3 month stall... somebody kill me.

on 9/30/13 1:59 am

So.. here I am 9 months post op.. down from 338 to 213.... I originally wanted to get to 150lbs... at this point please god let me see 170.


I eat 1200-1400 cals a day.. run 3x-4x a week (3k) workout with a training doing tough crossfit workouts 2x a week... Drink LOTS of water ... what the hell.. since july i have lost a total of 5lbs.. somebody shoot me.


85-100g protein/day     70-100g carb/day


I have mad bad food choices over the last two weeks and have rebelled against my gym schedule and only go twice a week.. this is BAD.. i know this is BAD... i am so discouraged.. and when i look in the mirror i see how huge i still am **** my.life.


Any suggestions are welcome at this point. urgh.

referral: October 18,2011 orientation: January 6,2012 np: July 11,2012
abdominal u/s: August 8,2012 psych: August 16,2012 nut/behav: August 27,2012
endoscopy: September 28,2012 follow up with dietician:October 1st,2012 surgery class:9 am, October 31,2012 meet the surgeon:November 13th,2012 Optifast start: Dec 3rd, 2012SURGERY by Dr. Yelle : December 24! 

Jessica S.
on 9/30/13 2:27 am - Ottawa, Canada

Hi Sweetie


First of all you are not huge, you are beautiful.

I know what you are saying, I have stalls that last so long it freaks the hell out of me, we are all human and we are all going to screw up. We didn't get to needing surgery by making the best choices, we can't erase all those years of bad choices in a few months. It takes one step at a time. I am learning to not punish myself and take it one day at a time. The support from the ladies and men here is really helping me just chill and do it slowly, one step. Change one bad thing I am doing at a time. And to see that stalls are so DAMN normal, they SUCK, lol I agree and I have bad days like you that I freak out but then I realize in six months I have lost 86 lbs, that's crazy good. My weight lose has slowed down so much it is scary but slowly moving down.  So instead of looking at what you have left, see how far you have come and for me one thing that helps was seeing that for the first time in YEARS I am closer to my goal then I am to the weight I started at.

You my beautiful lady have lost an incredible 125 lbs in 9 months, that is insane, so amazing. You have 43 lbs left to reach your first goal and even if you continue to the other one that is 63 lbs away, still so much closer then 125 lbs. You will get there, everyone keeps reminding me you are in malabsorption  for 18 months so that means another 9 months minimum.

You got this, you will be there before you know it.





on 9/30/13 2:36 am - Arnprior, Canada

Sit down and take a breath.  You know that there are stalls every once in a while, and they sometimes take a while to break.  You are looking at the scale, are you looking at the tape measure too?  Look at how you feel now compared to 3 months ago, or 6 months ago.  Any difference?  Even look at your workouts, are you doing something better or more than you used to?

Tip:  Paint the mirror.  At least until your mind has caught up to where you are.  Your mind is telling you lies about what it sees.  I started at about 354, and am around 210 give or take depending on day/time of month etc.  Yes, I'm not a super model, but I'm not the fat blob I used to be.  I kinda felt like Barbamama (old show from when I was a kid).  Now I'm bigger, but I can do things that I couldn't for a long time and to me, that means a lot more.

I'm no expert, not by a long shot.  But maybe you need to talk to your NUT, make sure that you are eating the right amount for the amount you are working out?  Too much, too little, not enough of something.  Maybe you could also switch up your workouts.  Either try a different time of day once in a while, or just do something completely different,  If you always do the same exercises, try some new ones.  If you are bored with going to the gym, go to the pool, or join a class.  Make exercise fun time, not I gotta do this time.

That's my 2 cents worth, sorry, oh yah, no pennies any more, guess it's a cheap nickle's worth.



on 9/30/13 2:41 am

Thank you ladies, you support means the world to me :). I am struggling but i know.. i shouldnt complain lol. URGH.. one day at a time right?

referral: October 18,2011 orientation: January 6,2012 np: July 11,2012
abdominal u/s: August 8,2012 psych: August 16,2012 nut/behav: August 27,2012
endoscopy: September 28,2012 follow up with dietician:October 1st,2012 surgery class:9 am, October 31,2012 meet the surgeon:November 13th,2012 Optifast start: Dec 3rd, 2012SURGERY by Dr. Yelle : December 24! 

on 9/30/13 2:43 am - Canada


I can't tell you how much my heart breaks to hear you so hard on yourself. I haven't been through the surgery yet but I have been overweight for 20 years. You have done so well and I think we sometimes get stuck looking at things only from one perspective. If you are anything like me....and many of us...our weight has been an obstacle we have struggled with for so long...it is hard to imagine that we will finally make it to our goal. Getting discouraged is allowed....but get back up and get back on track and you will meet your goal!  You have come so far already..keep going!

Take care

             RNY Surgery February 10th, 2014



(deactivated member)
on 9/30/13 3:04 am

Well if you are huge then I am humongous!!! 

on 9/30/13 3:58 am

I didnt mean to say that anyone who weighs more than me is "humongous".. i am just saying thats how I FEEL...

referral: October 18,2011 orientation: January 6,2012 np: July 11,2012
abdominal u/s: August 8,2012 psych: August 16,2012 nut/behav: August 27,2012
endoscopy: September 28,2012 follow up with dietician:October 1st,2012 surgery class:9 am, October 31,2012 meet the surgeon:November 13th,2012 Optifast start: Dec 3rd, 2012SURGERY by Dr. Yelle : December 24! 

on 9/30/13 3:14 am - Canada
RNY on 07/23/13

+ 1 for the tape measure. How are your clothes fitting?

And yes, I bet you can do a whole lot more than you could a year ago. Stalls are normal. I'm on my second one and tomorrow will be 10 weeks for me. So frustrating to be bouncing up and down and around 250 for a week and half now. Bad enough when I was stalled fro 3 weeks the first time.

You know that this whole process works, but you have to believe in it and yourself. Take a deep breath, have faith, we have faith in you.


on 9/30/13 3:59 am

Thank you all :) its a good feeling having the support.

referral: October 18,2011 orientation: January 6,2012 np: July 11,2012
abdominal u/s: August 8,2012 psych: August 16,2012 nut/behav: August 27,2012
endoscopy: September 28,2012 follow up with dietician:October 1st,2012 surgery class:9 am, October 31,2012 meet the surgeon:November 13th,2012 Optifast start: Dec 3rd, 2012SURGERY by Dr. Yelle : December 24! 

on 9/30/13 4:06 am - Canada

FML - exactly.

I know it's cliche, but I have hit the 3 month stall. I have lost 70 pounds and have been playing with 219 - 221 for 3 weeks now. It's frustrating, but I just keep on keeping. I am still under 1000 per day, usually 8-10,000 steps. Just plain old stuck.

I am also stuck between sizes 14 -16 on bottom and 16-18 on top. Everytime I try on clothes I still feel enormous and want to buy stuff that is too big and "hides" me. At my biggest I was 2X, but I constantly bought 4x just to feel smaller I guess.

And my HAIR!!!


Referral St. Joe's, Hamilton - Surgery May 28, 013 


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