shouldn't I feel hungry by now?

on 12/22/14 10:57 pm

ok so I'm 6 days post op today, haven't had a thing to eat in 8 days and yet I'm not hungry. I've been living on skim milk, water, and unsweetened tea since I can't handle the protein shakes.  Shouldn't I be hungry??? I figure I'm getting anywhere from 24-32 oz of protein a day with the skim milk. I see the doc on Friday.


on 12/22/14 11:09 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

not necessarily. Your body is burning the fat you have stored,for energy and the liquids are keeping you from feeling hungry. I would be glad if I was you,lol.




on 12/22/14 11:26 pm

I'm not sure how to feel LOL  I didn't get a manual on this and every question I asked, the answer was "everyone is different" LOL  But honestly shouldn't I be pooping??? I know I'm not getting solids, but even babies who are on strictly breast milk or formula poop.  I don't feel like I need to, or constipated or anything.  


on 12/22/14 11:31 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

yes, you should be pooping. Ppl say "liquids in liquids out" not true. Anything but formed stool is abnormal even for us. If. You haven't pooped since surgery get some generic MirLax and take that till. You do. Poop. It is safe to use every day and not habit forming. Many have trouble forever with constipation,I am one, and need a bowel program for the get go. 




on 12/22/14 11:32 pm

thank you , I thought so , but ??? 


on 12/23/14 8:23 am

You better start taking milk of magnesia or something. Let me tell you I thought because I was drinking liquids that that was why I wasn't pooping..... Girl wrong answer.  I was so constipated I felt like I was in labor.  It was the worst pain in the world...... I felt like I needed an epideral. lol Seriously you do not want to go through that.... Trust me. It was so bad I almost went to ER.  My nurse said that if you go two days in a roll not pooping to take milk of magnesia.  I take a little every night just so I never go through that again.  It doesn't give me cramps and it doesn't give you diarrhea


on 12/23/14 9:15 am

I bought some Milk of Mag. took a dose at 1pm, NOTHING, took another dose around 6 and wow... so VICTORY! I pooped AND I was able to get down a protein shake today. Tomorrow my goal is 2 shakes ! 


on 12/22/14 11:25 pm - Rochester, NY
RNY on 01/21/13

Most people don't feel honest-to-goodness belly hunger for many weeks or months.  Some never get it back, or never get it back the same way.  What you're (not) feeling is completely normal.

You are NOT getting 24 - 32 oz of protein a day, which is equivalent to at least 60 cups of milk.  If you are drinking 24 - 32 fluid ounces of milk then you're only getting 30 - 40 g of protein (assuming it's whole milk).  What do you mean you "can't handle" protein shakes?  You really need adequate protein in order to heal.

on 12/22/14 11:30 pm

oh sorry I didn't mean to put that I was getting that many OUNCES of protein, I meant grams, Doc told me 8 oz of SKIM milk is 8 grams of protein and I'm getting 3 -4 cups in a day so 24-32 oz of skim milk. I can't drink the protein shakes, I get it in my mouth and gag before I can even swallow. I've tried several different kinds and flavors and even added blended bananas and strawberries (doc approved) and I still can't do it. I keep trying but keep failing. I was a gagger before and I guess that hasn't changed. Some people can tolerate anything, I can not.


on 12/22/14 11:38 pm - Rochester, NY
RNY on 01/21/13

This is going to come across as a little unsympathetic and I'm sorry for that but nobody likes protein shakes -- but you gotta take your medicine.  Plug your nose if you have to so you can't taste.  :)

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