It is up to me


Good Morning
April 20, 2009 9:08 pm
Today I will take control of my life and my food consumption.   My surgery changed my life, forever.  But it did not cure it all.   As I get farther out from my surgery, I am seeing that I have to take it moment by moment.

I once heard a good friend say that he lived life so he did not have to make the same choice day after day.   He would make a choice not to eat a certain food or not to do something detimental to his health and the decision was made, he stood by it and never had to make that choice again.

With weight loss surgery there are some people who will do that same thing.   Make that choice to only eat the food that will help in their weight loss and it is done, the follow the plan as they were instructed by their doctor.   Unfortunately, I believe most of us are not like that.   I did so in the beginning but slowly made choices that did not fall into the right category.

As I still learn about using my tool more than a year out, I know that I am a food it carb addict if you like but I know that I have an unhealthly relationship with most foods.   There are few things that I am doing to deal with this. 

* I have to control what comes into the house, if it is not something I should eat, it needs to be out of my line of  sight.  

* I have to take this moment by moment, paying attention to the choices I make.   Is this what I should be doing, should I be eating this?  I know that I may not always make the right choice and I will allow myself that on occassion but those occassions will be fewer.

*I am establishing a 2 bite rule, it there is something that I want, I can have two bites then it goes in the garbage,   Don't konw about you but I hate to waste money so I will think twice before I buy it in the first place.

* I am walking every day.   For now it is not miles but it is what I can do. I know excersize alone will not make a huge difference.  If I go a hundred steps more today than I did a week ago, I have made a difference for me.  

What decisions are you going to make for your self today to help you become more successful in your journey?

Wishing you success in all you do today,


Our meetings are held the first Monday of the month at 7:00pm at the Community Southern Bank on  S Florida Ave, Lakeland.
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