being noticed: cant handle it

on 2/6/12 7:56 pm - CT
I like your icon:feel the same @ facebook. People talk @ protein puddings...does anyone have a name brand or where to buy it? I am using amazing meal protein powder ...whey protein makes me sick as a dog...with almond milk.

I know I'm not up to 64grams of protein yet but working on it...

And this a.m. have lost .8oz so scale back in right direction. Still feeling shaky @ venturing out but realize there's no alternative.

on 2/6/12 8:37 pm - VA
RNY on 10/26/11 with
Hi there! I am only 3 months out and protein gave me such a problem in the beginning. I found what works for me the best is "Pure Protein" in a can, 35g each can and it tastes DELICIOUS! I couldn't do any of the whey protein. I tried everything I could think of. Now, all I do is drink 1 can within the 1st 30 minutes of waking up and it starts my day off perfectly.

I struggle with my thoughts about food. I have followed everything they have told me. At first, I was really beginning to think I had made a mistake. Now, with 70lbs gone, it has reinvigorated my will power. I am even thinking about joining a kickball league.  I still have 100 lbs. to lose. I promise it does get better. I am still a baby in this process. You can do this! Great job on the downward scale movement!
on 2/6/12 9:10 pm - CT
That's a drink...I'm lookin.g for the pudding you talked @ and don't see it.

Kick ball? You must be a kid! I exercise everyday...don't you?
on 2/6/12 9:15 pm - VA
RNY on 10/26/11 with
The pudding can be found at I do exercise and I am 37 years old (not a kid). There are many WAKA (World Adult Kickball Association) leagues across the country. I am thinking it would be good for my husband and I. Fairly easy sport, fun to play. :)
(deactivated member)
on 2/7/12 2:25 am
 or you can make your own  protein pudding .  I like  to use vanilla or cookies ncream  isopure  mixed with jello sugarfree  lemon or pistachio pudding ... ...

Jay Robb protein shake mix works too 
on 2/5/12 10:46 pm
 Hang in there Moosie .... if you can just do one thing to distract yourself for 5-6 minutes with anything else other than food  the cravings or want to eat will subside ... this trick was told to me by OUR awesome surgeon ... check his name out, sounds familiar??? LOL...

Don't be too hard on yourself ... you indulged yesterday so go ahead and pay it forward to yourself today with healthier choices ... a bit more exercise ... and something fun ... when wanting to eat go experiment with your hair, makeup. or better yet  paint your nails who wants to mess up wet nails with food? those crucial few moments when our mind is telling us eat when we are already maxed out on calories allowed and know we are going over board will pass if we just find a distraction ... a fun distraction ... 

You can do this! Hang in there ... as far as strangers noticing accept compliments with a nod or a smile and with grace ... thank you and move on ... no need to get into any detailed explanations if you don't want to .... 

Wishing you nothing but the best on your journey!!!! I am a DUFFY fan!!! he is my hero ... and he knows why....

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autumnsiggy2RNY 2/5/07 no regain having implemented lifestyle changes....


on 2/5/12 11:41 pm - CT
Lol. I find him unreasonably restrictive with food choices. Yes he's a nice guy but he can't list everything we can or cannot eat. I asked GI Jane @ celery and got no reply. In his office he said its a good thing to eat. On the forums and on the internet it says specifically for people who've had VSG not to eat it. He says not to believe everything I read. So I like him but am not crazy @ him. He's better for RnY surgery then my opinion.

But thank you for your reply. I feel like I've met a neighbor and I welcome the closeness. I'm @ an hour away from NH. Do you live nearby? Do you attend any of the support groups?
on 2/5/12 11:57 pm
You were not referred to Yale Nutritional Services? The surgeon's office referred me to Yale Nurtritional Services and they are awesome and work very closely with the group ... all my nutritional needs were explained and all questions answered ... pre and post-op ... we still keep in touch...

View more of my photos at

autumnsiggy2RNY 2/5/07 no regain having implemented lifestyle changes....


on 2/6/12 12:02 am - CT
No. I think because I'm an hour away...going to meetings there might be restrictive. I'll ask jane @ it. Tnx
(deactivated member)
on 2/5/12 11:14 pm - Toronto, Canada
 Brilliant and brave post and so relevant for many of us!  I'm only 3 weeks out, but I already feel a rising panic in me at the notion of people noticing that I am smaller.  My strategy is to resist the pull to become a "good girl" act and look like the mainstream idea of beauty (barbie doll look and its many variations).  I am going to remind myself that I am a badass, embodied woman that will self define her social identity and reject other's projections onto my body.  You get to define who you are and how you move through the world.  yes, it can get a bit I suddenly thought, "ohh, I should cut my hair short and get some pink and purple streaks put in".  (not me at all).

MY plan is to not go overboard on new clothes, hair, jewellry and make-up.  Yes, obviously I will need some new clothes, but I will hold my focus to developing myself (my inner self).  The false self, as I like to call it, is a social performing monkey that begs love me, accept me, give me value.  But there is a much bigger core to me than that insecure performing monkey.  I'm going to dig deep and connect to a spiritual part of me that is all about increasing my life force and living in a life loving way.  

Take back your power and make your own meaning of your weight loss journey.  Connect to that spiritual core the next time you feel frightened, afraid, stressed and likely to turn to over eating.  You can be there for yourself, you don't have to abandon yourself.

Good luck!
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