Chocolate chip cookies

on 6/20/11 4:46 am - Portland, OR
I agree go on one of these really awesome websites and look for an alternative... One cookie I dont think is that big of a deal and I do agree about things in moderation  but I know me personally there is no way I would be able to eat just one...

If you decide to Im sure you can substitute slenda for the tollhouse recipe. Have you ever had tollhouse cookies made with the whole wheat flour??? They are awesome, from what I remember..... you could try that too!!!!  
Anna M.
on 6/20/11 4:49 am - Manchester, NH
Whole wheat flour? No but that is definitely the kind of suggestion I am looking for. Do you know if there is a recipe somewhere or should I just sub out the flour?

I went to Nik's site and to Shelly's and saw some really great desserts at both places. I may end up making protein ice cream instead but I thought I'd see if anyone had any cookie recipes.

* Starting weight: 383 * Day of Surgery: 363 * Ticker includes weight lost pre-op *
on 6/20/11 4:52 am
It is a slippery slope for sure, but I do understand. I don't plan to not enjoy foods that are forbidden. But I do have to be careful and choose wisely with portion control. I rarely get sick from anything these days, now it's just the occasional chicken cooked differently or from the supermarket.  So far I have tolerated everything, which is good and not so good.

I have to choose what goes in my mouth and if I choose to eat a cookie I have to know that the consequences can be craving more sweets and ultimately not losing the weight I want to. That is what seems to start the bitter cycle for me and craving more carbs. I find my sweet tooth satisfied with pudding and a little squirt of whipped cream, my protein shakes made with milk or frozen and squirts of syrups do the trick. 

However, I am allowing myself the occasional indulgence of a cookie, M&M's (in snack size) or ice cream(I don't tolerate sugar free very well) but only if I am low low low on carbs and calories that day or I have specifically planned it.  I try to plan those days and only consume proteins then allow a little sweet. I try to keep my calories under 800-900 each day so consuming a sweet is often not going to happen and I am okay with that. I didn't go through this surgery and all the hell that followed to end up back where I was. 

It's about following a lifestyle plan, not a diet and I will enjoy the occasional treat in my life, but like my surgeon said it will be small, one piece of birthday cake cut extra thin and not the 4-5 pieces I would have over the days that followed the birthday! 

I made peanut butter and jelly cookies with my daughter made with splenda and they were great! Check out south beach diet recipes too as they have low carbs.  It's okay to try these things, although some may regret it later as they may dump, but for those of us that don't we have to be the one who makes that decision, and choose to keep it in check. If we don't we only have ourselves to blame.  I know I have had those bad bad days, I eat when I am ticked off so I am trying to find other things to occupy my time so that I am not mindlessly munching on something.

Let us know what you try and how it goes for you!
Anna M.
on 6/20/11 5:03 am - Manchester, NH
I understand that sweets make you crave more sweets that is why I plan on bringing 90% of the cookies in to work (they will be gone in five minutes here lol). I'm probably going to make some protein ice cream tonight with SF chocolate chips and after eating that I may not want cookies anymore.

It's just one of those things where I wanted the option of being able to have a cookie.

* Starting weight: 383 * Day of Surgery: 363 * Ticker includes weight lost pre-op *
on 6/20/11 5:04 am
Don't do it!!!!!!!!
You are barely 6 weeks out.  You need to spend this time focusing on healthy eating and developing healthy habits.  This soon out it could very easily make you sick, but even if it didn't, you are giving in to the habits that caused problems in the first place.  I know it is challenging and the cravings and urges can be strong-but it is your head and habit talking not your body's nutrition needs.  Be strong!!!!!! Ask for help.  Wait until you have had time to get healthy and develop healthy eating and exercise habits before you go down the road with the occasional treat.
on 6/20/11 5:06 am
No flaming or morality.

But do know that you might just want to buy your favorite chocolate chip cookie even with sugar and have the tiniest bite of it than eat a whole sugar free sugar cookie. It will taste better and the carbs and fat and calories would be about the same. Sugar free does not mean low fat or low carb when it comes to cookies. And one bite gives you the flavor and the same amount of physical amount of stomach taken up as several cookies would have done in the old days.

Not a craving lecture - but more that one bite of something awesome you love is worth a lot more than a whole cookie that will not taste as good.

Warm it in the oven, eat your bite, and immediately shove the rest in your hubby's mouth. Or bake your favorite recipe right before he goes to work and do the same thing and make sure he takes the rest right out the door. (And do not lick the bowl or spoon. I once carefully scraped all the dough I would typically eat when making a batch of chocolate chip cookies and it would have made several cookies and my "taste" was over 500 calories. Sheesh, wonder how I got here, huh? Of course the days of eating the whole batch at 6500 calories would not have helped that either.)

