Out of control

on 7/15/11 9:36 am - Austin, TX
I quit smoking (again). Now, my eating is running away from me. For the first time since the surgery, i feel out of control of my eating. I think i'd been doing really well.

Help me get back on track! You can yell. Has anyone else had a week of disaster?

on 7/15/11 10:16 am
 I first of all would never yell at you because quiting smoking is one of the hardest things to achieve.  Congratulations for every day you can go without a smoke.
I would probably get back to the basics.  You are probably feeling the urge to have something in your mouth.  Some people have tried chewing on straws or ice or anything to keep your mouth busy until the smoking urge goes away.  I didnt pay attention to how far out you are but I were in your shoes I would increase some snacks with vegetables to satisfy the chewing urge.  Good luck. 
on 7/15/11 10:19 am - NY
Don't beat yourself up.  I just had surgery so I am not sure how good my advice is, but I quit smoking about ten months ago.  I felt so out of control.  I wanted to smoke and when I couldn't, I ate.  I was pre-op and could not gain weight.  So I lived off sugar free werther's originals, sugar free root beer barrels and blow pops.  Anything I could suck on.  It actually helped.  Eventually, once the evil nic withdrawals pass, you'll be fine.  Quiting is a big step and you need to be kind to yourself.  I commend you for kicking the habit.  Best of luck!

pregnancy calendar

on 7/15/11 11:30 am - Fayetteville, NC
Not gunna yell at you. May seem I do that to people sometimes but I don't. Get something crunchy and no**** crunchy veggies are best. GO for a walk when you feel that urge. DO ANYTHING to delay lighting up. If it is a day you can not walk due to say weather then pick SOMETHING in your dweeling that has really been bothering you and tackle it. Do I make it sound easy? Cuz it isn't I have been quit since April and I do not care who says it gets easier, they r full of it. Because that craving is ALWAYS there. I have went and bought some straws at the dollar store and cut them in half and I will chew one of those things until it looks like I dont know what.
As a single person we make but a whisper, as a crowd we make a roar. A friend.
"I never claimed to be an expert at such matters, but I am an expert at giving my opinion."- My dad
on 7/15/11 11:41 am - LA
I started smoking quit for 6 years and like an ass started up again last year.  Once I started the surgery process, I had to quit again (this time is a whole hell of a lot harder than 6 years ago)  Occasionally I will take a puff or two of my husbands. My surgery is Aug 11th the day before I start my 2 week liquid diet I have to go in for a nicotein test.  (I took maybe 3-4 puffs in begininning of June, so I should pass it)  But I found since I know I have to take this test, I want that few puffs more.  I am sitting home (now I have quit since FEB) wishing they had a cigarette flavored gum without the nicotein in it, isnt that crazy.  Because if I am not smoking I want to eat.


on 7/15/11 11:01 pm - maryland, NY
I'm not a smoker, never have been. But I eat for emotion, or I should say I have in the past. The RNY makes it difficult to emotionally eat what my comfort foods are, as they all make me dump. So here is what I do... It is against my surgeon's rules... I chew gum. Sugar free gum. And I'm diligent that I do NOT swallow the gum. It helps those days.

Distraction therapy is another great therapy. I spend time on the pc (where I don't allow food), or cleaning. Busy hands don't find time to eat.

The third one is one I do also. Nighttime eating was another issue for me. I do not allow myself to eat in my room. It's a food free zone. So i go to my room, and read, watch tv or pray. Knowing there is no food there or allowed there, helps.

Those are some of my tools. I hope they help you.

Hugs! Congrats on quitting again.


Lapbanded 9-16-08 revision from Lapband to RNY on January 11, 2011
HW 273/ 1st surgery 243/Lapband removed 260/ Current 172/ Goal weight 169


Kim H.
on 7/16/11 12:03 am - VA
RNY on 07/11/11 with
This may sound a little crazy but when I quit smoking I would take deep breaths and then hold it until my chest burned. The burning felt like smoking plus gave me the same slight head rush. I know- it does sound crazy! Also, remember that you are more than your mouth...what I mean is that I always get stuck on that obsession...try to focus on the other 99.9% of who you are. That helps me to also take the power away from the food obsession. Good luck and remember you can do this and this is only temporary!
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