Regrets anyone?

He who can't be Named
on 7/7/12 12:11 pm
I do. I wish I'd been aware of the different types of surgery choices, and realized I had options. Now I get to pick a second surgery, and I'm getting my hands on real data and statistics this time, not listening to what my surgeon has to sell.
Some times dingle berries are the lowest hanging fruit.  
MyLady Heidi
on 7/8/12 10:31 am

Wow who picked that crappy surgeon that was hiding all the good surgeries from you?  Must have been an asshole.

He who can't be Named
on 7/8/12 10:44 am
 Not sure if that's a failed attempt at humor, or if you think your making a valid point, but as long as you bothered, I'll clarify since I've met too many people that are in the same boat.

I went to the surgeon that my doctors office referred me to. I trusted their information. Center of Excellence, top surgeon in the area, blah effen blah blah blah. If the surgeon isn't an authority on WLS, I didn't know who would be. This was in 06 and bands were a bit more prevalent, but I've been hearing the same thing - "my surgeon only told me about band and RNY", which mine did as well. That's all they did there.  

If I'd have had the information I have now, I'd have never bothered with the band. Or RNY. 

Some times dingle berries are the lowest hanging fruit.  
on 7/7/12 12:15 pm - Vancouver, WA
I  totally regret getting the lap band, the absolute worst mistake I ever  made! I should have gone with anything but that but I believed the BS the doc told me which he just parrotted the manufacturers who are bold face liars! That is why the band manufacturers are now being investigated by the FDA. I busted m butt, followed all the "rule" and lost a whopping 20Lbs., that was the first year and nothing since except what I did on my own. Heck I could lose that much without surgery and have.
(deactivated member)
on 7/7/12 12:42 pm, edited 7/7/12 2:55 pm
I had laparoscopic RNY three years ago.  I lost 140 pounds and have about 10% body fat.  I lost my sleep apnea, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, left ventricular hypertrophy, GERD, and a host of other things that required over ten prescription meds a day. 

-  Now, I have ZERO medical issues, and don't take any prescription meds. 

-  Now I exercise not because I have to in order to maintain goal, but because I LOVE it!  Now, at 49,  I am running a mile in 5:40. 

-  I eat healthy and love what I eat. 

So do I have any regrets?  No, not a single one. 

Surgery (EVERY WLS) requires a change in your life to be successful.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  There are plenty of people that have failed at every type of surgery.  Look at their profiles, look at their pictures, and if they have reached and maintained their goal.  If they are not willing to share their complete story with you, then look at those that are willing to tell you their complete story. 

Wishing you the best,
on 7/7/12 1:34 pm
 I agree with Chris.  Although, I do believe that one person who posted here a while ago was correct when they said to not count it as a success until after one year out.  It's only been 7 months for me so far.  I've lost 99 lbs and feel wonderful.  I have 33 to go.  But now people are asking how you stop losing when you get to your goal weight.  I'm not too worried about that yet, as I do know that our bodies tend to get "stuck" at a certain weight and I think that will happen soon.  But since I've lost about 75% of my excess weight, with the above condition, I am calling it a potential success!!  I couldn't be happier compared to the days of sitting in my house, afraid to go anywhere, finding it difficult to walk more than 10 feet!  I even broke my foot learning to ride a motorcycle a few months ago and had to have surgery for that.  But I'm still going to keep learning, have already gotten back on the bike!  And I'm outta the house a lot more, involved with the Patriot  Guard Riders.
on 7/7/12 1:35 pm
 i don't know how to make my profile pic look normal--it is like disproportionate.   if you go to my page and look at the actual photo, i look much better, lol.  i just took the pic today.
(deactivated member)
on 7/7/12 2:27 pm
I did and you look awesome!  Congratulations!!!
on 7/9/12 12:55 am
why, thank you, chris!  it feels great!
on 7/7/12 1:39 pm - Woodbridge, VA
RNY on 06/19/12 with
Amen Chris!  Glass can be half full or half empty.  If I could have done it on my own, I would have.  I couldn't - and I didn't.

My glass is half full and some of the more challenging parts of the WLS are still pieces of the puzzle that will result in my long term health.  I love the saying "you do what you HAVE to do, so that some day you can do what you WANT to do..."  There are so many things that I want to do, but can't today.  So I am embracing the HAVE to do for all that it is, knowing that some day my WANTS will overshadow (heck maybe even glorify) the sacrifices...

Good luck making the best decision for you!!
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