If you are set on a recipe for sugar free chocolate chip cookies, I do have some experience with that. (Been a recipe developer for 16 you can guess how much fun this lifestyle change decision has been! Which if I keep with it and don't try my hand at Bariatric recipes, the above tactic is the only way I could possibly handle the situation. Maybe I do have the self control - but why risk it? And even then I am taking at least a 6 month hiatus from any work that would require unhealthy testing - even a bite or two.) Straight Stevia/Truvia will not work as it does not have the bulk or browning ability of sugar. Plain Splenda, even with sugar free molasses syrup never worked well for me either. Got a passable cookie with all Splenda and a little bit of molasses along with a bit of extra color, caramel coloring for a brown cooking, but it was a drastically different cookie - still chocolate chip...but...not the same.

The cookie recipe on the Splenda website - assuming it is this one - - uses a bunch of regular sugar in it for just that reason. The one cup of Brown Sugar Blend has 960 calories (48 teaspoons in a cup, 10 calories per 1/2 teaspoon). Each cookie (recipe makes 30) and has 210 calories, 11g of fat, 7g saturated fat, 24g  carbs, and 2g protein. If you sub a sugar free chocolate for the regular chips it will save calories and carbs as well.

One regular Nestle Tollhouse ( cookie (60 per batch) has 114 calories, 6.6g of fat, 3g saturated fat, 12.8g  carbs, and 3.4g protein. So about half the calories of the Splenda ones.

Good luck, and don't forget to add it to your daily counts and adjust the rest of your day accordingly.

Hope that gives you more information even if it does not help very much!
Weight loss includes 57.7 pounds before surgery. Not weighing until 2 weeks after surgery.
Anna M.
on 6/20/11 5:13 am - Manchester, NH
Great information. Thank you very much.

"Not a craving lecture - but more that one bite of something awesome you love is worth a lot more than a whole cookie that will not taste as good."

Now I wasn't sure if taking a bite of a regular cookie was ok. My husband asked me the same thing. He said what if I had a cookie and gave you a bite. I thought trying to find a lower sugar and/or carb recipe would be the "right thing."

I'm probably going to steer away from the cookies and just go for some protein ice cream with NSA chocolate chips. I think that will have the same effect for me as eating a cookie.

* Starting weight: 383 * Day of Surgery: 363 * Ticker includes weight lost pre-op *
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 6/20/11 7:58 am - OH
Personally -- and keep in mind that I am almost 4 years out NOT just a few weeks out -- I much prefer having a single bite of a really good tasting cookie or dessert than having more of a second-rate "sugar free" cookie or dessert.  

I really believe with every fiber of my being, though, that six weeks out is WAY too early to be exercising options even for lower sugar or other "substitute" items.  I have never met someone who has said "I wish I had started eating cookies in moderation earlier after surgery", but have met plenty of people who have said that they wished they had been more disciplined during that first year.

You WILL be able to have the occasional cookie again, but so early out really is NOT the time.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 6/20/11 5:20 am - NY
Looking at all the replies I wonder if any of us have learned anything - we did not get obese by being able to eat anything in moderation.  I am 9 months out and am constantly trying to fool myself into thinking I can eat a little bit of something.  If I buy the 100 calorie pack of almonds I end up eating the whole box, I eat my grandaughters choc chip cookies even though they taste like cardboard - I have reached the point where I am walking in my sleep to obtain food - I call it "my walk of shame"  I did not go thru this surgery to end up right back where I started and I find it very frustrating every day to still be fighting this war with food!
on 6/20/11 5:24 am
OMG!!! Chocolate anything is my enemy. Just like you I was craving something sweet. I figured I would just try something. My nutrionist told me not to limit myslef to anything but don't go back to my old eating habits. She said moderation is the key.

Well I ate the cookie and it was the worst thing I could have done. I dumped for about an hour. I felt so miserable. I can't even eat a donut without dumping. I love ice tea, Im forced to drink it without any sweetner. I dumped using splenda in my ice tea.

I would say learn the hard way.LOL that's what I did. No, for real, you need to know what foods you can tolerate and which you can't. I'm glad that I can't tolerate the sweet stuff, but its just as hard trying to control your hunger and not eat too much of the good stuff. I don't think trying one cookie will totally throw you off focus. GO AHEAD HAVE YOUR COOKIE!
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