Discouraged by lack of support from family & friends

on 3/24/11 10:54 am - CA
When I started this journey in September of 2010, I weighed 340 pounds. Since then, I have done everything the doctor and the nutritionist on base asked me to do before I could get my referral. My referral was approved and I met with my surgeon for my consultation on Feb. 21, 2011. I was down to 309 pounds by this time. I had to have my blood work checked, get an upper GI, an abdominal ultrasound, have a psych eval, and meet with my surgeon's nutritionist. My blood work came back and said I had tested positive for H. Pylori antibodies so I have a scope scheduled for March 31st. I really have no idea what they will do or how long I'll have to wait to have the surgery after that. I am currently down to 290.5 pounds. Since September, I have lost 49.5 pounds (mainly thanks to my amazing new elliptical).

It's getting to the point where I don't even want to tell anyone about my accomplishments because they say really mean things and I'm SO sick of hearing things like, "If you're doing so well, why do you even need the surgery? Just stop being lazy and trying to take the easy way out. Why don't you just lose the weight on your own?"

Don't they realize that even though I have lost such a large amount of weight on my own, I still have about 150 pounds to lose before I am in a healthy weight range or that I could lose another 50 pounds and still be eligible for the surgery? I just wish they would be supportive.

I've been working REALLY hard to get ready for surgery! I have stopped drinking pop, stopped eating fried and fast foods, I started keeping a food journal & I measure all of my food, I switched from ground hamburger to lean ground turkey, I bought toddler sized plates & bowls, I never eat more than 1,200 calories a day, I walk on my elliptical 7 days a week and I always wal****il it says I have burned more calories than I ate that day (usually an hour and a half on resistance 9 till it says I have burned 1,200 calories).  I have also been working really hard to change the way I think about food and making sure I am not turning to food for comfort.

Should I just ignore them until after I have had my surgery?


on 3/24/11 11:21 am
yes, you should ignore them for sure. no question in my mind.  hang out here, with us.

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

on 3/24/11 11:29 am
I know its really important for us to get the approval of those we love.  I feel the same way.  But you have to do what's best for YOU.  Come here for support.  You'll get ALL that you need.  We will support you in this journey.  BTW.  Great job on your weight loss so far. You're doing FANTASTIC! 
Julie Sadek    
Cynthia Snyder
on 3/24/11 11:29 am - Butler, IN
I am sooo impressed, Shirley! Bless your heart! Yes, ignore their comments, pro and con! Do what you think YOU are supposed to do. God bless!
on 3/24/11 1:36 pm - NV
I also dont have alot of support from family. I have gotten most of my support here and its been great. So anytime you need to talk you come on here, we are all here for each other. And so you know weightloss surgery is far from the easy way out its just a tool to help you do it.
on 3/24/11 1:53 pm - La Verne, CA
just keep pluggin along, u r doing great!  Its nice when u get the good comments, but when its all said and done, it only matters how well you do for you.
This is no way shape or form the ez way out.  I am living proof, have them call me.  I have never dieted so hard in my life, never had to work so hard in my life either. 
I did this for my health.  For me.  Not ever to please anyone or to be a certain size or weight or to make a relationship better or anything else.

If we could ALL do it ourselves, we would already have and North America would be full of thin people.  Thats a lame comment!
on 3/24/11 3:42 pm
Just do your thing! You need to do what's right for you. If they want to worry about you instead of themselves, shame on them, but don't let it bother you a bit! You're doing great!


Temporarily holding on losing more because I'm gaining!  Pregnant with my first baby (a boy!) due June 2013, after two rounds of IVF.  SO GRATEFUL!

on 3/24/11 4:50 pm
Should I just ignore them until after I have had my surgery?

Yes, you should.  You may also need to ignore them after your surgery if they turn into the "Should you be eating that police?"  Ignoring them now will be good practice.  Or look very pensive and say, "Gee, I hadn't thought of that.  Thanks for your input and bless your little heart."  Then go ahead and do what YOU want to do. Even those around you who mean well need to respect your decisions.  And if they don't, tough beans!  As long as you respect yourself enough to do what's best, that is all that matters. 

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

on 3/24/11 7:50 pm
Wow you have done an amazing job!  The H-pylori scope really isn't a big deal and won't hinder your upcoming surgery.  They sedate you, put a scope with a camera through your mouth and likely take a very small tissue sample.  You will probably just have to do a course of antibiotics to clear up the bacteria. 

I just have to say that I'm so impressed with your dedication and drive!  You will do so great with your WLS.  Don't let others bring you down.  You have to do what's best for YOU!  Come here and get lots of support from people just like you. 

Keep up the great work!

on 3/24/11 8:42 pm - FL

I had to smile as I read your post because I also thought "wow, she is doing it so right without the surgery is she sure she needs it"?  I mean what you are doing, with or without surgery, is right on!

So, while some of the folks making these comments may just be not so nice people, some of them may be looking at you astounded that you are doing so great that they are questioning if there is a need for surgery just out of concern for you.

Anyhow, just a thought.  For sure, keep doing what you're doing and you are going to be a success one way or the other!!!


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