Fall 2011 Super Secret Clubhouse!

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NSVs...Please Post Yours...

on 10/17/11 9:54 am
I hit 50 pounds lost this past weekend!  Ok that is a scale victory, but I'm so freakin' thrilled...

Now the NSV - I went shopping this weekend for some much needed jeans (and b-day present); tried on the 18W (was 24W at surgery)- well, they were too big and had to get 16W (I know break my little heart ), the 1x shirt was a tent...so guess what?  I hit the Misses department!  Haven't been there in two years :-)  I missed it so much...and the shirt actually actually fit! (L Shirt)...

Please post your NSVs (Non-Scale Victorys), however big or small...
       Lap-Band 4.11.08                                     RNY Revision 8.1.11
       HW 276/ SW 259/ LW 219                       HW 283/ CW 218
on 10/17/11 8:27 pm
 Sounds like a great day!!  Enjoy your sucesses with a big smile :)  Can't wait to be there with you!!

on 10/17/11 10:00 pm
so happy for you!!!  scale victories are great too!  funny how you automatically reached for a size that was too big, my friend does that too, she is 18m out an she holds up things in her size and cant figure out how they will fit,  takes a whiel to catch up!! hope you had  alittle fun shopping!

Support Group for Fall 2011 WLS! Please come and join!


on 10/18/11 9:32 am
For the first time in a LONG time that I enjoyed shopping!  I usually dread it...I was so excited to try on tops...what's scary is I wore the pants today and by the end of the day they stretched and were a little big...hope I csn get some use out of them! lol...14W - 16M here I come...
on 10/20/11 12:21 am - KY
WHOO HOOO!!! I cannot wait to be there!!!

My NSV-   I am able to eat very little and I am satisfied.  My family around me are eathing grilled cheese and pizza and I am okay with it.  I do not feel as if I am missing out on anything.    Now if my dreams of fast food would catch up with my mindset that would be great.

Surgery Date 10/17/2011
HW:316  SW:298  CW:280

