GRRRR Why the run around?? Seems no one knows

on 7/15/11 9:59 am - Lower Sackville, Canada
OH MY GOD!!!  I am so frustrated. 

 I emailed Diana L at Capital Health WLS clinic and was referred to the info below in red on the Capital Healths web site.  So I called the # Wed and left a voice mail message with my questions (did they find my referral sent in Feb 2011 and did you get my report from the sleep study test that was done 2 weeks ago).  I still never got any reply so I called the # again today and the nice woman advised she did get my voice mail but have no clue as to why I am calling her dept,  as they do not have access to the WLS clinics files to see who and where people are on the waiting list etc and that she has no way to find out if they have my referral or my newly sent sleep study results. What she did tell me is she forwarded off my info to the director for more input and answers and I will be contacted once they find out more. She said  the only reason she can see as to why they gave the info below is they want to document and send info to the director that there is an ongoing issue here and it needs to be addressed NOW.
I expressed my great concerns of the wait time going from 2 to 4 yrs to 10 yrs and this scares the hell out of me and others and she said she needs more people to call so they can pass this info off to the director so it can be resolved.   She said if no one calls and complains they don't know of the problems that are NOT being addressed at the WLS clinic.   She then went on to tell me she paid over $3000 for a weight loss program and has lost about 65 lbs.  Good for her !!!!!!  BUT some people don't have $3000 for a weight loss program.   I know I sure as hell don't and I sure as hell don't feel like I have 10 yrs to wait for this much needed tool to help me.   

If  you have been given the run around and or your issues not addressed with the WLS clinic in-box me and I will include with your permission all of our complaints to the Department of Health and Wellness, so  WE all can get addressed
with a resolution best for everyone in a timely fashion and NOT 10 yrs....

This is right off their web site

The Obesity Network is unable to respond to concerns regarding expected wait times for Weight Loss Surgery. Both Capital Heath and the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness have programs that deal with wait time concerns. Please have patients with wait time questions contact these programs.

Capital Health Patient Representatives

Phone: (902) 473-2133.
1-855-799-0990 (toll-free in Nova Scotia)
[email protected]

Department of Health and Wellness

Phone: (902) 424-5818
1-800-387-6665 (toll-free in Nova Scotia)
[email protected]
My goals to a healthy me            
on 7/15/11 10:04 am - Lower Sackville, Canada
you could also use the 2 email addresses listed in red above with your own story if you like and please feel free to pass this info on to others for support too.  Best of luck to all you who have gotten your much needed surgeries  congratulations on your choice for a healthy you !!!!   and for those of us waiting on the long list lets hang in there together and GET under their skin and make some noise....
My goals to a healthy me            
Carly ~
on 7/15/11 11:42 am, edited 7/15/11 11:42 am
 Don't even listen to them suggest that Weight Loss Program.  They're suggesting it to all patients waiting who voice their concerns about the wait time -- like it's a feasible option.
They offered it to me.. like I was a selected chosen one -- then they told me it's about $4,000.00 -- I told them I am on disability benefits from work and can't afford it.  It's the last contact I have had with them.

If it's such a good program, and such a viable option for us -- then why won't MSI cover it?

Diane is useless.  The clinic is useless.
No offense to anyone, but from my own personal knowledge of her -- that is my own personal opinion.
on 7/15/11 12:15 pm, edited 7/15/11 12:26 am - Lower Sackville, Canada
if money was not an issue for me i would not spend it on the program she suggested. I would be locating the best WLS Dr in Canada and flying my fat ass there and paying what ever they wanted for a shot at the best tool that will help me get a life i have never had. I want to enjoy what I have left of my life. If i wait 10 yrs i will be 52 yrs old and my children will be all grown and I will have missed all the things a mom wants to do with her boys. I want to go to Kart bond and go racing, i want to take them to a water park and get on the slides and not have people laugh and stare at the fat woman.

I don't know Diana or been even in the clinic I know the work they do is amazing and they work with what they are given. yeah its frustrating for everyone, but the clinic needs well deserved funding and government help to get it in order. I would hate to see us lose the clinic and have no help.
My goals to a healthy me            
on 7/17/11 12:50 pm - Pictou County, Canada
Adjustable Gastric Band on 06/23/11
Fancy Roses, I understand completely!! I went through the runaround with the NS Department of Health and the WLS clinic.  I thought, well crap, I am 41 and need to do something now before I get more serious issues.  I borrowed money, flew to Toronto the end of June and got surgery.  I am now almost one month post op, struggling with the new eating rules, (ate really bad today) but have lost 26lbs so far.  I am hoping I have the strength to get further towards my goals, and I am trying to work through my MLA to see if there's another way to have surgery done in NS in a timely and cost efficient manner, but they need to have more and more people complain about it - squeaky wheel and all.  It needs to be public and vocal.  This is important to all of us.  I hope you get somewhere soon, and are able to start your journey towards your goals!!!  Thinking of ya!!
Do Unto others, before they do Unto
on 7/18/11 1:11 am - Lower Sackville, Canada
thanks so much for the reply.  If i could borrow the $$ i be sleeved by now.  I know you will do great with your sleep and please add pics as we all love the before and after pics.  its what motivates us and gives us people on the waiting list hope.  You can add me if you like,  I am sure we can all use another oh friend to share stories and successes with... All the best to you on your journey
My goals to a healthy me            
Carly ~
on 7/18/11 4:36 am
 And if you're on facebook, search for OWLSS support group.
It's a private group of people locally who have had, or are waiting for weight loss surgery.

on 7/21/11 12:28 am - Beaver Bank, Canada
Carly & Shannon,

Owlss is set to "private" on Facebook and members can only be added by invite from other members. 
You can look up my name Coreena Hale, add me as a friend and I will send you an invite if you wish. 
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
on 7/18/11 4:52 am - Lower Sackville, Canada
thanks i am on there now my first name is Lillian :)
My goals to a healthy me            
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