It is up to me


Happy New Year
January 13, 2009 10:53 am

It has been forever since I really blogged so I thought I had better get my rear in gear for the new year!   I hope everyone had a nice holiday season.   As we anounced before, we have moved our meetings to the First Monday of the month in hopes that the bank can accommodate us and we can accommodate others who have not been able to attend.    If you are a member of our on-line group but do not receive the e-mail updates but would like to, please send me a private message with your e-mail address.

We had a great meeting to start of the year.  Beverly brought her grandson and walked in on her own!!!  WooHoo!   Chris was wearing her new and improved smaller jeans!   Selma brought two guests with her.   We talked about why we come to the meetings, why did we had the surgery and what our commitment was when we had the surgery, how do we reconnect with that commitment to get us back on track.   Sometimes just reconnecting to that commitment can be a big push to continue the effort!

This week I got a big push.   I looked at one of my wedding pictures and busted into tears.   I did not see me in the picture, I saw a very fat woman that I almost did not recognize.  It was like all these years I was ignoring what I was seeing in pictures and in the mirror.   It was like a slap in the face.   That was me...size 32.  I never want to go back there and I am even more motivated to get to my next goal of 10 more pounds to hit 100.   At that point I will be about a size 16/18....WoW!   It reminds me that this journey is about me.   Freeing myself of the chains that held me back...a body too big to do a lot of everyday things, health that was declining rapidly, and just a lower quality of life.   Amazing that we chose to take such a measure but even more amazing is how it works.

So as we start out this new year...recommit....recommit to yourself the changes you are striving for in your life. 

So here is to

Good Health
More Wow moments
Pounds Dripping off
and above all else,..a commitment to yourself to stay focused on your goals!


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