I'm sick of hating my body so....

on 4/14/11 12:59 am
Love you, MsBatt.  Not whining, just saying....

Thanks for letting me know I've been successful.  Sometimes I think if I'm not at goal in "onderland" I must have failed.

You made me feel better.  :)
(deactivated member)
on 4/13/11 11:51 am - GA
VSG on 06/08/09 with
 Great post!  Focusing on what we love makes us stronger and more loving to ourselves and everyone else.  Hee are the top 5 things I love about my body:
1.  Its flexibility and strength - I am 61 and can do the splits!
2.  It is nicely proportioned - not too much in any one place
3.  The veins on the back of my hands (weird I know, but they make me look normal)
4.  Nice face that I enjoy looking at in the mirror.  It's not sunken in a vat of fat anymore (and had a little help from the local plastic surgeon)!
5.  The muscles that I am working on developing in my arms, shoulders and back
Just Ducky - The
Meditative Hag

on 4/13/11 12:01 pm - Belleville, IL
Hmmm, I love EVERYTHING about my surgery...In fact I cannot find ONE negative thing about my body or the surgery...Any loose skin? I love it!!!!!!!! Being 169? I LOVE it.........Losing hair? Who CARES!!!!!!!!!!

I am so healthy, have had ZERO complications, can outpress (at the gym) Most MEN and can go all day long. I am in remission from ovarian cancer, from 2 autoimmune diseases and off 13 medications!!

For GODS SAKE! What do some of you people WANT?!? To look like Christie Brinkly? It ain't gonna happen! If you had teh surgery thinking you will be svelt, sexy and oh so thin and 100 lbs...Well then you cheated on your psych eval horribly and need counselling!

Are you ALIVE?? Did you wake UP this morning? Did you lose more than 10 lbs? Then what is the bloody problem?

I'm sorry...But I am so TIRED of people who whine and rant about some lose skin, or not "losing" fast enough.... I have been at the same weight for nearly 3 months and I DON'T CARE!

I could gain back 30 lbs and DON'T CARE! I am happy where I am. I can eat anything and had this surgery for HEALTH reasons!  I was NOT a "number" before surgery and refuse to be one NOW post op!

For those otehr people who say "Well if only I was 120 I would be happy..." No you wouldn't... You'd find something else to ***** and moan about... ("Oh dear...I have loose skin...By boobs sag or I am always craving carbs...") Call me a whaaaaaaaaaambulance!

I have no mercy and no pity. You KNEW what WLS was, you did the research, it is a TOOL...it will not make you into Christie Freaking Brinkly.  Be bloody thankful you are alive for gods sake!

on 4/14/11 12:57 am
Thanks, Jackie!

You are cracking me up.  Yes, I have concluded I will not be America's Next Top Model...hence the post, coming to terms with my body, I realize I ruined it long ago.

I am very thankful for being alive, I spent 4 days on life support after my WLS.  

I love your attitude and aspire to be just like you!  Someday soon...
on 4/13/11 12:28 pm
What do you love about your new body???

No back  pain and lessened knee pain from lugging around an extra 185 pounds.  No CPAP, hypertension meds, or Crestor.  I can get down on the floor and hug on my aging dog AND get back up with ease.  I have endurance and can acutally do things that I  had to give up like walk around a store (if they didn'thave a cart to ride).  I have a turkey neck, crepe thighs, batwings, and a spare tire and I don't give a rat's patoot what they look like.  I didn't  have this surgery to be the first swimsuit model on AARP's magazine cover; I had it to get healthy and to put more life into what ever years I may have left.  But then I didn't give a rat's patoot about how I looked when I was SMO.  I am more than my appearance.

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

MyLady Heidi
on 4/13/11 1:03 pm
I have a good long list of dislikes but I will play along with the likes, I like my hair, I would like it more if it would grow faster but atleast its blond and somewhat long.  I like my height, I couldnt deal with being short, I love to wear heels and be as tall as possible.  I like my flat stomach, I paid for that, money well spent.  I like the fact my breasts aren't flat and droopy and for being MO for 20 years and having a kid actually look pretty decent.  I like how I look dressed up with my hair and makeup done.
on 4/13/11 1:13 pm - Tama, IA
I too have a long dislike list but do have some things that I like

1. Love my skinny legs
2. Love to see my collar bones
3. Love my hands and fingers


  HW 304, SW 291, GW 160, CW 140 H-5'9.5"            


(deactivated member)
on 4/14/11 1:04 am
This is a great post.  Unfortunately I don't have a whole lot to add right now.  Enjoy your new body.
on 4/14/11 1:28 am - Henderson, NV
 FUN!  This is a great thread.  In the last few pounds, I've decided that I like my body and I refuse to be mean to it anymore.  So let's see....

1.  I have an hourglass figure and a very little waist.  When I was little, my mom always told me that the women in our family are "built like apples."  I always just assumed that was true.  But it's not - I've never seen an apple that curves like a Coke bottle!
2.  OMG collarbones!
3.  My feet used to crack and bleed on the bottom because I was so heavy.  They were like big, dry slabs of jerky.  Now they are soft like little baby feet because I don't inflict so much trauma on them!
4.  My fingers - I had to resize my rings from 12.5 to 6.5.
5.  My neck - I used to say that my head sat on top of a big, fat tree stump.  Not anymore - if it's sitting on top of a stump... it's a pretty skinny stump!


HW 290/GW 159 (reached 2/19/11)/CW 142

on 4/14/11 3:39 am - CA
RNY on 11/10/10 with
I was just thinkng the same thing.  My tummy, thighs and arms are driving me crazy.  I am working out and they are just pouches of fat that won't go away.  BUT.  I do think it's funny everyone is happy with their skinny fingers.  I love mine too.  I still have a way to go and I hope the pockets of fat go away.  I look much better in clothes, but naked it is not a pretty sight! 
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