Am I alone?

on 10/8/11 1:54 pm - OH
Every shake that is 100% whey isolate has all the amino acids.  Amino acids are what protein is made of. 

Yeah, you have to get the Celebrate ENS online.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 10/7/11 9:16 am
Hey there.  I had my surgery on 8/31/11.  I too have had ZERO appetite at all.  Unlike you, I find it hard to eat ANYTHING.  Nothing has caused me to dump..but I vomit daily.  I , too have the foamy saliva...from the first bite I take it starts.  I end up spitting and trying to eat. much for my good manners!

One thing I have found that seems to help some for me....if I just give up and DON'T eat...the foamies are worse the next time I try.  It's like my pouch gets accustomed to being empty..but if I can force a few teaspoons of ANYTHING (yeah, yeah...I know the drill about protien but when you're consuming less than 300 or 400 calories a day anything I can handle is better than nothing) will help the pouch.

Try to gauge if it is worse when you are totally empty...(mine was.)

Know you are not alone.  I swear, I wonder if I will ever be normal again.  I almost cried the other night when it was my husband's birthday and I couldn't make it at the table for 15 minutes before I was in the bathroom "spitting up."

Hang in there.  Please know you're not alone.  I can vouch for the never hungry club...IT'S REAL.

Surgery date 8/31/2011 Starting Weight 278/ Surgery Weight 262 Current Weight 178
Goal Wht 165.....ONEDERLAND REACHED 1-27-12

~Women who behave themselves rarely make history~  
on 10/7/11 9:39 am - NJ
Wow this speaks volumes to me. You are probably the closest person I've seen that's going through almost the exact same things as I'm experiencing. It's very frustrating. But one thing that keeps me from breaking down is I am losing a consistent amount of weight. Thank you for your comment. 
on 10/7/11 12:03 pm
You are more than welcome.  I agree 100% with you.  If I wasn't losing weight I'd be furious.  I'm going to be at my 1/2 way point very soon.  I have averaged almost 6 lbs a week since surgery day.

We'll get there buddy...and hopefully we won't have drowned in the foamies before then!
Surgery date 8/31/2011 Starting Weight 278/ Surgery Weight 262 Current Weight 178
Goal Wht 165.....ONEDERLAND REACHED 1-27-12

~Women who behave themselves rarely make history~  
on 10/7/11 9:22 am
it took a solid year for my hunger to come back..but now it is back so enjoy it while it last. I love nectar sweets for protein drinks..they go down nice and don't leave a funky after wondering if you are getting the foamies from eating too much if you can eat without pain..I know I could eat more very early out then I could 2 months later due to nerves not working right at first very well..also might be because you are hungry..If I were you, be sure to eat/drink protein every 2-3 hours in very small amounts..and please boost your protein considerably..I shoot for 80 grams a day and I am 125 need more protein
HW: 260? SW: 242 Surgeons GW: 150 First GW: 140 Second GW: 130 CW: 122      
on 10/7/11 9:44 am - NJ
I found early on through various food experiments that every food goes down no problem. The problem is I'm never hungry so it could be a side effect of not eating enough. I'm definantly going to increase my protein intake through all of these great suggestions I'm receiving. Thank you. 
on 10/7/11 9:50 am - CA
I'm 4 months out and am just transitioning from "forcing" myself to eat to just "reminding" myself to eat. There's a big difference and I am enjoying this side of things much better. When I was miserable and had to force myself, I wished to have my appetite back. this phase is much more comfortable and I am honestly afraid of the time when my appetite truly returns. I hope this phase lasts a while...

About the saliva, are you on a proton pump inhibitor (an antacid like prilosec or protonix?) If not, you may want to consider asking about one. If so, you may want to try a different brand or twice a day. It may make a difference. My sweet spot is protonix 2 x day. I went through a few doses/brands to find the right treatment. No more nausea, no more acid feeling in my tummy.
Don 1962
on 10/7/11 11:05 am

Figure you'll get plenty of answers so not going to answer your question but invite you to come check out the Men's forum on OH.

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

Samantha L.
on 10/7/11 12:30 pm - Petaluma, CA
I am 15 months out and I still don't get hungry very often.  Most of the time I remember to eat because it's time for people around me to eat. 
 I don't know about the saliva.. I'm sorry.. that must be awful!  Constantly sipping something might help?  (the constant swallowing would also get rid of the saliva before it could build up?).
  Protein:  I have ALWAYS had trouble getting in enough protein.  (especially with no appetite).   I have started adding small amounts of protein to just about everything I drink.. I found these protein bars at Walmart that I like quite a bit.  I THINK they are called Pure Protein.  The flavor is Peanut Butter and Chocolate.  Only 2g of sugar (6g of sugar alcohol) and 20g of protein.. 200 calories.   Protein shakes.. I HATED them.  I have finally found a few different things that help.  Kelly suggested drinking protein drinks out of a cup with a lid (like a travel coffee cup) so that you can't SMELL the protein.  That helped me.  Then, with much experimentation, I found a few recipes that I actually ENJOY. 
  Good luck to you and welcome to the board! 

on 10/7/11 1:03 pm
For the saliva try drinking hot liquids, decaf coffee, decaf tea, SF hot cocoa, etc.  I read this tip on this website and it works for me.

Good Luck!



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