No quick fix/sometimes depressed but I will survive

Oct 16, 2011

I posted these comments to one of the VSG post but I think I should share them here and elaborate:

I have been having a rough 1 1/2 weeks. Thursday will make one month since surgery and it has really been an ordeal trying to introduce different foods in. A lot of times i just rather not eat at all because you never know how things will turn out.

I haven't vomited yet but I certainly have felt like I needed to! I have definitely had diarrhea episodes but thank God those were just a few. Few or not, you feel like crap and can't wait for it to be over.

All I can say is that the vets all tell me that things will get better further down the road. I hope so because sometimes things can get a little depressing. I just remind myself of how much better I feel and my progress and why I got WLS in the first place and look forward to a brighter day.

I am not regretting surgery but for those that think this is a quick fix IT IS NOT! I am proud of my 33 pound loss (which I pray is higher by my one month weigh in but it is what it is). I can really see why some people have eating disorders after surgery! I am committed to health and I refuse to be sick behind this. I even was loving getting back to exercise--Taebo and Zumba--until I had a minor exercise injury (trying to get healthy can kill, lol).

I do feel strong and energized most days but it is hard to adjust to the slower eating, the different feelings based on what I eat and how fast I eat and constantly trying to meet my protein requirements. I couldn't wait to get to the point where I could eat something; now most days I wish I could just consume all liquids!

It will get better, it just has to. One day I will look back and laugh at these moments and say they were absolutely necessary and worth it for my final results. I will not let fear and defeat take me over. I will count my blessings and just focus on those.

