Thing I am slipping, Hungry all the time

on 2/23/12 1:01 am
I started to do the same thing, and I was hungry ALL the time.
Then I realized I was eating more chips, goldfish, potatoes than I should. I was getting most of my protein, but the carbs were first and they were easy on the pouch. I could eat carbs like a "normal" person, no excessive chewing. It felt nice.
Then my weight slowed, and I've been stalled for a few months.
About 2 weeks ago I cut all that out, cold turkey, and I'm down 5 lbs. I know I need to start to exercise too, but I can only do one thing at a time! LOL.
on 2/23/12 1:05 am
It scared me last night because I eat a whole paper plate of tositoes with sprinkle cheese and salsa and I did feel like I was going to throw up. However when I ate dinner prior a few bites into the protein i was like i am feel if I eat one more bite is going to come back up. I dont like that I can eat carbs without feeling sick

on 2/23/12 1:40 am
I know EXACTLY how you feel.  Another thing that I started doing was S L O W I N G down when I eat.  Because I can eat carbs fast, eating protein was difficult.  You have to chew more and wait before taking your next bite. Often times, that's why I would eat carbs....didn't have the patience to eat proteins.  You almost have to re-train yourself, and that's what I've been doing the last couple weeks.  It's a slow process, but I feel a lot better carb free.
on 2/23/12 1:26 am - IA
I can eat sweets without any side effects. I HATE it, so this is where my inner strength has to come into play. Sometimes I lose that strength and the sweets win. I don't crave it often, maybe once a week but that still bothers me. I have googled how to fight the craving and haven't found anything. One thing I thought about was buying some chocolate almond bark...when I want chocolate, take a little bite of that and then hopefully my mind will always associate that bitter taste with chocolate. I don't know what will help, I just know that I am so discouraged by the fact that I can eat sweets. I can't eat anything greasy so I don't touch it. Wi**** was the same with the chocolate. I like Nik's suggestion/reminder to always do protien first. My weight has stalled for over a month now. I have changed my exercise routine and am going to just really follow all of the instructions given to me by my surgeon. If I don't use this tool I was given, I am going to fail and I need to follow all of the instructions, not just some of them. Physically I feel so much better and I have to remember that feeling this good isn't worth a piece of candy or a cupcake or whatever it may be. I hope you can get a grasp on things. You went through some major changes. Not only the surgery, but moving, less income, no support. It's all going to play into this. I never thought I was an emotional eater until after the surgery...that's when I found out I could eat sweets. Still ****** me off. I have learned to handle my emotions differently tho. I will work on a scrapbook with pics of my kids and that always makes me smile, takes my mind off of things and keeps me busy. Sorry, I'm rambling, I tend to do that a lot. Good luck!
on 2/23/12 3:18 am
I have missed carbs so I tried crackers and they came up. Was happy about that but later tried chips and not the came result. I ate my first piece of bread yesterday and it was good. I feel like I am hungry more than I should be honey moon wore off to fast. Good luck let us know how your support group goes.
on 2/23/12 8:07 am
 See more protein if you are hungry not chips or bread.


on 2/23/12 8:05 am
 Guess what? You've learned the secret to regain at 4 months! Yup..simple carbs like can eat those things all day long. You can graze and graze. Right now you are malabsorbing so much that it's probably not really causing big regains yet. Add drinking with your meals and you really can graze!

Seriously..this is a big deal. How this surgery works is by restriction and about 18 months of malabsorption. You are in the honeymoon phase. Please don't waste it on carbs. Get them out of your house and your world. Tell yourself.."I can eat all the protein I want" or "I am getting enough food"..or "I am worthy of success"

Eating protein will fill you up. Also protein and fats are malabsorbed. Those carbs start digesting the MINUTE they enter your mouth. You are effectively bypassing your bypass.

Deb T.


on 2/23/12 11:16 am
I am 2 months out and from the get go my NUT told me it was okay to eat things like an english muffin, saltine crackers, toast etc. However I know these are carbs. I am confused and I get so discouraged because I don't feel like I have a good knowlege of what to eat and not to eat. What are some examples of good complex carbs that we can be having? At 2 months out what should my meals be looking like? So far I have not had any soda or sweets and I have never dumped of felt ill while eatting or after eatting. Please help me as I feel like I am drowing as well..
on 2/23/12 12:45 pm - FL
as folks pretty much fresh out of surgery the last thing in our mouths should be white bread, rice, pasta, potatoes (other than in the mushy stage some docs do mashed potatoes). 
  I wasn't allowed even whole wheat bread rice or pasta until 6mths out.
 Complex carbs are found in veggies - broccoli, etc. You can usually google foods with complex carbs and get a great list of vegetables and berries.
 Every meal should have a 2oz protein source at minimum. then any residual "hunger" should be filled with the complex carb vegetables.

                              HW 353 SW 317 Original GW 180  Current Wt  170 
                               First 5k 59:18; 5k PR 32:06;  1st 10k 1:20:27; PR 1:08:36
                                                    1st Half Marathon 2:48

                                        Pensacola Double Bridge Run 15k- 1:47:34
                                                  Three Sprint Triathlons

on 2/23/12 8:04 pm - Baltimore, MD
Love everything you said HOWEVER, complex carbs also include whole grain starches. If a bread product is whole grain (per the ingredients list) that would also be considered a complex carb. Quinoa is a complex carb. Barley, bulghur, brown rice...these are also complex carbs, not just veggies.

I know you were trying to sway away from the starches but fact is there are starches that are complex carbs as well.

RNY Gastric Bypass 1-8-08 350/327/200 (HW/SW/CW). I spend most of my time playing with my food over at Bariatric Foodie - check me out!

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