laparoscopic duodenal switch

Valerie G.
on 10/24/14 12:12 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

Sorry you're suffering.  I'm 9 years post-op and healthier than I've ever been in my life.

I wish we'd known him.  Perhaps we could have helped point him to some resources.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 10/24/14 3:42 pm

Thank you so very much for your kind thoughts.  Honestly, we did not know everything we were getting into with this specific surgery.  From what I understand, they wont even perform the duodenal switch surgery anymore.  We tried several times, unsuccessfully, to contact Dr. Ikramuddin regarding what we could do to remedy the situation. We even tried to find a surgeon to reverse, as much as could be possible, the switch.  I'm not trying to bash anyone, simply giving a warning of what the ramifications may be. 

Valerie G.
on 10/24/14 9:41 pm - Northwest Mountains, GA

Actually, the number of surgeons who do the DS has doubled in the last decade, but it's the most complicated of the procedures, and in the hands of a surgeon lacking in experience and skill, can be risky.  I've not heard much about Irkamuddin and his expertise, and his lack of response to assist doesn't speak well of him either.  Once done with the surgeon, there is so much to be learned how to keep healthy, too, and sadly, the surgeons and their staff are only useful for the first three months.  We share how to make it from that point.

How horrible for you!  Your heart must be aching so.  I wish you'd found us sooner, for there are indeed some surgeons who have helped others out of the woods from the hands of hacks, here in the US and those who went outside of the US.  We have several vets like me who could have suggested other avenues, too, with more details.  I'm so sorry.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 10/25/14 4:22 am

The DS is still performed, and in increasing numbers. And the UofMN is definitely still doing the Duodenal Switch procedure. Did your husband by chance have the Biliopancreatic Diversion surgery, rather than the DS (they are often confused). That IS rarely done anymore.

on 10/24/14 2:38 am

Please be more specific about how the DS caused your husband's death. I am nearly 11 years post-DS, and healthier than I ever was, pre-op.


Member Services
on 10/24/14 3:44 am - Irvine, CA

I'm so sorry for the loss of your husband. 

If you're willing to share what happened and what he passed away from, we could better support you.  Unfortunately there are risks with any surgery, not just bariatric surgery.  Even though there are many DS'ers that live long, healthy lives, it doesn't diminish your loss.

If we can be of support to you, please email us at [email protected].


on 10/24/14 2:43 pm

I believe so.  However, I want people to know that we tried so many times to contact and talk to Dr. Ikramuddin and was told by his office staff that we were required to make an appointment to go through the process of sitting through the "orientation" prior to having surgery, and then and only then, could we get an appointment to talk to the doctor.  We tried for 2 years to contact him.

on 10/24/14 10:36 pm

I'm not sure I understand . . . .did Dr Ikramuddin do your husband's original surgery? Or were you trying to see him for a revision? How long ago had surgery?

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