do doctors or nurses get RNY for themselves for their family?

Danielle Phinney
on 2/20/12 3:28 am, edited 2/20/12 3:34 am
RNY on 01/30/18
 I'm know I'm making myself INSANEEE right now by reading and reading and i really have no idea if i should still get the surgery.. I'm 27 i have a 2 year old son & my bmi is 41. i know soo many people are healthy after wards but again, I'm scared long term.. i just keep thinking maybe i can do it alone. but i haven't been able to before and what makes this different? and what if i loose a ton of weight just to gain it back..? Ive never really lost weight besides once and i gained much more back after that :-/ i was wondering if anyone is or knows any doctors or nurses that got RNY for themselves or their recommend it for their family.. i just keep wondering what will happen when I'm like 40-50 or 60.. all those years later. i know there will be more medical help and discoveries as i go but what if they fond out the lifespan is like 15 yrs from surgery..? ill leave a teenage behind and ill only be 43! should i wait longer, try again to loose the weight.. i really wish i never started reading!  a week or 2 ago i was so excited for summer, and all the new things i could do with my son having less weight and much more energy!! now i dint know if i even want to risk it.. i really just need to hear from people who have had RNY 10+ years ago.. also should i be a hypochondriac after lol? i never go to the er or doctors now, should i rush there for everything after?? and what about having another baby? i might want another one in a year or 2..? too many thoughts are rushing through my head now that i didnt even think of before
Lady Lithia
on 2/20/12 3:33 am
My PCP while always being a very slender athletic man, had a wife, and five other members of his extended family get RNY... all from the same surgeon... my surgeon.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

Danielle Phinney
on 2/20/12 3:35 am
RNY on 01/30/18
thank you,  im sure its my brain playinjg tricks on me lol but i was starting to wonder if they would ever reccomend something so scary to their families :-/
on 2/20/12 3:35 am - Bessemer City, NC
My only regret with RNY is that I didn't do it sooner... I am 36 years old... I can't tell you what to do... only you can decide if it's right for you... I spent years researching, planning, and backing out... and now here I am 124lbs down in 10 months and able to do things I wish I could've done when my kiddos where younger... for me it was the right decision... I will worry about my 40s, 50s, and so on when it's here... but now I feel like I'm in favor of reaching those times... good luck with whatever path you choose to take :)
on 2/20/12 3:39 am
There are a lot of nurses and at least MD who is on this board who will answer in the affirmative. I personally know or know of more than one doc who had the surgery. They all went for the RNY except for the one who had a history of diverticulitis. For her they thought it best she get the sleeve.
The "Big Medicine" series about WLS? The Drs. Davis sister had the surgery, too and has been known to post here.

When you are 40-50-60? I had a heart attack last yaar. I have diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension, and I can't remember what else. I managed to lose 70 pounds on my own and keep it off for over 5 years but stalled big time so I'm hoping to have surgery. 95% of all dieters who lose weight gain it back a lot sooner than 5 years.

Like my bariatrician has been telling me for years, surgery is the best way, the only way, to take off massive amounts of weight and keep it off. It is the only thing that can help the diabetes.

Watch the other answers. Most of them are going to say the one thing they would do different is they wished they did it sooner.
on 2/20/12 3:40 am - Collierville, TN
 I am a nurse practitioner and I wish I had gotten mine sooner.  I know of at least 10 nurses and a few Doc's that has had WLS and that is not including this board.  I cant answer the long term question, becuase I am only 8 months out.


Lots of 5K's, 10K's., 4 1/2 Marathons, 3 Sprint Triathlon done. 2 Olympics and my  First IRONMAN 70.3 September 2013 and First Full Marathon Dec 2013  !!!!!

My blog-


Danielle Phinney
on 2/20/12 3:45 am
RNY on 01/30/18
 thank you all so much :) hearing anything positive helps :)
on 2/20/12 3:55 am - GA

I'm a nurse, 28 years old, and had a BMI of 41 as well. I am only 2 weeks out, but so far so good. I've lost 18#'s, and feel fine eathing solids. Hope this reassures you

on 2/20/12 3:59 am
 The way I look at it, without WLS I might not have even lived to see the ages of 50 or 60 - so I figure I'm ahead, no matter how WLS impacts my life.
 Don't ask me how we lost to Baylor.  I can't figure it Out either!            
on 2/20/12 4:00 am
I am a nurse, 33 yrs old and had RNY. My bff has had RNY 8 yrs ago and my doctor had RNY and he performed it on his daughter also.
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