Tobboganning and skidooing

Robin H.
on 1/30/12 12:39 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
ok for those of you who follow my posts here is my Saturday update.  We got to our destination at around 3 pm and didn't get home until 10pm so in 7 hours i never sat once except to either go down the hill screaming like a little school girl or drive the kids around on the skidoo.  Was a great time.  I was definately feeling the affects after the drive home I had a hard time gettingt my legs out of the car LOL.  I definately used a few muscles that haven't been used in a bit but man it was fun.  I was cautious at first almost scared to go down the hill for fear of injury ( I might want to point out this is a double track with crazy corners banked with straw bails to avoid  hitting trees.  It is my cousin's labour of love lol) Once I went and survived it became easier and i forgot why I was trying to be cautious :)  No major injuries just one bleeding nose and it wasn't me or mine so we were good LOL

on 1/30/12 12:47 am - Newmarket, Canada

LOL!! Awesome Robin! Glad you had a blast!!
laura S.
on 1/30/12 12:50 am - London, Canada
Sounds like you had a ton of fun!  Good for you!!!!!

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