Miss talking on chat

on 5/20/12 11:12 pm
I just wanted to know why dosen't anyone talk on chat anymore, it  use to be a good group and now there is no one to talk to.
on 5/21/12 12:18 am - NM
Hi Lucy;

I miss chat too.  I don't know why nobody goes in there anymore.  I try to check it a couple of times a day and sometimes I actually catch somebody in there.

Talked to Watson the other day.  Was nice to talk to him.

I usually try to get in there around 8-8:30 every morning Central Time.

Might see you in there sometime.
on 5/26/12 7:52 am
Hey there how the heck are you, I go there in the mornings to but since i don't see no one i just log of I will see if I could catch you there one morning, I am central time to so 8:00 would be fine can't wait to talk to you.,  I miss everyone we had so much fun there unitl everyone started putting personal stuff there and that is what messed it up,  talk to you hopefully soon.
(deactivated member)
on 5/21/12 10:34 pm
 I miss chat too.     Miss U guyz .  
on 5/26/12 7:43 am
Hi thanks for answering my message, all you have to do is go to the top where you see forums click on them you will see something that say chat click on there.  Then aother page will open you scroll to the bottom and put a check on the box then click on there it will then open another box that tell you to click to chat and you are in the chatroom if you still have problems let me know, you have to have Java in order to chat and it will tell you to download from there. ok Hope you are doing well with your Wls
on 5/23/12 9:14 am
I'm interested in joining chat but don't know how LOL I'm not a tech person but I'm willing to learn. Please send me the "how to" of chat and I will join. Thanks!!!!!

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