question for those who had/have gas

on 3/27/08 2:49 am - La Plata, MD
If you have gas as an early out DSer, does it mean you will fight the gas monster and be a slave to it forever????????? Is the gas thing that is food related ever going to change????? I guess i need to hear it resolves at some point or settles as time goes on. Some days I just wonder................................


Stephanie B.
on 3/27/08 2:52 am - North Port, FL
Hi there. I will not lie I was wicked gassy! BADDDDD clear the room gassy. I do still get that way sometimes but only when I have too many carbs. So basically at this point the answer is yes I get gas, but it is all within my control!

Stephanie Mommy to William 06/09/97, Kenny 09/24/98 and Lex 11/08/07

(deactivated member)
on 3/27/08 3:09 am - TN
The first month or two is really bad but then it settles down and is largely diet controlled.
Ample Beauty
on 3/27/08 3:28 am - central, VA
All I have to say about gas is covered in my favorite Bible verse: "it came to pass" It didn't come to stay .... "it", whatever the 'it' is you are experiencing at the moment, came to pass. And yes, I have had horrid gas.  Was even written up at work because of it, and had co-workers make rude comments and accusations.  I don't work there any more.  But no one told me, early on, how probiotics would help, nor how carbs affect the issue. Once I got that going things settled quite abit.  Also, if you Google charcoal underwear, the first thing that comes up, those help a LOT.  Best wishes!
Ample, the Hybrid Caddy -- 488 (76.4)/146(22.8)/140-ish
12/11/2005 Hit by a truck - wt 435/BMI 68     
1/24/2006 VBG w/sleeve - Dr. Elariny
12/5/2006 Revision to D/S and Adjustable Band - Dr. Elariny,
wt 286/BMI 46
7/30/2008 LBL; 10/13/2008 UBL; 12/29/2008 Lipo: Dr Krieger
Elizabeth N.
on 3/27/08 4:12 am - Burlington County, NJ
Nah. It gets better with time for almost everyone. I was blasting the most evil and sonorous farts those first weeks with no rhyme or reason to any of it. But it's gotten constantly easier to predict and control what will bring on the gas--except for the occasional surprise food, but they get rarer all the time.  When I went to party with the DS'ers in NYC before Christmas, we ate at a barbecue place. I had nice spicy YUMMY pork barbecue. Should have been a non issue meal, as I had next to no carbs. OH BOY was I wrong. The next 48 hours were distinctly uncomfortable, and I've had respect for highly spiced stuff since then *shudder*.  The most recent surprise was a raw apple. My chair is withering away under me as a type. Cooked apples are no problem. Raw apples, apparently, still are. Sometimes at least. UGH.
on 3/27/08 4:29 am - La Plata, MD
I spend alot of time getting up from the chair and going to the potty because I am just not sure what will come out. My stomach is so loud people can here the gas brewing. I dont think I am eating too many carbs as I am only 7 weeks out  and getting the protein in is an all day affair. I think I would be much happier with the gas issue gone. I will however keep my fingers crossed.


Beam me up Scottie
on 3/27/08 6:49 am
You are probably getting really gassy because your a bit constipated.  YES even if you have DHR you can be constipated.  For example, when I started taking iron suppliments, I was getting DHR, but not my normal  fill the bowel DS poops.   I had to get an xray for something unrelated, and when they were telling me there was no broken bone they mentioned that on the Xray it showed i was full of poo.  Long story short, I started taking a bulk forming fiber in during the day time, and Milk of Magnesia at night, and somewhere inbetween 1000 mg of magnesium oxide..and guess what my DS poos returned, the gas was gone, and I was one happy camper. High protein diets do have a tendency to constipate, add to that your new vit. regime and you might be a bit constipated.  MOM (milk of mag) is super cheap...try some at night, and take some fiber during the day and see if the gas clears up. Scott   (PS THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE, but practical advice that has worked for me).
Valerie G.
on 3/27/08 5:11 am - Northwest Mountains, GA
I found that only certain foods were triggering gas for me (mostly simple carbs).  If I avoided those foods, I had little or no gas at all.  I didn't get much until I started eating more freely, really.  That's when I really started paying attention to what caused it, and how long it took to take affect.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

(deactivated member)
on 3/27/08 6:07 am
 Everyone has a different experience. I have not been lucky. I'm not alone. On the flatulence severity scale, I'm a 10. It has affected my quality of life, my social life, my work life, and my self-image. Many people say they can control it with what they eat. With a  careful diet, it is improved, but not eliminated. Many people say that probiotics eliminate it. Again, improved but not eliminated. Many people say it improves over time. I'm in year 4. It's a daily problem. Many people say Devrom helps. Minimally with the smell. Not with the frequency. Many people say Flagyl helps. Maybe a 25% reduction. Works well for a few days and then no more. This is not a DS problem. All the WLS have a percentage of people who develop what they call "malodorous flatulence" after surgery.  I've tried everything anyone has suggested. I hope you don't follow in my footsteps. Good luck with it.
Beam me up Scottie
on 3/27/08 7:00 am
Hey nancy, Have you tried the Cipro/flagyl approach.  It seems to be the MOST aggressive form of therapy.    Carolyn did it and she said it worked great.  You take a full course of Cipro and flagyl for 2 weeks straight.   I was also reading on the yahoo problems forum that Dr. Husted believes that the gas issue is related to Yeast overgrowth.  (one of his patients posted)>  He put her on 1-6 month courses of Deflucan to kill the yeast.  She said it worked for her.   Maybe it's time to get aggressive in fixing this issue, because you don't want  it to effect your life.   Scott PS have you tried the omnigest OTC digestive enzymes?  They kind of work well for me when I travel.
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