
Celia S.
on 6/15/11 9:14 am - Grand Junction, CO
Hey all... just wondering if anyone of you have tried the Couch-to-5k running program. Especially if you were doing it while you were still heavy.

I'm still pre-op and my soul wants to run... I just don't know if my body can handle it or even do it for any extended amount of time in the first place. I like how this program eases you into it and has you alternate walking/jogging for the first few weeks, but again I'm not sure I can do it. I suppose I won't know until I try, but I want to know if any of you have tried it and what your experiences were with it

I appreciate any input!
Hope you all are having a blessed day! :)

on 6/15/11 9:29 am - OR
I like the concept.. I havent progressed as fast as they recommend but I get on the treadmill and do what I can! Just start and do what you can!
on 6/15/11 9:35 am - NC
 For now I am just walking a 5K at least 5 days a week. I don't think my knees could take running.
on 6/15/11 9:51 am - Trinity, AL
I am on my second week of that!!I love it and it has not been bad on my knees..but I do a jog and not a run. I put the app on my phone so it counts it out for me and def helps to see how many more seconds u have to run and it makes me a lil more motivated.  First couple of days rough bt now it is getting easier. The program calls for a 3 day week but I go to gym 4 days and have also done week 1 for 2 I am taking it lil slower then it recommends. Jst do it at ur pace and u shld b fine:)
Kim H.
on 6/15/11 9:55 am - VA
RNY on 07/11/11 with
I actually downloaded the program onto my iPod but I had to stop because I got really bad shin splints. I would say just let your body be your guide. I had to slow down and couldn't run myself so instead I did a super uphill powerwalk on the treadmill with every "run" prompt. It really kicked my butt and got me in much better shape. Good luck!
I am my own hero...I save myself one day, one meal, one bite, one choice, one challenge, one step at a time...
on 6/15/11 10:03 am
 Yes! I'm doing the C25K program now. I also have an iphone app, which I think was free (or if not, cheap). It plays in the background behind your music and tells you when to walk or run. Of course, you can simply look up that week's routine online for free and use a watch with a timer.

I'm in the middle of week 4 now -- and I couldn't believe I was able to jog for 3 and 5 whole minutes in a row -- I've NEVER been able to do that in my life!!! I have bad knees, and I jog really REALLY slowly (a moderate walker could pass me!) but it doesn't matter, because I'm only measuring against myself and I'm doing so much better than I've ever been able to before.

I did start the C25K program about 2 years ago when I was about 75 pounds heavier than I am now. The furthest I could get was week 3, and that was a eal challenge for me.

But the great thing about the C25K program is that you can go at your own pace. You can repeat a week's program several times. I anticipate that somewhere around week 5 or 6 I'll need to start doing, say, two-three weeks of week 5 workouts instead of one -- which is fine with me. It's all light years ahead of where I was fitness-wise just a year ago!

I say GO FOR IT! Try the week 1 and see how your body feels, and modify it if you need to. You could even change the "run" to a faster walk than during the "walk" intervals. If nothing else, you'll get a great baseline of where you are now, to see how far you've come in the months and years AFTER surgery!



RNY 7/30/10  SW 302/CW ~150/First Goal 155 (reached 9/2011)
Extended TT & Medial Thigh Lift 7/16/12.  Arms, Butt Lift 2/6/13. 

on 6/15/11 10:31 am
I started in Aug. 2010 (didn't have surgery til May 2011) , and did not do well, partly because it hurt my knees so bad and partly because it was August in Alabama.  :)  But, try it, you may love it.  I am going to start again in the fall when I lose more weight and it isn't so hot. 

on 6/15/11 11:37 am
I started it last week and I have had to modify it.  I am not able to complete all of the running intervals.  I am still on W1D1, I figure as I loose more I will be able to do more.  Just go at your own pace and you will do great.

Weight lost since Surgery  

Weight lost since first visit with surgeon.
Celia S.
on 6/15/11 11:38 am - Grand Junction, CO
Well, I stole my hubby's iPod and downloaded one of the free apps and decided to take the iPod to the riverside trail by my house and give it a try!

I think there was a glitch in the middle of my workout, because I only did 3 running intervals instead of 6, but those 3 almost KILLED ME - not literally, but I felt like it! So afterwards, I just walked at a brisk pace until I was nearly back to my car and then slowed it down for a few minutes to cool down. My lungs hurt like they did when I was a smoker and had the worst sinus infection I've ever had. I don't know if I will continue with it at this time, but who knows how insane I'll be feeling in a couple of days. Right now, though, I think this is probably something to put on my list for after I lose a bit of this weight! :)

Thanks for the input everyone!

on 6/15/11 12:35 pm - Crestview, FL

If, on W1D3 you still are not able to get your intervals done, stay there until you do.  That's the beauty of the program is you progress at your pace.  At the start of each week, it was OMG, OMG, OMG this is so hard and by the 3rd day, I was like "piece of cake, bring it on."  Saturday, I ran for 20 straight minutes when 5 weeks ago, running eight 1 minute intervals seemed to be a lifetime that only lasted 60 secondsKeep in mind that I don't call what I do a 'run' but a slog (slow jog) but it works for me and I love the program.

This Saturday I will be doing W6D3, which is a straight 23 minute run and I am considering doing it in a 5k Walk/Run fun run just for the motivation.  I have never been a runner but am loving the changes I am seeing in my legs since starting the program.  I also have added some leg strength training to my off days and as my legs get stronger, they no longer feel like lead weight nor do I sound like I am about to burst a lung like I did weeks 1-4.  I love how my heart and lungs have gotten stronger and more efficient since starting the program.

Good Luck!!!

I am creating my own revolution and PAMdemonium reigns!

RNY 11/16/2010

SW 270, CW 155, GW 135

1st 5k time 40:34 (Dec 2013)





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