3.5 months post-op (sleeve)

on 7/20/12 7:38 am - Lake Stevens, WA
I'm having trouble getting in all my water...any water I drink makes me feel nauseous...cold, room temp...doesn't matter!  Is anyone else experiencing this?
on 7/20/12 2:16 pm
VSG on 06/04/12
I am six weeks out (sleeve) and have the same thing.  The only way I can get it down is I partially freeze bottles of water and drink chew them like that.  Other wise it is a no go.

Dr. Sauceda future patient  - body will be by Sauceda!

Surgery 4 Jun 12 Dr Ponce de Leon in Mexico I was down 57 lbs prior to surgery.

(deactivated member)
on 7/20/12 2:48 pm, edited 7/20/12 2:59 am
Try these two things: Try to change the pH of your water by putting a little bit (pinch) of baking soda in it. This worked wonders for me. Or it could have something to do with surface tension of the water so cut up some cucumbers and strawberries or some other fruit and mint and pour water over this. Let it stand for a few hours. This should work too. Try it, one of these ideas should work. The issue you are having will eventually be resolved with time, but these strategies should help in the meantime. Good luck.
on 7/20/12 8:11 pm
have you tried caffiene free herbal teas?  Some people prefer warm drinks on their internal plumbing.

Good luck with this....you do not want to become dehydrated.

on 7/21/12 3:24 am - Lake Stevens, WA
Thank you for all your suggestions...I have found that a crystal light packet in my water helps alot...
on 7/21/12 5:13 pm
Whenever I'm having trouble downing my liquids, I munch on a sugar-free popsicle or two. :) They're only a few ounces each, but I find that giving my body a little liquid makes it want more, and then drinking is easier after that. Its weird, I know.
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