stop pain.....

Blooming B.
on 10/28/12 2:35 pm - Pittsburg, CA
RNY on 01/04/12

I have been horrible on my diet and exercise routine. I just moved far away from home to attend college and now I have completely stopped loosing weight. I have been at a stand still for about 3 months. I still have about 38 lbs to loss why is it so hard. Please give me tips for getting back on track. Also I've been having major stomach pain.

on 10/28/12 6:43 pm

You  need to get the stomach pain diagnosed and treated.


Getting back on track is to start tracking your food and fluids.  Protein first, then veggies....  Are you taking your vitamins?  Start with these things.  Then look at how you can add exercise to your day.  i.e. park further away or get off the bus at a stop or two early to walk more, take the stairs instead of the elevator...



(deactivated member)
on 10/28/12 6:57 pm

First of all take treatment for your stomach pain!!  

For your weight can follow the diet and exercise which you followed before...Is there any difficulty  in following that? Let me know please!!

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