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on 7/17/24 11:40 am
Topic: RE: Lap RNY revision for medical complications

Wow, you've been through a lot. I haven't had an RNY revision for a bowel blockage, but I feel for you. It's rough dealing with those blockages and all the ups and downs with weight. I can't say exactly how much you'll lose, but it might not be as drastic as the first time around. As for bowel habits, a revision could help, but definitely chat with your doc about the constipation and megacolon. Sounds like you're a fighter, though. Glad to see you back here! Hoping you get the answers and support you need. Stay strong!

(deactivated member)
on 6/6/24 2:37 pm
Topic: RE: Pittsburgh revisions


You should be able to do this with your pcp. Mine (I?m in Pittsburgh too) brought it up at my last appointment. He said a lot of his patients have had success with it.

on 5/23/24 6:24 am, edited 5/23/24 6:30 am - Marlton, NJ
RNY on 08/14/12
Topic: Greetings from NJ./Revision

Had my revision a week ago ay Virtua Mt. Holly hospital. Had RNY back in 2012 at U of Iowa. Dr. Sharma was amazing. i had gained 35 (the stress of going through a divorce with an alcoholic didn?t help matters). My new sweetie was is supportive and amazing

Looking forward to shaking LOOSE this weight and getting back to LOSING again

Note. The ticker is an old one. Have to redo it.

on 4/29/24 4:45 pm
Topic: RE: Lap RNY revision for medical complications

Hiya Amy! I am so sorry you have experienced blockages. I can relate to being constipated...have you tried Lactose? You need a prescription for that, however it works beautifully (it's a liquid).

I have surgery this Wednesday, May 1st. I had an open roux-n-y 20 years ago. I have had a pain on my left side for a few years. After many tests and specialists, they figured it small intestine is collapsing on itself. It's called an intussusception. Therefore, I'm going to have a laparoscopic revision and the bad parts of my intestines are coming out.

Apparently this is now becoming common in gastric bypass patients. Blockages are a cry for help! Please see a specialist.

I'm proud of you! Keep up the good work.

Besos! Monica ?

White Dove
on 4/1/24 6:08 am - Warren, OH
Topic: RE: Lap RNY revision for medical complications

Once you heal from the revision and go back to eating again, it is possible to regain everything that you lost from the RNY. Please discuss this with your surgeon.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 2/19/24 6:36 pm
Topic: RE: Dumping syndrome/Reactive hypoglycaemia

If you eat something with too many grams of sugar, your blood sugar will spike, causing insulin to pump up to bring it down in your body. This causes a crash (hypoglycemia) and you get shaky, sweaty, see spots.. that kind of thing. I usually have to take glucose tablets or drink a couple swigs of regular soda and then eat a protein/carb to level it out. It's all about the grams of sugar you take in. If you know you are going to eat something sweet, just be prepared for the aftermath.

on 2/19/24 6:33 pm
Topic: Lap RNY revision for medical complications

Has anyone had a RNY revision due to a bowel blockage? I have had 3 bowel blockages now, 2 small, 1 large with the last one landing me in exploratory surgery on Christmas Eve last year and they found the blockage was in part of one of the roux limbs, I guess? So they want to do a revision.

I started at 297, dropped down to 122 (depression-related weight loss that was disgusting) got back up to 190 and now have settled at 159 as of today.

I want to know how much I am going to lose (I don't really want to lose a lot because of the skin situation) and how my bowel habits will change. I am furiously constipated. I don't go for 3 days and have to take nine 5mg bisacodyl tablets to stimulate my bowels and have runny stools for a day and then go 3 days without going and do it all over again. I also developed megacolon so I don't know if that has anything to do with it either.

Anyway, I have come full circle. I was active here many moons ago. I got my surgery around 2010? I've had car accidents and traumatic brain injuries so my memory is bad... (cross addiction to alcohol came furiously after surgery) but am back to see how everyone is doing and if anyone can relate to me!

Thanks y'all!


Member Services
on 2/1/24 7:22 am - Irvine, CA
Topic: Early Bird Access is Open ? Bariatric Connect 2024 National Conference!

Early Bird Deal Alert, Only 100 Available!

Are you ready to join us at the 2024 Bariatric Connect National Conference in Newport Beach, CA, on September 20th-21st? Now's the perfect opportunity! Starting today, you can grab an Early Bird ticket - be one of the first 100 to register and save $30 on general admission. This Early Bird offer lasts until March 31, 2024, or until the Early Bird tickets sell out - whichever comes first!

Join us on an incredible two-day journey, filled with learning, sharing, and connecting. It's not just an event, it's where you'll find your people!

on 1/23/24 10:13 am, edited 1/23/24 2:35 am
RNY on 06/03/15
Topic: RE: Lapband revision to bypass

well, you COULD become malnourished and vitamin deficient, but taking supplements prevents that. If you don't keep on top of your supplements, then yes - that could be a problem. That's why it's so important to take your vitamins after RNY (and DS, too)

I've never heard of anyone throwing up after one bite of a Reese cup or anything with sugar. About 30% of RNY'ers dump, but that can be prevented by not eating a bunch of sugar at one sitting (and I'm not talking about one bite of a Reese's - we're talking like a cup or more of ice cream, for example). Most dumpers can tolerate some sugar in one sitting - just not a lot. And about 70% of us never dump at all. I never have. Unfortunately, I could eat an entire PINT of ice cream with no trouble at all, unfortunately (unfortunately because I was hoping I WOULD dump to keep me from eating too much sugar!)

Also, dumping generally involves diarrhea, abdominal cramping, heart palpitations, and dizziness. Vomiting can happen, but it's not as common because dumping is caused by too much sugar entering your small intestine too quickly, and the intestines go into overdrive trying to deal with it. So the "action" is in the intestines rather than the stomach.

food restrictions are limited the first month or so, then gradually they drop off until about the six-month mark, when there are no restrictions at all. You should have no problem finding what you're supposed to eat those first few weeks, even living in a small town.

if you want to see what actual RNY patients eat, then lurk on the RNY menu thread for a few days. That should give you a realistic idea.

P.S. LOTS of people have revised from lap band to either RNY or VSG. In fact, there are a few of us on the RNY menu thread *****vised from lap band. I really encourage you to check out that thread if you want a lot more insight into RNY from people who've had it - some of us are many years out and have been on the site for years.

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 1/23/24 8:28 am
Topic: RE: Question on success after lap band removal

Getting a lap band was the most stupidest thing I have ever done. It didn't work. They sell you false hope.

The side affects 10 years latter were unreal. I couldn't burp, horrible pain in my upper left side of my chest and collar bone area. Excessive gas. None of it was ever worth it.

I finally had mine removed two months ago all the symptoms subsided.

I still have excessive gas for some reason. And some abdominal pain. I don't know if this is normal till my boss's just to have the lap band removed. I would not recommend to anyone. The biggest waste of money you could spend. They basically left you off because it doesn't work. That is why they don't put them in anymore.

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