What's on your Monday Menu, RNYers?

on 3/27/17 5:42 am
RNY on 06/21/17


It's soggy here today, but we need the rain so I'm not complaining! We didn't do a whole lot this weekend - we did venture out to the mall to try and find some shoes for the kidlet and it was my first trip out in 10 frigging days so I was definitely going stir crazy. It was nice to get out but I noticed that I petered out much more quickly than I typically would...but hey every day is a little bit better. This morning I'm headed out again but it's an eye doctor appointment so nothing too exciting!

Something funny my hubby said this weekend - I forget exactly what we were discussing....something about the lap-band of course....and he said something to the effect that the best day of your life is the day you 'get your band' and the day you 'get rid of the band'. I'm definitely glad to be rid of it...though I can definitely tell that my capacity to eat has increased greatly and I'm being very careful about that!

QOTD: I initially found OH in 2006, and posted a few times....but the community was very different than it is now. Maybe it's the band board vs. the rny board....I don't really know, but the sense of a cohesive community is much greater now. When I re-joined last year, I lurked for a couple days unsure about posting because I was pre-revision-in-the-process-to-an-RNY and then a comment on one of my blog posts assured me the RNY group was a great bunch and encouraged me to jump right in on the menu thread....so I did and here I've been ever since


B: Siggi's Skyr, Coffee w/SF Creamer


L: Egg/cheese with Ham


D: Pork Chops

Have a great day guys!


Banded: 9/14/06

Band Removal: 3/15/17

Revision to RNY: 6/21/17!!!

I'd be unstoppable if not for law enforcement & physics

(deactivated member)
on 3/27/17 5:51 am

I read for a few days then jumped right in. I was really nervous. Now I am glad that I jumped right in.


L:Turkey and cheese

D:Not sure yet

Enjoy the day

on 3/27/17 5:56 am - Saint Regis Falls, NY
RNY on 05/03/16

Good Morning Grimberry and everyone!

Damp and rainy here...but at least it is above freezing so not complaining, lol! Wish the snow would melt faster though.

QOTD: I never really lurked but jumped in cautiously right away while I was in the presurgery stage starting the process because I had a lot of questions. Cautiously because I had originally joined a DS group on another site, but I told that group that my doctor and I had decided that RNY was a better choice for me, I was vi iously verbally attacked and told what a mistake I was making and that DS was "the only" good WL option. So, I was a little fearful of joining another WL group but still jumped in because my best interest was more important that my fear. I did get away from posting here for awhile the last couple three months but am so glad I am back. I like the accountability and it keeps me on track....not to mention you all are such wonderfully supportive people!


Breakfast: my usuall egg, ham and cheese

Lunch: have to go to town and get groceries so not sure but will be protein forward

D: tbd also but protein

Like to keep my calories to 800 calories a day. Always get my 64 oz. of water in.

Have a good day everyone!

BW: 259 SW: 241 CW: 155.4GW: 125

Nothing Tastes as Good as Healthy Feels!

on 3/27/17 6:19 am
RNY on 08/04/15

Good morning JB and crew. I feel like my limbs are going to fall off. I ran a 5k yesterday, after not training at all. I haven't actually run in about 8 months or so, and I went out there and beat my time from last year at the same race. I'm not breaking any records, even for myself, but I finished in 45 minutes. It was at the Ann Arbor Marathon, and that race is very hilly. It was a lot warmer this year, at 40 degrees, because last year it was 17 degrees when I did it. Hubby stayed home and the friends that had signed up to run with me were sick and couldn't make it, so I ran it alone. It actually felt really good and kinda motivated me to get back to running regularly. So, yesterday I signed up for the Goddess 5k on Mother's Day. This time I'll actually train for it, so it shouldn't hurt so badly the next day.

JBQOTD: I found OH a day or two after I went to my group seminar for surgery in January 2015. I lurked, reading and not posting until July when I got my surgery date and things started getting real. I was all about the menu thread, but never felt like I could post because I was pre-op and not great at tracking my intake regularly. I will say that the thread actually helped me so much pre-op, and especially post op when my NUT told me I could eat crispy crackers in my puree stage (because they chew down to nothing). Canned ravioli was recommended in the soft food stage, lol. Anyway, I have been here almost every day for since July 2015 and plan on being here just about everyday going forward. Even on days where I don't actually post, I usually pop on and poke around a little bit. So, if you don't see me, it doesn't mean I'm not around.

Yesterday's race reinvigorated me and helped me reset my food.

Almost 20 months since surgery

B: 2 eggs, 1oz mozzarella. Coffee with SF Coffeemate

L: 2.35 oz of deli turkey on 1/2 a flat out wrap with low fat cheese slice. Carbmaster Yogurt

D: turkey sausage

S: Carbmaster Protein smoothie and 2 wedges of light cheese from Aldi (Happy Farms).

totals for this menu:

Calories 775 Protein 80 carbs 30 fat 39

Have a great day everyone!

PS. Even my fingers hurt today, typing this is making them ache, lol.

Age: 44 | Height: 5' 3" | Starting January 2015: 291 | RNY 8/4/15 with Dr. Arthur Carlin| Goal: 150

Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise. ~Proverbs 19:20

Queen JB
on 3/27/17 10:17 am
RNY on 07/20/15

Wow, how much did you run vs walk? I am still doing a 4 minute : 1 minute, run : walk ratio. I have a 5K next month and I am hoping I can run the whole thing by then.

  • High Weight before LapBand: 200 (2008)
  • High Weight before RNY: 160 (2015)
  • Lowest post-op weight: 110 (2016)
  • Maintenance Weight: 120 (2017-2019)
  • Battling Regain Weight: 135 (current)

on 3/27/17 6:22 am
RNY on 06/03/15

currently sitting at the county court house in the jury selection room. The last couple of times this happened I lucked out and did not get picked (I did get picked c. 20 years ago, though....). At least they have WiFi in here and allow laptops!! It could be a long morning!!

