Going it alone

(deactivated member)
on 4/10/11 2:22 pm - Santa Cruz, CA
Hi!!  I'm staying at a friend's house in Felton--I'll be here for about six weeks and then moving back up to WA.

I call this area home, but sadly had to move due to the "recession"
on 4/10/11 5:40 am
They are right, your OH family is here for you. If you live close, then I would be happy to come and visit you,or take you home from the hospital too. I will send you a P.M. with my phone number, and e-mail address if you need someone to talk to.
on 4/10/11 6:13 am
 I see what evrybody means now about a support group. You guys are truly wonderful and for the first time I feel I really have a family in you all. Yes, send me your information J.C. and thanks again from the bottom of my heart.
Charlene R.
on 4/10/11 6:23 am - Brunswick, GA
Hey Gloria,
I am from Georgia and doing it alone too. I am right there with you. My surgery is the 13 of April. Tell me more about you, I am divorced with no children and am 54.
on 4/10/11 6:29 am
 Hello Charlene, nice to meet you. I am 63 and  am going to be going through divorce and surgery in a few mo.s I'm so stressed out that my stomach is in knotts. I have three grown sons but they don't leave real close. I'm feeling real insecure I guess because I'm use to someone being around to keep me upset!!!!! Please write back and tell me how you do it
Charlene R.
on 4/20/11 8:26 am - Brunswick, GA
I had surgery 1 week ago and now can jump for joy. I have energy bouncing off the walls. YEA! I am sore. I walked 3 hours shopping etc. today. The first day is the worse and then I rode 5.5 hrs home last Thursday and slept to Sunday except for drinking. Tuesday went out for lunch-they ate I drank. I know what it feels like being alone, but I figure I can either stay upset at others expense or enjoy life and prove them wrong! You deserve a good life cause God says so and me too. The heat is horrible here. Remember you are worth it!
Charlene Reeves          
on 4/10/11 7:01 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
Gloria, at our age (I'm 61) to be alone is indeed scary. Use the support you get here, reach out to old friends, join a church, let people be aware of your situation even if you don't say anything about surgery. You will do just great and you will love your new life even though the canges are painful.

God Bless


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


on 4/10/11 8:03 am - LA
This is touching.  I am married and it has been very rocky....although lately it has been a little less rocky, even good at times.  I worry from people I personally know and people's post is it is very hard on a marriage.  I personally think it would be, but I believe the marriage had to have some issues before also.  So then I worry that by having this surgery I may ruin mine,,,,but that has kept me from it for years, but now I am doing it for myself.  I told him he had not choice.  I am only 31 but have a bone disease that causes brittle bones and my weight was not good on my bones.  So I hope my marriage will make it, but if not I pray I will be strong enough to keep it together.  It is very scary.  I am happy to see there is really a strong support on here.

on 4/10/11 9:35 am
WoW, that is awesome to find a friend on OH so close, and willing to help. What a blessing! Good Luck with surgery, and bless the friend who is so willing to help. Keep us updated!
on 4/11/11 2:54 pm - Orange County, CA
 I did... I did not ask anyone to go with me though... I just felt (as a fellow divorcee) that I would be more at peace by myself.  Others worrying about me would just be another stressor.  I had my online friends here on OH and lowcarbfriends.com and I texted and e-mailed friends and familty right after surgery.
Follow my progress on youtube!
(Lost slowly and painfully from 355 to 275 from 2007-2009, then started gaining again before scheduling surgery!  Best thing I ever did! :D)
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