss since HW of 475:
Pounds lost since band revision to DS            
(deactivated member)
on 2/2/11 5:41 pm, edited 2/2/11 5:52 pm - Minneapolis area, MN
Sorry, typo. I meant chromium picolinate. I take three per day (one with each meal) of these:

www.vitacost.com/NSI-Chromium-Picolinate-500-mcg-300-Capsule s

Since they are a dietary supplement rather than a medication, I suspect that I had been deficient before and that's what was causing my sugar cravings--deficiencies can cause odd cravings. For example, people who are very deficient in iron often get intense cravings to eat ice.

I still take them and intend to keep doing so, because if I was deficient before DS, I would certainly be deficient after.

on 2/2/11 9:19 pm
I don't know about that!  I have always been a sugar fiend, and it hasn't changed that much, except that fact that the effects are deadly so I have to rein myself in when I am going to be around other people.

Nothing will change if you don't have the courage to change it!
      And stop calling me "Shirley!"    
(deactivated member)
on 2/4/11 6:35 am

How much chromium do you take? I was told years ago by my doctor to take chromium for my hypoglycemia. It really helped. I need to start taking it again.

I take 500 mcg. How much do you take?


(deactivated member)
on 2/4/11 8:22 am - Minneapolis area, MN
I take 3 capsules (500 mcg each) per day, one with each meal.
Julie R.
on 2/2/11 9:00 am - Ludington, MI

My cravings for sugar were nonexistant for the longest while...then....once I started eating it, the cravings did come back.   Fortunately, for me, many sugary foods are tooooo sweet nowadays.   I cannot eat milk chocolate or most chocolate bars, but eat dark chocolate a lot.    A chocolate chip cookie or a piece of cake with lots of frostings will make me shiver, they're so sweet.   Other things though, like pie, aren't too sweet.   I have lots of problems with too much sugar - bad gas and diarrhea, so I limit them in my diet for that reason, and also because it will make me gain weight, which it did, over the holidlays!       If I had, say, a donut for breakfast, I'd be so bloated and gassy by lunch that I'd embarrass myself big-time with the results!  

Julie R - Ludington, Michigan
Duodenal Switch 08/09/06 - Dr. Paul Kemmeter, Grand Rapids, Michigan
HW: 282 - 5'4"
SW: 268
GW: 135
CW: 125
