Sushi Cravings????

on 5/4/11 3:34 am
Does anyone crave sushi on this Forum?

I actually crave Raw Fish Sashimi and Sushi.  I am at my favorite place 2 to 3 times a week.  I don't eat a whole lot, but just a little satisfies my cravings. The rawer and spicier I can get it the better.
Catherine K.
on 5/4/11 3:35 am - Indianapolis, IN
Yes! I love sashimi. I think it is the intense flavors ... it's so light and refreshing too.
on 5/4/11 3:52 am
 I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE SASHIMI OHHHHHHHH CAN I SAY I LOVE LOVE LOVE SASHIMI???? There is a spot right a couple doors down from where we go to Bikram and my DD and I or my friends are I are like ALWAYS there afterward at least twice a week ... I could go every day to be honest LOL

I LOVE LOVE LOVE GINGER AND WASABI  TOO ... I wish I had some right this very minute LOL ... the spicier the better for me too... the only thing I cannot deal with is Roe ... I just can't deal with the feel of it in my mouth ... otherwise bring it on ... 

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autumnsiggy2RNY 2/5/07 no regain having implemented lifestyle changes....


on 5/4/11 3:56 am
I love, love, love, love Yellow Tail, Tuna and Salmon.  I am always want to try something new, but often get stuck on my favorite for weeks or months at a time.

What I find so funny about loving and eating Sushi is that rice makes me so sick.  I eat rice and in 15 minutes i'm in the bathroom throwing up, but the rice around the sushi does not make me sick.  It's the only rice I can eat and keep down.
on 5/4/11 4:06 am
 I stick to Sashimi because I can't have the rice with the sushi after a couple of horrible experiences I stay clear from the rice which is strange because I can have a small amount of brown rice cooked my myself without problems... I love yellow tail and tuna best of all .... I am always trying new things off my DD's plate too ... I had some noodles from my DD's plate and they were delicious but made me so sick I thought for sure I was going to die... 

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autumnsiggy2RNY 2/5/07 no regain having implemented lifestyle changes....


on 5/4/11 5:17 am

I agree - the noodles with that sticky sweet sauce and fried tofu will make me sick as a dog very fast.   They are good, but will make me sick.  One of my worse experiences came from those noodles and friend tofu.

One thing that will make me sick fast is drinking those protein shots or protein powder.  Ugghh... I had a horrible experience from that and just can't make myself drink them anymore.  I made myself for 3 months and stayed nauseated all day and then after that one experience - I stopped.

"Just Elizabeth "
on 5/5/11 2:36 am - Houston, TX
I also normally have a problem with regular rice. However, sushi rice I have no problem with. It's weird.

Back in the U.S.A.

"I have lost the lumbering hulk that I once was.  I don't hide behind my clothes or behind my door.  I am part of life's rich tapestry not an observer."  Kirmy


on 5/4/11 8:44 am - CA
love the blog great inspiration
on 5/4/11 9:13 am - Raleigh, NC
My job has a sushi bar and I try to keep it to once a week, but now I WANT it tomorrow!!!!! WITH PLENTY OF GINGER AND WASAB TOOI!!!!  

RNY 10/19/09 - Revision to VSG 10/13/14 - Dr Paul Enochs 



Mr Mom
on 5/4/11 4:00 am
I love sushi! I was just telling my family the other day that I'm hoping the Dr will allow me to have some for my birthday on May 25th. I will be 3 months post-op on the 10th so my fingers are crossed. I really have missed miso soup, sushi/sashimi tuna, salmon & mackerel, & the wasabi with soy sauce. How long did you have to heal before it was OK to eat raw fish again? Did the spicy stuff give you trouble at all? I'm certain the bill will be a lot less than it used to be back when I was able to scarf down 30-40 pieces of sushi!
Thanks for the post! ....Craig

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