No drinking for 30 minutes before you eat

on 4/24/12 2:25 am

All this talk on the boards about the 5 day pouch test got me wondering what the program is.
I looked it up, and one of the rules is no drinking 1/2 hour before eating.
While I know tha****er just flows thru your pouch, and there's no real why you can't drink right before you eat......her reason was that protein sticks better to a dry pouch. Empties slower, and makes you feel full longer.
Anyone agree? Disagree?
on 4/24/12 2:32 am - OH
But your pouch is not dry, even if you have not had a drink in an hour.  Your pouch is lined with mucus.  Yeah, like snot.  It's wet and slimy.  It produces various gastric juices.  And yeah, it produces more juices when you are eating, but it's pretty juicy all the time.  If your pouch is ever really dry, you have a serious problem.  Like perhaps you are so dehydrated that you are close to dying.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Kim S.
on 4/24/12 4:59 am - Helena, AL
Kelly, I love you!
on 4/24/12 2:32 am
well my surgeon suggests to stop drinking half hr before you eat and restart 1 to 2 hrs after im like holy crap i dont think i can do that so what i do is drin****il about 10 min before but if i need to drink little tiny sips during my meal to keep my mouth and sometimes dry food moist.
on 4/24/12 2:37 am, edited 4/24/12 2:40 am
I think you would be surprised at how tiny little sips can push food through too quickly.

Eating and drinking at the same time is a big no-no.

...and what are you eating that is sooooooooo dry that you have to take sips? Sand?


on 4/24/12 2:38 am - OH
If you stopped drinking half an hour before eating, took half an hour to eat, and then waiting just one hour after eating before drinking, that would mean two hours for each meal you could not drink.  Depending on how many times you eat in a day, it would get pretty hard to get all your liquids in.  I eat six times a day and that would mean there were 12 hours I could not drink.  If I was lucky enough to sleep eight hours at night, I would only have four hours in which to get my 64 ounces of liquid in.  If I was going to wait two hours after meals to drink, I would be forced to sleep less than six hours per night if I wanted to take a single drink.

I often seems to me that surgeons don't do the math when they make these recommendations.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 4/24/12 2:45 am - FL
RNY on 02/20/12
On April 24, 2012 at 9:38 AM Pacific Time, poet_kelly wrote:
If you stopped drinking half an hour before eating, took half an hour to eat, and then waiting just one hour after eating before drinking, that would mean two hours for each meal you could not drink.  Depending on how many times you eat in a day, it would get pretty hard to get all your liquids in.  I eat six times a day and that would mean there were 12 hours I could not drink.  If I was lucky enough to sleep eight hours at night, I would only have four hours in which to get my 64 ounces of liquid in.  If I was going to wait two hours after meals to drink, I would be forced to sleep less than six hours per night if I wanted to take a single drink.

I often seems to me that surgeons don't do the math when they make these recommendations.
I agree with Kelly. It would be pretty hard to get the recommended fluids in if you followed that guideline (depending on how fast you can physically drink.)  I don't stop 30 minutes prior either. I drink up until I eat and then wait 30-45 minutes after my meal to drink. I would absolutely not be able to get 64oz+ of liquids in a day if I did stop 30 minutes prior. 
on 4/24/12 2:53 am - OH
RNY on 04/11/12
I also agree, I drink up till I eat, then about 35 min after I eat
on 4/24/12 2:49 am, edited 4/24/12 2:51 am
My guidelines are to stop drinking 30 mins before, and 30 mins after I eat.

I think waiting 30 mins or more after you eat is more important.

It was difficult at first. I drink 2 cups before breakfast, two after breakfast, two after lunch and then the last two in the evening.

I should also add I'm 19 months out. I was only drinking about 6 on average the first year.


on 4/24/12 2:59 am
My surgeon doesn't have a "rule" about drinking before you eat.
So I drink right up until then.
But I saw this reason and wondered if it had any truth to it.
Oh well...
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