The Lady Time...

on 3/7/12 9:08 pm
RNY on 01/03/12 with
 So, it seems to be that time. And for the first time since surgery, my cramps are back. And dear god they're rough this time. Before surgery, I would take 3-4 ibuprophen 4-6 hours apart. Sounds like a lot, but for my family, that's about average. The cramps are SEVERE. Like curling over, not really able to sit at my desk at work bad. 

Now for my question. I know we can't have any NSAIDS after surgery, that includes aspirin, ibuprophen, etc. Tylenol is really the only thing we can take, OTC. But tylenol might as well be a skittle to me, it has absolutely no effect on the cramps. Is there something else that may help? I know the ibuprophen worked because it actually works on the muscle causing the pain, and calms it down. Tylenol doesn't do that. 

Ugh, just hurts and sucks and aghhhhh.

Being a girl is the worst. 
on 3/7/12 9:17 pm - Gaylord, MN
I don't know of anything over the counter that will help but a conversation with your doctor might be in order.  I don't know if it would help but a discussion about a muscle relaxant might be an idea?  In the meantime a heating pad might be your best friend right now.

on 3/7/12 11:55 pm
I was in the exact same boat - I'm three weeks post op - and had my first period after surgery last week. Good LORD, I was buckling from the pain, it was awful. Called my surgeon *****ferred me to my primary care. She ordered an external and internal (OUCH) ultrasound. They found fibroids. I'm waiting on a GYN appt now. The only advice I have is the heating pad and warm liquids and prayer.
on 3/8/12 1:52 am - MA
I'm so bad I still use my midol!!! NEED to . It seems after this surgery and the weight loss they have intensified! It might be my
on 3/8/12 1:55 am
RNY on 01/03/12 with
 Just so you know... midol is just ibuprophen and a mild diuretic. Not really worth it, and I don't want to take a chance with NSAIDS with the surgery. 

If you're going to take midol, go for regular ibuprophen, save yourself money. 

(but don't take it, because it's an NSAID) 
on 3/8/12 8:38 am - At Home in, NH
Actually there is a formulation of Midol that is acetamenaphin based. It has the tylenol, the caffeine, and one other unpronounceable drug. Between the microwaveable bed buddy and the Midol, my cranky menstrual cycle is somewhat tamed. Meaning I don't wanna go dance a jig, but I can deal...

"Just keep swimming." ~ Dorrie

on 3/8/12 8:42 am
hang in there! I know my first few periods after surgery where alwful, but it has gotten better. I thought the same thing as you, that Tylonal was useles, but now it works. I don't know if it was a weight thing or what. And also for the first few months I did take a muscle relaxant and it worked wonders.
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