QOTD: I lurked for several months because I was afraid of the vets!! At first I was here mostly for information, so I did what they advised others to do and just searched for answers to my questions - and also read a lot of postings just to familiarize myself with this whole world of WLS. When I was about six months post-op, I answered a few questions that I knew the answers to, e.g. about the three-week stall. Then at some point I just jumped in - mostly on the menu board - but I also occasionally respond to questions on the main boards.

21 months out (iffy weekend - at least there were minimal damages - and that probably mostly due to sodium!! - but back at it now!!)

B: Triple Zero vanilla yogurt, 8 raspberries, 1 T cacao nibs, 1 T Kashi Crunch granola

S: coffee with half & half, SF protein/fiber mocha latte

L: chicken salad (made with plain Greek yogurt) on spinach leaves

D: leftover tossed salad with 1 T diced ham and 2 T cheese, L&F yogurt

working tonight the 4:00 - 8:00 desk shift - may take a snack-size protein bar with me since dinner will be early!!!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 3/27/17 6:33 am
RNY on 08/11/14

Good Morning! It's hard to believe it's Monday already, my weekend was nice-nothing major but got some errands taken care of.

QOTD: I didn't lurk too long. My center had listed OH as a resource in my info binder and then when I would google a question I had I was consistently directed to OH so I decided it was the place for me...and then of course found this great menu board.

Time since surgery: 2 years, 7 months

B: SF latte, eggbeaters with roasted red pepper, ½ an orange and 2 turkey sausage links

L: Lettuce wrapped Albacore tuna mixed with mustard and baby carrots

S: SF latte, Yoplait Greek 100 mixed berry yogurt, boiled egg and jerky

D: Shredded chicken lettuce wrap tacos and 100 cal pack of cashews

E: 7 miles ran this morning and 40 mins of elliptical at lunch

V/W: On track

Totals: Cals:1075 Protein:127 Carbs:88 Fat:27

Have a great one!

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 3/27/17 6:36 am, edited 3/27/17 12:11 am
RNY on 11/21/16

Good morning everyone!

We're following up a rainy weekend up with a rainy Monday but at least it's warm enough that it's not snow. Throughout the weekend I fluctuated between productive and lazy, I got a lot of to do list items taken care of but I also had a lot of couch time and finished season 3 of Grace and Frankie. Today we've got a bunch of running around to do and while most of it is for him I'm looking forward to getting out.

QOTD I lurked for months and months before joining and posting. My orientation was around this time last year and I had loads of questions that I would look online for answers to. Those searches kept bringing me back here and I was soon reading everyday. To get an idea of what my life would look like long term I started following the menus of some of the people in maintenance and not only did it feel doable it resulted in some significant pre surgery loss. I still didn't jump in though, I waited until Nov 3rd to join, the day I got my surgery date.

B- coffee w/ 1/2 chocolate premier

L- turkey strips and guacamole

D- ribs

S- 1/2 chocolate premier in coffees, turkey bite

Totals 634 cal, 72g protein, 7g carbs

Have a great week!


RNY - Nov 21st 2016

HW 386 SW 309.8 CW 174.1

M1: 17 M2: 17.2 M3: 12.6 M4: 18.8 M5: 14.4 M6: 18.4 M7: 13.5 M8: 13.1 M9: 7.8


(deactivated member)
on 3/27/17 6:39 am, edited 3/26/17 11:40 pm
RNY on 10/26/16

Good morning. I lurked for a few weeks and did some searches to answer my many questions. I think my first post was just a few weeks before my surgery. I'm an experienced forum user, so I knew to search vs. just post up the 4,893rd thread on what we should eat during the puree' phase.

B - Chinese restaurant omelette. Definitely they didn't use any oil because there isn't a drop of anything formed in my food container so far. I love this dish. Mozzarella balls (that little 3 ball pack for 80 cals).

L - Thai Basil Chicken leftover from Thursday - the last of it. I got 4.5 meals out of that one. Not bad for $10.

S - Ostrim Jerkee

D - The last of the leftover Chinese omelette

S - Mint shake from OH recipe

Erin T.
on 3/27/17 6:48 am, edited 3/26/17 11:53 pm
VSG on 01/17/17

10 weeks post VSG here, but I'm jumping on this menu thread too because I like your QOTD and that there are so many responses and menu ideas. It's cold and rainy here today, which by reading the responses seems to be a theme. I have a yearly goal to take my first ride on my motorcycle by 4/7, but I'm thinking that may not happen this year. It's been a miserable March!

QOTD: I posted back in September after my info session, just to say I was starting the process. I occasionally came back to lurk and search posts when I had questions. I didn't post again until I was post op by a few days. I don't think I was certain it was actually happening until...it actually happened. Now I comment daily and plan to stay engaged with this group, as it seems like that sets me up for long term success.

B: Dannon L&F and Babybel Cheese

L: Deli Ham (1.7oz) & Cabot Cheese Square

D: Chicken Sausage

S: Jerky & Premier Protein in Decaf Coffee

E: 3 Mile walk on lunch break

Total Cal: 542, Total Protein: 70g, Total Carbs: 24g

VSG: 1/17/17

5'7" HW: 283 SW: 229 CW: 135-140 GW: 145

Pre-op: 53 M1: 22 M2: 12 M3: 12 M4: 8 M5: 10 M6: 11 M7: 5 M8: 6 M9-M13: 15-ish

LBL/BL w/ Fat Transfer 1/29/18

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