5 Week Follow-up with Surgeon and Dietician ( LONG)

on 1/13/12 9:32 am - Canada

It went very well, but i am a little confused and disappointed with the information that i recevied from the dietician. 

I ended up having a VSG and not the RNY.  All the material i had was for the RNY, so i followed that.  In fact when i came home from the hosptial, i called one of the dieticians and she indicated that i didn't need to crush my pills.  She didn't tell me anything else.

I went off today with list of questions for the surgeon and dietician(sp)....In addition to this i do my research on these boards from the most helpful people, as well as a book I bought from HRRH sigh by Sue Ekserci and Dr. Laz Klein.

#1.  Can i do strength training now - surgeon says go ahead, but the books and other people have posted that shouldn't until 6 months out.

#2. How may calories, fat%, carbs% and protein I should have. I 'm using myfitnesspal.com and when i put the food in, it calculates it out.  So, i wanted to see if i was okay with the amount of protein, etc. 

The dietician said those are difficult questions...Huh?  All my paperwork they handed out said to aim for 60 - 80 protein a day.  Turns out her calculations for me with protein was 61 grams, but if i go up to 70 it is okay.  And i really did not get a straight answer on the fat and carbs.  As for total calories, she indicated that i should be eating between 800 and 1000 calories a day, and less then 1 cup of food at a time.  I thought 800 - 1000 was high for at the stage i am out.

I read in the weight-loss book and i think on here as well, it said around 500 calories (which i thought was too low)

I asked if they had any written guidelines for the VSG and they didn't, so i am to still follow the original RNY guidelines.  Which i don't have any problems with doing that, i was just disappointed they didn't have the info.

I don't want to sound like i am complaining, because I am happy with my progress so far, i just wanted  some more info and to see if i was on track. 

Just wondering others experience, do you look at how many calories your eating....Any suggestions or comments.

Thanks so much

Heidi S.
on 1/13/12 9:44 am - Sault Ste. Marie, Canada
 Hi Liz
I'm sorry they weren't very much help to you. I'm not able to offer you any advice either as I have not had my surgery and I'm not familiar with the VSG. I am curious though as to why they did the VSg rather then the RNY? I see a few people had it done that way. I'm nervious if that's what they will do to me and I would rather have the RNY.
I hope others on here can help you with your questions. Would calling another center and talking to one of their dietians be of any help? Just a thought.

The Best of Luck

Sometimes you just put one foot in front of the other, even if you don't know where you're going. 

Surgery Aug. 29, 2012 with the Wonderful Dr. Aarts at TEGH



Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

on 1/13/12 10:57 am - Canada
I had a pre-existing condition with my liver and once they started the surgery, they felt it was too risky to do the RNY.  My liver condition had nothing to do with my weight, just in case you're wondering.

Thanks for advise, i might try and call another centre and see what they have to say.

Thanks  Liz
Heidi S.
on 1/13/12 11:45 pm - Sault Ste. Marie, Canada
 Thank you for sharing. I'm just trying to see why the doctors switch to the sleeve rather then rny. I hope you get some answers soon to help you.

best of Luck

Sometimes you just put one foot in front of the other, even if you don't know where you're going. 

Surgery Aug. 29, 2012 with the Wonderful Dr. Aarts at TEGH



Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

on 1/13/12 10:39 am, edited 1/12/12 10:42 pm - Newmarket, Canada
Hi Liz

You went thru TWH? Who was your dietician?

I'm not too sure about the VSG but if that and RNY are close to being the same, I would use the 30%fats, 30%carbs and 40%protein formula. Try to stay around 700-900(at the very highest) calories per day while you are in the weight loss phase. The more protein you get in, the better for healing. (I aimed for 100g of protein per day)

Optimize your tool

I wouldn't do "strength" training quite yet on your belly- you are still healing, maybe your arms and legs... but walk walk walk
Good luck

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


on 1/13/12 11:02 am - Canada
Hi Leanne,

Yes, i did go through TWH and my dietician is Mary.  She is relatively new since either spring or summer.  She was going through training when i went for my first one-one consultation.

Thanks for the information about the breakdown.  I think i will try that and see how it goes.  I can go back and look at my online food records and see what comes up.

Thanks so much!
on 1/13/12 11:22 am
I'm not aware of too many differences in the guidelines for  a VSG vs an RNY.  I was told to follow the RNY guidelines, but speed it up a little.  I have to agree with you that a cup is a lot right now and so is 800-1000 calories.  I remember reading the Cornell University VSG guide as being a good one,  have a look, maybe it will help?

http://www.cornellweightlosssurgery.org/pdf/dietary_guidelin es_sleeve_gastrectomy.pdf

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


on 1/13/12 12:47 pm - Canada

I ended up have the sleeve as well on Dec 12th.  kinda in the same situation as you.  the dietician just says to follow the bypass menus and amounts so that is what i am doing but she did tell me I needed to increase my protein.

Keep in touch and we can exchange any info we find.

Take care,
on 1/13/12 3:35 pm, edited 1/13/12 3:36 am
I was RNY, on solids I did 800 cals with an occasional higher day to encourage the body not to think it was starving from 1 month to 8 months, then bumed it to 1000.

I was cleared for more strenuous exercise at 5 weeks, but was told to be cautious, start slow and not strain. Light bell training would be OK at your stage, crazy weight training might be too much.

And I would keep to your 80-100 g of protein. 40% protein, 30% carbs & 30% fat is what I have always been told.
Starting BMI 69 w comorbidities | 55 of the weight lost above was pre-op.    
on 1/14/12 9:40 am - Vaughan, Canada
 I was around 400-600 at your stage. The dietician told me that I have to increase but  I'm a slow loser so I didn't. If you have something to ask you are welcome to do so. I'm almost 4 months out.

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