delicious, delicious food.......

on 10/11/11 11:02 am - MN
So I wanted actual food today, not the soups, or beans, or other mushy food I've been having. I think I hit a minor breaking point. Lol dad treated me to subway today. I considered the menu very carefully and decided that the meatball would go down the easiest. I ordered a six inch but the girl was new so she gave me a footlong instead. I piled on my usual toppings, little lettuce, pickles, banana peppers, and southwest chipotle sauce. I got home and had the innards(one meatball,pickle, little sauce.) SO GOOD!!!!! And I have more than enough to last me. Lol

Well tomorrow ill go back to the healthy foods.
Monique A.
on 10/11/11 11:07 am
Tomorrow is always another day. I would be afraid of dumping on the meatball sub as it has 22 grams of fat and 69 carbs. Hopefully, that fear will keep me away from them for a while. :)
on 10/11/11 11:08 am - MN
I didn't eat the bread so that cut it back a bit.
Samantha L.
on 10/11/11 11:15 am - Petaluma, CA
 Right after surgery, I would go to the Subway and they would sell me a little bowl of meatballs for $1.  It had like 4 or 5.  Then I would take them home and mash up one meatball and eat that.  YUMMY!!

Yay for food!

on 10/11/11 11:16 am - MN
Oh Yum! I wonder if mine will do that......hmmm......
Nell R.
on 10/11/11 11:19 am - Hewitt, TX
Also when you are able to eat salad, they will make any sandwich into a salad, so you don't have to waste the bread.


on 10/11/11 11:20 am - MN
Meatball salad? lol
on 10/11/11 11:28 am - FL
Ground Beef and ground turkey are not friends of my pouch sucks

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on 10/11/11 11:55 am - MN
That does suck, I got ill affects from food so far.
on 10/11/11 12:02 pm - MN
 i made the best meatballs the other day with beef and turkey..the beef is a bit juicy and the turkey is dry so it made a perfect match..added some egg, onion, bread crumbs and made them into balls and cooked them inthe oven then later i added them to beef gravy and cooked them and oh they are good and one meatball per meal works for me.  I have had NO problems with any meats.  KNOCK ON WOOD.  sugar free chocolate in milk gets to my pouch sometimes though.

Laurie says:  Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind  ~~~ dr. suess

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