on 3/21/13 6:08 am

Still frustrated....I am 17 months out and been stuck at 145-150 back and forth, and more lately at the 150. 
This has been going on for about 9 months.


Don't know what to do.

Thinking I'm going to do the pouch test again just to see if it kick starts the loss again.

My goal from doctor was 130 and I haven't reached it and I am really getting frustrated.

I still don't get full so to speak anymore. 

I do the  protein first, then good vegies.

Why can't I reach my goal????

I do have loose skin, and a lot of it, but the doctor gave me my goal for the loss---meaning the loose skin doesn't factor into the goal he gave me. 

I would weigh even less if I reached my goal and then had skin removed.

Any suggestions....and not the typical stuff, as I've done it, been doing it, living it.  Following the rules and guidelines is not working.


on 3/21/13 8:08 am
on 3/22/13 3:13 am - Grand Prairie, TX

I hate to say it, but it sounds like your body has decided the goal for you. If following the typical advice is not working, your only options are to either embrace your body as it is, or go to extreme measures with your diet (as you suggested the five day pouch test) and/or your exercise.

For me, personally, I know my BMI is probably still in the "overweight" range, but I don't care to put all the extra work into getting smaller. I don't even know exactly how much I weigh, and it doesn't matter - I can wear normal sized clothes, I don't stand out in a crowd, I feel fantastic, and am in the best health of my adult life. Those were my goals - not some elusive number that dictates my success/failure.

It sounds to me as though you are already an amazing success - keep up the great work and just enjoy it!

Keeping track of my progress without a scale...Starting size: 28-Current size: 6-Goal size: 14

sand's not a's a frame of mind...

on 3/22/13 3:38 am - Goodlettsville, TN

I know how you feel.  l have been up and down with the same 5 pounds.  When I went to the doctor Feb.  I had gained 8  pounds since August. I haven't been exercises as much. Our bodies just seem to not want to move any further down.  Hang in there you have accomplished a great weight loss.  Everyone bodies are different.  Try to focus on all of the things that are not scale related.  




MyLady Heidi
on 3/22/13 3:42 am

Skin doesn't weigh much, even if you lose half your weight so don't count on a big drop from plastics and it took me 2.5 years to get to my goal of perfect bmi.  How much do you want it?  You have to cut calories, up exercise, do more, you are just like every other person on earth who has to sacrifice to lose weight, sorry your honeymoon is over.  Now it is up to you what you weigh.  I am -1 below goal at nearly 8 years out, because it feels good to prove everyone is WRONG when it comes to losing 100% of their weight and keeping it off.  Yeah me!

283.5  4/5/2005

137  3/22/2013

on 3/22/13 6:53 am

Thanks everyone for responding.  I know that I am older now and I may not be able to get as small as I should be...and like I've said many times, I guess I should be really happy that I lost at all since the doctors didn't think I would lose due to all the health issues (to long of a story to go into but lets just say I have almost everything going against me, my health, and weight loss abilities.)


I would so go the extra mile if my body had not deceived me!  I used to LOVE, and I mean LOVE, to exercise, but due to this body betraying me health wise, I can't do much.  Some days I can barely get out of bed.

I am still just so uncomfortable at this weight.  I know I look much better, yet I don't feel better health wise, and health has not changed much for the good (which is why I had the surgery to begin with---to stabilize my vitals as they thought I was going to have a major stroke and they knew that for some reason weight loss surgery tends to get those stable....which they did for about 8 I'm fighting them again. 

Doctors say I have approximately 17 lbs of skin, and that would put me way underweight, but I think with my height, etc, I could pull it off ok, and I guess the doctors do to since they gave me the goal weight.

I know which is still fat, and which is loose skin and you can tell by looking....there is a very distinct look of fat verses skin.

Anyway, I will keep plugging along....

On day 2 of the pouch test, and doing ok as following rules, etc is usually never hard for me. 

I am what the doctors have called an exception to the weight had practically nothing to do with my eating habits as such (kind of a health food nut, etc) but has/had to do with the health issues.

Thanks again all for the input.

God bless all on your journeys!



on 3/22/13 3:20 pm - CA

Try amping up the exercise...doing light strength training and cardio...that should do the trick.  You can fight your body on this one.  I have done it before.


Revision - Lapband to RNY 3/15/2013 = Highest weight: 244 lbs, Surgery weight: 230 lbs, Goal Weight: 130         


on 3/23/13 1:20 am

thank you for your response but i don't guess you read all my post.  my health issues prevent much exercise other than light walking, (when I can actually walk) and some physical therapy exercises along with stretch bands and light weights.  this is all when doctor says i can, and when i can actually function.

i didn't share all the specifics of the health issues, but i have chronic issues and have all my life, but i do what i can. 

thanks again.

on 3/23/13 3:24 am - CA

I am so sorry for not catching that part.  I know of several people who do water exercises at the YMCA due to chronic health,back, or joint problems.  The water can give you a great very low impact workout.  Have you tried that?

I apologize again....I want to help :)  I will send a prayer your way. 


Revision - Lapband to RNY 3/15/2013 = Highest weight: 244 lbs, Surgery weight: 230 lbs, Goal Weight: 130         


on 3/24/13 1:14 pm

Oh not a problem at all.  I often miss parts of messages as well.  Just wanted you to know that part in case.....


Yes, water seems to be one of the things I can do, but where I live (a very small town that it is so small if you blink, you will just about miss it when going thru---lol) and the closest one is 45 minutes away and very costly.  

And really, no apologies necessary. 

And I soooo appreciate all the prayers....every single one helps. 

Thanks again!!!  

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