food going down

on 12/12/13 12:36 am

im almost a month out from gastric sleeve.  thanks to all for words of encouragement.  all has gone really well so far.  why do i get that feeling that food or liquid gets stuck and won't go down into my stomach?  this happens even when i drink or eat very slowly.  is it because im still in the early stages??  most importantly, does this go away??  i can eat food and swallow just fine, but a few minutes thereafter i get this feeling like its stuck and wiggling its way down to get into my stomach and it does hurt a bit.  sometimes i just would rather throw it up than wait for the uncomfortable feeling as it works its way down.  thanks.

Member Services
on 12/12/13 1:55 am - Irvine, CA

Hi bombmom,

Congratulations on your surgery.  If you have not done so please post this on the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy Forum (VSG)

Is this happening from time to time or are you saying you can't get any food and drink to stay down? If you are not able to eat or drink anything give your surgeons office a call!

Please keep us posted

Happy Holidays,

Member Services

on 12/12/13 1:59 am - Vancouver, WA

You should contact your surgeon it is possible to develop a stricture so it is always a good idea to consult your doctor. Or it could just be that the nerves aren't completely healed and are sending mixed messages. So to find out for sure you have to contact the surgeon.

on 12/13/13 4:42 am - Plainfield, IL
VSG on 11/18/13

Congrats on your gastric sleeve. I had mine done on November 18th and it's not quite a month yet.  I know how you feel...kind of funny even when sipping water.  I was tripping out!!!  How am I going to get up to this famous 4oz when I'm gagging on 2oz.......My doctor's office told me that this is normal and that I would not be able to eat or drink more than 2oz for a little while yet.  So contact your doctor and see if that is the same for you because it's so soon after your procedure.

Valerie G.
on 12/13/13 7:02 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

Check with your doc for sure.  If you're not on any acid reducers, now may be the time to start,

DS 2005

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