Need advice on jogging

on 10/16/12 8:12 am
Hey all ... Please help!
I just started jogging and have found that the outer side of my knee in the joint area really hurts almost to the point of limping after about 30 mins of jog/walking.

I probably really over did it by jogging like 2 plus hours daily on the beach a couple of weeks ago and now I can't get out for an hour without limping home.

Anyway, the feeling of Actually-Finally jogging has been so totally AWESOME and I really don't want to stop.

I was thinking a knee brace and some Aspercream or Ben Gay. Not sure if I should use the Aspercream because i'm sure it probably contains aspirin.

Any suggestions would sure be helpful and appreciated.

 Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you sit down quitely, may alight upon you.  ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne

Type of surgery:  RNY ( 4/4/2012) 
on 10/16/12 1:16 pm, edited 10/16/12 1:17 pm - Granada Hills, CA
 What shoes are you wearing? Have you been fitted properly for shoes? This is critical if you are going to run regularly. 

You may have tweaked something by running on the beach - you might need to take some time off, and rest/ice for a while. 

I think you should see your doctor before getting a brace - sometimes they can make your knee worse depending on what the issue is. 

Congrats on taking up the addicting sport of running - remember to listen to your body, rest and enjoy :) - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 10/16/12 3:12 pm
Thanks so much for your advice. I using a Nike NB but that's not the shoe I was wearing when I initially hurt my knee. I agree with you that I may have tweaked something running on the slanted shoreline for sure!

I didn'nt run today and used some Aspercream this evening. My knee actually feels a lot better. It would probably be smart to stay off of it for a couple of days.

Thanks again because I sure don't know a thing about running. I just jumped out there and it felt wonderful . But I sure do know when something hurts ...
 Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you sit down quitely, may alight upon you.  ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne

Type of surgery:  RNY ( 4/4/2012) 
on 10/17/12 5:23 am - Cornwall, Canada
RNY on 03/23/12

I have only been running for 4 months and there are times my knee feels the same as you describe.
I confirmed that Rub A535 cooling jel is ok to use. Heard various thoughts on aspercreme.....

Rest, ice.... give it time to heal and then go slow!!

Good luck!

Highest Weight: 365lbs
Clinic Weight: 325lbs
Clinic goal:190 lbs
Current Weight: 176.4lbs
My goal:165lbs
Surgery: Dr. Yelle Ottawa on March 23, 2012

on 10/17/12 5:46 am
Oh great ... Can i find the cooling jel you mentioned above at any local drug store?
 Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you sit down quitely, may alight upon you.  ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne

Type of surgery:  RNY ( 4/4/2012) 
on 10/26/12 3:40 am - Cornwall, Canada
RNY on 03/23/12

I bought mine at Walmart

Highest Weight: 365lbs
Clinic Weight: 325lbs
Clinic goal:190 lbs
Current Weight: 176.4lbs
My goal:165lbs
Surgery: Dr. Yelle Ottawa on March 23, 2012

on 10/17/12 7:31 pm - Tustin, CA
According to me jooging is considered to be a great way to reduce weight. It is believed that the main intention of jogging is to increase physical fitness with less stress on the body than from faster running. It's important to prepare yourself with the right knowledge about this workout. Few things should be kept in mind, such as :-
1. Avoid any kind of strectching exercises before jogging.
2. Breathing style should be done in such a way which makes you feel comfortable
3. As a beginner, rigourous jogging can make you feel uncomfortable. Therefore, you must take 5 minutes break inbetween jogging and do walking.
Paul C.
on 10/17/12 11:28 pm - Cumming, GA
 Avoid stretching exercises before jogging?

Such as?
Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
Kim S.
on 10/18/12 6:08 am - Helena, AL
I always stretch/warm up before jogging.

The key to becoming a long term runner is to listen to your body.  When something hurts, you need to let it heal.  Good shoes are critical.  Get properly fitted at a running store.  Running shoes are much bigger than regular shoes.........for instance, I wear an 8, but they put me in a 9.5 running shoe.

While you are healing, you could do short sprints of jogging and then walk for most of the time.

Beach running is tricky and always leaves me with new aches and pains....sitting in a hot tub always helps my aches and pains (the glass of wine I have is just a bonus!!).
on 10/18/12 1:16 pm, edited 10/18/12 1:17 pm
Not sure where the person gets not stretching before jogging as a matter of fact statement. It isn't necessary if you begin each session with a real slow jog or warmup to get blod flowing, and then work into the main session of your workout., but stretching is fine as long as you don't try and immediately go to your maximum stretch resistance.

As for 'must walk 5 minutes', to each his own, but the key is make sure you listen to your body. I do use the Galloway Method which is a Run/Walk, but it's a style and I build it into the speed I am trying to run per mile. (ie if I am trying to run a 9:00 min mile, then I run faster during my run portion and walk for a period of time, the average gives me a 9:00 min per mile pace.)

Jogging can make you uncomfortable, so does running, so does biking, so does lifting weights, so does sneezing too hard. Uncomfortable isn't bad. At some point you have to get uncomfortable to improve. If you are in pain, that's a different story. I spend most of my interval runs in the stage of uncomfortable to almost nauseous, but I not in pain, and I am not injuring myself.

It sounds like you have an inflamation, so as others have said. Rest/Ice, I would add "roll" as well. Rolling your muscles after a strenuous exercise has been very helpful. 

Keep up the good work, and you will continue to improve and have fun with your exercise.


First 5K 5/21/2011 00:48:24

First 13 mile run 02:31:39 10/30/2011

5K Race PR 24:38 5/2013
First TRIATHLON 1:48:37 5/7/2012
Augusta Ironman 70.3 6:54:67
Half Marathon PR 1:55:39 6/8/2013 Bootlegger Half Marathon

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