I'm A Mess!! HELP plz

V K.
on 7/14/11 5:07 am - Trenton, MO
I was 1 yr post surgery in Feb.
Over the winter months, and lack on my half, I have gained back about 15-20 lbs.
Now, I am to the stages of "I don't care anymore!"
I cant let myself get back into old habits - although they are VERY easy to get back into.
I have started exercising again - and trying to be consistant about it.
Any ideas on how to get back on track, what to eat?!
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
And please tell me that I am not the only person that battles this problem?!


I know that I havent stretched my stomach out to what it was... and understanding that I am over a yr out, I am able to eat more... I just wish I wasnt able to eat anything at all. And unfortunatly, nothing seems to make me sick/dump. Nothing!

on 7/14/11 5:55 am
Oh god, you're not alone. I'm not that far out so don't speak from experience, but all of my reading in this forum and the lit I've gone through says that some bounceback weight is not just common, it is the norm.

Don't get back to the don't care place. You don't need us to tell you what to do... you have all the training and education that we have, and you have the skills at your disposal.

Eat lean protein forward, in 5-6 small meals per day, control your portion sizes, cut out refined carbs, eat your food at a table - and with mindful attention. Eat slowly, chew thoroughly, really taste what you're intaking, don't drink for 30-60 mins after meals, journal everything you eat to help identify when where and how much of the off plan stuff is sneaking in.

The same stuff that took off the weight in the first place are the skills that will hold you strong. You just have to build the habit again.
Starting BMI 69 w comorbidities | 55 of the weight lost above was pre-op.    
on 7/14/11 6:16 am
I was a year in January, so I know where you are coming from!  I have this same 10 lbs that keeps coming back...I refuse to let it stay!  I started the Couch to 5K running program a couple of months ago, life keeps getting in the way, so I am not as far along in that as I should be, but it certainly helps.  I also try to be more mindful both of my food choices and portion sizes.  I don't have any problem with the protien first, because I eat mostly protien anyway, what I have to make sure of is I get my veggies in.  Also be sure you are drinking 80-100 oz of water/day and getting in all your vitamins. 

oh yeah, and the sweets are a huge battle, I only made it 3 days this week before that darn candy jar got me...dang it!  Also, my company has "recharge Wednesdays" where they serve some evil snack...yesterday was banana splits and yes, I had one.  I went home and made protein icecream for the first time, so next week, I plan to bring that with some SF choc syrup and make my own healthier version while my co-workers have the evil one! (how do you type an evil laugh????.....Muahahahahaha!?)
on 7/14/11 1:05 pm
 Hi-sorry for your feelings-maybe you should just take a step back and think about this journey you have been on-please try to stay positive-remember the basics-Hugs to you
on 7/14/11 1:31 pm - St. George, UT
I really understand. In suggest that you talk to a therapist And develop an action plan like you had when you first had your surgery. Track your foods and fluids, focus on eating healthy, and start getting in some exercise. Don't drink with meals and avoid junk food. You must care some or you wouldn't post.
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